Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 738 The Torment of the Officials

Chapter 738 The Torment of the Officials

"Quickly, the queen hastened to lie down, and let me hear if the little prince is having a good time inside!"

In the bedroom, Ying Shou laid Nan Yan on top of Longtao, and quickly put his ear on Nan Yan's flat belly.

"Hee hee, His Majesty the Emperor is so stupid. She has just been diagnosed with pregnancy. How can the child move and talk?"

Nan Yan giggled, Ying Shou's excited appearance made her unable to bear the sweetness from her heart.

"You are talking about the children of ordinary people, but my children are different. As the descendants of the dragon, they should inherit my power."

"Believe it or not, anyway, I can feel that he seems to be calling my father, the emperor, listen!"

Ying Shou looked up, smiling from ear to ear.

"Okay, His Majesty's child is not ordinary, is it okay?"

Nan Yan pursed her lips into a smile, and she found that the emperor at this moment was as happy as a child, unreasonable, and said whatever he thought of.

This scene was in stark contrast to the lofty, majestic and domineering emperor of the past.

"Well, the empress is a very sensible person. Come on, don't talk anymore. Now that you are pregnant with a child, you should rest well. I won't go anywhere tonight, so I will accompany the empress and let me hug you!"

Ying Shou nodded, lay down on Longtao, and carefully hugged Nanyan in his arms, as if afraid that the baby in her stomach would be uncomfortable if the slightest movement was made.

There is nothing more tender than an iron man.

That night, whether it was Ying Shou or Nan Yan, they all fell into a state of insomnia amidst the uncontrollable excitement in their hearts.

Ying Shou had even forgotten that he had to go to court the next day. He didn't fall asleep until the time when he was supposed to get up and prepare to go to court.

At this moment, the sky is still very dark. However, in Xianyang City, the Manchu officials have already started to arrange their court attire. Half an hour later, the carriages began to drive towards the imperial city. After stopping in the imperial city, the officials got off the carriages one after another. , neatly dressed, waiting under the huge square in front of Xianyang Hall.

In winter, the nights are longer.

Even in summer, it is not yet dawn at this time, let alone winter.

In the entire square, countless lights were lit up, but it was barely bright.

The cold wind was blowing, and the heavy snow was flying. The officials rubbed their hands and put them in their long sleeves to keep warm. Their feet were walking back and forth on the snow-covered square, each one of them was as cold as something.

As for the court, the ministers arrived first and waited for the emperor. Everyone was already used to it, but they didn't mind why the emperor didn't show up.

But as time passed, half an hour later, someone finally showed doubts.

According to the logic, even if the emperor arrives later, it will not exceed the time of half a stick of incense. It has been half an hour, why is there no movement at all?

But everyone didn't say anything, they were still waiting.

Time passed, and another envoy passed by.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and the officials couldn't bear it anymore.

Many people were stiff and shivering from the cold at the moment, wishing to find a brazier to have a good roast, but the emperor refused to come if he couldn't come. Isn't this deliberately torturing the officials?
"Old Di, there has never been a precedent for His Majesty to come to court so late. In the past, His Majesty the Emperor could arrive on time every day. Now that he has come to court every day for more than half a month, why is His Majesty so late?" sharp?"

Shu Suntong was getting older and couldn't hold on anymore, so he immediately came to Di Renjie and said hesitantly.

"That's right, Mr. Di, above the court, Mr. Di knows His Majesty the Emperor best. Will His Majesty be okay?"

Xiao He also followed and said helplessly.

"You said, it's so cold today, will His Majesty not want to go to court?"

Another voice sounded, and Wu Hua, Minister of Rites, came over helplessly, puzzled.

"That's right, the weather is so cold, and no one wants to leave the hot bed. Could it be that His Majesty the Emperor is not going to court early today?"

"Look, it's starting to brighten up today, and His Majesty the Emperor hasn't come yet!"

During the conversation, everyone talked to each other, and before they knew it, the six ministers and the rest of the officials gathered.

Because of the war with the Xiongnu at the beginning, all the generals of the Manchu Dynasty were sent to the Great Wall by Ying Shou. Until now, Ying Shou has not let these people come back, so there are almost only civil servants in the court, and there are not many generals.

"Hey, it's alright, alright, wait a little longer, His Majesty must have been delayed by something. If His Majesty doesn't go to court early today, he will definitely send someone to notify you. Don't worry, everyone!"

Di Renjie watched the crowd gather, waved his hands, and said solemnly.

"That's right, everyone knows the character of His Majesty the Emperor. If it doesn't come soon, His Majesty the Emperor will be the first to announce. How can we let everyone wait here?"

"Everyone, rest assured and wait, maybe His Majesty will be here soon!"

In the crowd, Zhang Liang also said with a smile.

The officials continued to wait, and before they knew it, another envoy passed by. At this moment, the sky was already bright and it was almost noon.

At this time in the past, it had already gone to court.

But today, the ministers waited for a total of three hours back and forth, which translates to six hours.

Some people, even unable to stand up, sat down directly on the ground.There were also people who were drowsy from the cold and suffered from headaches.

The officials didn't dare to complain, but for a while, each of them couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, always feeling that the emperor was deliberately leaving them alone.

The most important thing is that after Ying Shou made the rules before, the current officials dare not go to the palace to disturb, and can only continue to wait.

Without the emperor's order, they dare not leave easily, and can only continue to suffer.

During the long wait of the ministers, in Jingquan Palace, Nanyan was used to getting up early.

In the past, in order to take care of the emperor, she slept for more than two hours before dawn and would get up to prepare breakfast for the emperor before dawn.

On this day, because she slept too late and she was pregnant with a child, she slept so deeply that she had already forgotten that today was the emperor's morning court time.

It took more than three hours before she woke up in a daze.

He opened his eyes, but the light from the person outside the north gate made it impossible to open his eyes.

"When is it, why is it so bright?"

Nan Yan rubbed her eyes, only then did she realize that she was too excited last night, slept late, and seemed to have messed up the time.

"No, today is morning time!"

As her thoughts returned, Nanyan's heart skipped a beat. She turned her head to look at Ying Shou who was still sleeping soundly. For a moment, the main artery on her forehead throbbed a few times, and a bad feeling came over her heart.

"Your Majesty...Wake up, Your Majesty, wake up, Your Majesty!"

Nan Yan hurriedly pushed Ying Shou and shouted anxiously.

Everyone has the urge to wake up, and the emperor is no exception. Therefore, ordinary court ladies and eunuchs dare not disturb the emperor's rest.

Only she, the queen, dared to provoke the emperor's anger.At this hour, she didn't care if the emperor had a rest.

Once the officials are made to wait anxiously, the life of the emperor will be difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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