Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 736 Happy Pulse

Chapter 736 Happy Pulse
"Old doctor, please get up quickly. You see the cold wind and snow falling, no matter how anxious you are, you have to take care of yourself."

"Put on your clothes first, don't get cold later, it's not good to be old!"

Nan Yan hurriedly got up, supported the old doctor and smiled.

"Your Majesty is benevolent, but compared to your empress, what is this old minister's body? This matter also involves the fate of our Great Qin Dynasty. Don't be careless. Let the old minister call for your empress first!"

The imperial doctor stood up, looked at Nan Yan gratefully, then ignored Nan Yan's opinion, grabbed Nan Yan's wrist and began to feel his pulse.

Nan Yan still wanted to refuse, but seeing this, she could only wave her hand and said, "Go and close the door, move the brazier over, and put on the old doctor's fox fur, don't freeze!"

Mei'er and Yu'er heard the words, why did they close the door, brought a brazier, picked up Nanyan's snow-white fox fur, and put it on the old imperial doctor.

The old imperial doctor didn't struggle, he squinted his eyes slightly, and held onto Nan Yan's hand for a long time, but the corners of his mouth were trembling constantly, as if he wanted to confirm again and again.

It took a full half a stick of incense before the old imperial doctor let go of Nan Yan's hand.

Seeing this, Nan Yan immediately asked expectantly: "Old doctor, how are you doing?"

The old imperial doctor's face was full of red, and in an instant, it seemed that all the cold was no longer felt, and the whole person became younger.

He took three steps back, suddenly knelt down on the ground, and shouted loudly: "Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, Ximai... The veteran has repeatedly confirmed that it is Ximai, that's right, it is Ximai, Madam!"

Nan Yan trembled when she heard the words, her small fists were clenched tightly in an instant, and she stood there motionless as if she was stupid.

In fact, at this moment, Nan Yan only felt that her breath was stuck in her chest and throat, which made her feel like she couldn't even move.

This is a manifestation of a person's excitement to the limit, as if a person is so sad that he will be silent, and the principles of both are figured out.

When Nanyan was so excited that she couldn't control herself, Yu'er and Meier's voices of surprise sounded from the side.

"Xi Mai, it's Xi Mai, empress..."

"Great, it's Ximai, Royal Ximai!"

As they said that, the two women quickly knelt down on the ground and congratulated loudly: "Congratulations, Madam, Congratulations, Madam, Great Qin has an empress, and His Majesty the Emperor has an empress!"

Hearing the congratulations from several people, Nanyan clenched her small fist for a while, and finally made a sharp sound.

"Ah...hahaha, Ximai, it's Ximai... I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant. I'm finally pregnant with a dragon seed!"

At this moment, Nan Yan could no longer care about the nobility and elegance of the queen, she only knew that she was finally pregnant and could finally be a mother.

"Quick...quick...tell Your Majesty quickly...rejoice, tell Your Majesty quickly..."

The next moment, Nan Yan pointed at the door and shouted loudly.


Mei'er and Yu'er got up quickly and were about to run outside.

"Wait a minute, let me go, let me tell His Majesty personally!"

Suddenly, Nan Yan stopped the two maids, blushing, trembling with excitement, and trotted away towards the outside.

When I walked to the door, I tripped over the threshold and almost fell.

Mei'er and Yu'er were taken aback, they hurried forward to support Nan Yan, and shouted: "Your Majesty, be careful, don't make any mistakes!"

Nan Yan broke free from the support of the two women, and said: "It's okay, it's a good thing, a high threshold is a good thing, a good thing. Don't stop me, I want to see Your Majesty, immediately, immediately..."

As she said that, she had rushed to the gate of Tianchi Palace.

Mei'er and Yu'er looked at each other with a look of excitement in their eyes.

The queen is pregnant, which is a great joy. Under the great joy, they, who are servants, can also follow suit.

"What are you two still standing in a daze for? The empress is pregnant, so be careful and wait on her. Hurry up and protect the empress, otherwise, you can't afford anything to happen!"

This is, in the bedroom, the old imperial doctor came out, stared at the two women and said.

The two girls came to their senses, exclaimed, and hurriedly shouted: "Your Majesty, wait for your servant!"

Immediately afterwards, the two girls also hurriedly chased after her.

Seeing this, the old imperial doctor shook his head and smiled, and hurriedly followed.

Nan Yan flew all the way back to Jingquan Palace, broke into the emperor's imperial study, and pushed open the door of the study without being polite.

At the side, the guards knelt on the ground to pay their respects, but she no longer cared about these guards, and opened the door with a palm, her eyes immediately delusional to Ying Shou in the depths of the study.

At this moment, Ying Shoushang is still sitting at the desk, looking at the map, and constantly simulating in his mind all the major events that may happen in the next six months.

The sudden sound of the door startled the concentrated Ying Shou, and his thoughts were pulled back to reality.

He raised his head abruptly, and saw the queen barging into the study very rudely, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"What's the matter, queen, why are you so reckless?"

Ying Shou was a little displeased and said, you know, although there is no strict order not to allow people to enter his office, but on weekdays, unless the queen is serving him, she basically won't come in and out casually, let alone be so reckless.

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Nan Yan ignored Ying Shou's displeasure, and rushed forward, rushed behind Ying Shou, and immediately hugged Ying Shou tightly, strangling Ying Shou almost out of breath.

He leaned his face against Ying Shou's face, jumped up and down, and said in surprise: "Your Majesty, that's great, that's great, my concubine is so happy, really happy!"

Ying Shou looked confused, and was a little displeased at first, but seeing the queen's excited appearance, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"What good thing happened to the queen, to be so happy. But it doesn't matter if the queen is happy. If she pulls me like this, she should tell me what kind of happy event it is first, right? Otherwise, let me see the queen happy, what's the matter? "

Nan Yan was taken aback for a moment, and then she came to her senses, and quickly let go of Ying Shou.

"Your Majesty, great joy, great joy..."

At this moment, Yu'er and Mei'er also barged in from outside the door.

Ying Shou turned his head to look, a little puzzled, how could everyone be crazy this night?

"What joy, you guys are talking about it!"

Ying Shou was speechless.

The two servant girls, Gang Yao, opened their mouths, only to hear Nan Yan scold: "Don't tell me, let me come!"

The two servant girls were stunned for a moment, stuck out their tongues, shrunk their necks, and looked at the empress with a funny face.

They have never seen the Empress so rude before, one can imagine how excited the Empress is at the moment.

"Queen, what are you talking about, you have to be so solemn!"

Ying Shou looked at Nan Yan puzzled and asked.

Nan Yan came to Ying Shou, put her hands on her hips, cleared her throat, bent down suddenly, stretched out a small hand, and gently lifted Ying Shou's chin, like a female hooligan molesting a good man.

(End of this chapter)

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