Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 737 The Emperor's Surprise

Chapter 737 The Emperor's Surprise
"My empress, what's your happy event, let me tell you! This makes my heart tickle, and it's too much to act like this, isn't it?"

It was the first time in Ying Shou's life that he was molested by a woman like this. He felt very awkward for a while, and couldn't help but say.

"Does Your Majesty really want to know?"

Nan Yan was extremely excited at the moment, so excited that she had forgotten who she was, so she wanted to tease Ying Shou.

"Well, yes, I really want to know!"

Ying Shou nodded seriously, this queen is so leisurely and elegant, even if he is not interested, he still has to tell her.Otherwise, wouldn't this be too cold water?

Ying Shou knew that there must be something that excited Nan Yan.

However, the things she was excited about did not mean that she would be so happy.

In this world, there are too few people who can make Ying Shou happy.

"If you want to know, then you can give me a smile!"

Nan Yan looked at Ying Shou with the appearance of a female hooligan, licking Fen Neng's small lips and said.

"Hey, queen, are you playing with me?"

"Okay, let me give you a smile. If there is nothing to make me happy today, you can see how I will punish you!"

Ying Shou had black lines all over his face, speechless.

While speaking, he grinned and smiled at Nan Yan.

This smile is not pretty, and a little ugly.

But in Nan Yan's eyes, Nan Yan couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Immediately afterwards, Nan Yan straightened up quickly, cleared her throat again, pointed at Ying Shou and said, "Emperor Daqin Ying Shou, on behalf of the ancestors of the Ying family, I'm here to tell you one thing. The world is a matter of great importance to my Ying family forever and ever!"

Ying Shou looked Nan Yan up and down with a perplexed face, and thought: "It's cold, the queen must have a fever and become confused, and she has also involved the ancestors. The emperor's ancestors, how could they Was it a joke?"

Thinking about it, Ying Shou said helplessly: "My empress, don't beat around the bush, okay? I wasn't curious at first, but now I really feel itchy. Tell me quickly, is it okay?"

Nan Yan pursed her lips and grinned, knelt down and saluted, "My concubine obeys!"

As she said that, she smiled all over her face, looking at Ying Shou with her eyes as if she could speak, and said, "Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor, congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor, my concubine... Congratulations!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "I know you have a happy event, but you have to say what it is..."

"Wait... what did you say?"

Before Ying Shou finished speaking, his whole body trembled suddenly, his pupils suddenly constricted, his eyes widened, and he stared at Nan Yan and shouted.

"Hee hee, I have a little guy in my stomach!"

Nan Yan giggled, satisfied with the emperor's reaction, and said again.

Ying Shou's whole body trembled again, and in an instant, he felt his world spinning, his internal organs and all his functions seemed to stop functioning at this moment.

It was the same as Nanyan's performance before. There were few emperors who were sad or happy. At this moment, the joy came from the heart, and they froze completely.

After a long time, he made a deep voice from his throat, pointed at Nan Yan tremblingly, and said, "You mean... there is a little prince in...the stomach?"

Nan Yan nodded and said, "Mmm..."

"Is it accurate?"

Just in case, Ying Shou asked again solemnly.


Nan Yan nodded and said very seriously.

Ying Shou stopped talking, he got up slowly, pushed away the chair, and walked to Nan Yan step by step.

He pulled Nan Yan from the ground and attacked her, her face flushed like Nan Yan's.

Suddenly, Ying Shou hugged Nan Yan and almost abandoned her.

"Hahaha... I... I have... I have a queen, hahaha..."

"Happy, happy, I have a child..."

For a moment, Ying Shou's crazy laughter echoed throughout the study.

"Alas, please wait, Your Majesty, please wait, Your Majesty..."

At this time, the old imperial doctor who followed behind had just entered the study. Seeing this scene, his expression changed drastically. He hurried forward and grabbed Ying Shou's hand to stop her from throwing the queen up like this.

Ying Shou was taken aback, turned his head, and said with a smile: "It's the old imperial doctor, do you know that I have a child!"

At this moment, Ying Shou was so excited that he even forgot his identity, he only knew that he was inexplicably happy, meeting people was like sharing his joy.

"I know, I know, the old minister knows. Your majesty let go of the empress first, please? The old minister diagnosed the empress. Your Majesty must be careful. The fetus is just formed and is very fragile, so don't mess around like this!"

The old imperial doctor, with a look of hating iron but not steel, abruptly pulled the queen from Ying Shoubai, dissatisfied:
"Your Majesty the Emperor, please be happy, but the current Empress can't bear the bumps. Don't do this kind of thing in the future. Such vibrations can easily hurt the little prince!"

Ying Shou came to his senses, patted his forehead, and said, "Oh, look at my brain, I'm so confused, how could I be so reckless. Thank you, old doctor, for reminding me. Thank you so much, old doctor!"

Seeing this, the old imperial doctor was stunned for a while, and quickly saluted: "Your Majesty has offended the old minister, and the old minister just reminded me a few times, how can I bear your majesty's thank you?"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, and said: "Hey, why are you so self-effacing? I thank you as soon as I say thank you. I can't help but want to thank you verbally, and I want to reward you a lot. Pass down the order, and the old imperial doctor will reward the queen for his meritorious service in diagnosing the queen. , give a hundred acres of fertile land!"

"Well, there are also Yu'er, Mei'er, you have done great service in serving your mother, and you have given birth to a little prince for me, and I will also reward you heavily."

"In this way, when you are in the palace in the future, you two will do your best to take care of the empress. When the two of you reach the age, when you leave the palace, I will personally arrange a marriage for you and make you a lady of the country!"

The two women were dumbfounded when they heard the words.

What does it mean that they serve the empress and give birth to the little prince, shouldn't this be the emperor's own little prince?
However, the two women did not dare to say too much, and they quickly kowtowed, saying: "I want to thank the emperor for your majesty's kindness!"

After some rewards, Ying Shou's excitement finally calmed down a lot. With trembling hands, he held the Queen's little hand again, with a satisfied expression, and said, "Queen, thank you, I have a queen, Daqin has a queen, the world There is hope!"

With that said, Ying Shou hugged Nan Yan tightly in his arms.

In the previous life, Ying Shou was lonely and helpless, without father or mother, let alone a wife and children.

In this life, he also lost his only mother, so he can be described as truly lonely.

Now, he finally has a concubine. The child in the queen's womb seems to have carried all his hopes for the first time.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we finally have our own child!"

Nan Yan also hugged Ying Shou, nodded solemnly, and said while lying on Ying Shou's shoulder.

"Okay, it's cold here, let's go back to the bedroom first. The bedroom is warm, don't freeze the child!"

Suddenly, Ying Shou picked up Nan Yan again, said a word, and walked cautiously towards the bedroom of Jingquan Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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