Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 740 Double Happiness

Chapter 740 Double Happiness
The officials rested for a while, and only ate and drank when they could move their hands.

With food in their stomachs, fire in front of them, and clothes on their bodies, the officials were finally no longer cold.

At this time, more than half an hour had passed, and it was three quarters in the afternoon.

Seeing everyone's rosy faces, Ying Shou just smiled and said, "It seems that you, Ai Qing, have recovered quite a bit. How are you? Have you eaten enough? If you haven't eaten enough, can you have some more?"

Everyone was smiling, and Di Renjie stood up and said, "Your Majesty, it's noon now, and it's past the morning time, so let's discuss things first. The ministers have already eaten and drank enough!"

All the ministers stood up one after another, echoing: "That's right, Your Majesty, the matter is important!"

While speaking, the officials lined up in a line, looking very solemn.

"Okay, let's discuss the matter. But today, dear friends, don't be too formal. The weather is cold, and our monarchs and ministers are in harmony. There is no need for so many etiquettes. Sit down first, let's gossip, and express your opinions. While warming up, while discussing matters, all sit down!"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile.

Hearing this, the ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, kowtowed again, and then sat down one by one.

"By the way, do you know why I didn't go to court early today, but made you wait for so long? I don't know if you have complained about me, but before the morning court, there are some things that I am going to talk about first. !"

Seeing everyone sitting down, Ying Shou immediately changed the subject.

"Your Majesty sees it. As ministers, how can you blame His Majesty the Emperor. It's just that the ministers are also quite strange, why are you so!"

Xiao He cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's right to be strange. Double happiness came to the door last night. This is my happy event, Da Qin's happy event, and the world's happy event."

"So much so that I didn't sleep all night, and I forgot this morning, and fell asleep until the end. On the contrary, I hurt all my loves!"

Ying Shou laughed out loud and aroused everyone's curiosity as he spoke.

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, what a happy event it is, and His Majesty the Emperor is so overjoyed!"

Zhang Liang, Minister of the Ministry of War, had a strange look on his face, and cupped his hands.

"That's right, His Majesty the Emperor, what a happy event, you might as well talk about it first, so that everyone will be happy too!"

Mo Shang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, said with a smile.

While speaking, the ministers looked at Yingshou curiously, as if they were wondering what kind of happy event this emperor, who was not showing any emotion, could make him so excited that he even forgot such important events as the morning court .

"Well, there are two happy events, let me talk about the first one first. Just yesterday, the Black Ice Terrace came to report that the war in the southwest tended to subside. Han Xin seized power as King Yelang and led the army to fight in the south and north. Say, all your lovers understand it by heart, right?"

Ying Shou nodded, and first mentioned the Southwest War.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, of course the ministers know about this matter. This land in the southwest is adjacent to our Great Qin. Then Han Xin's methods are tough, and he has defeated all countries. If he is allowed to rule the southwest, it will be the biggest trouble for our Great Qin in terms of strategy. .”

"Especially now that Great Qin has barbarians in the east and Xiongnu besieging in the west. If Han Xin is added, our Great Qin will be under the enemy's back and forth. It will make things worse!"

Zhang Liang, Minister of the Ministry of War, bowed his hands and cherished his truth.

The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty are all civil servants nowadays, and Zhang Liang can barely be regarded as a member of the military department.

Moreover, Zhang Liang is different from many civil servants. He is an existence between civil servants and generals. As the minister of the Ministry of War and the military of the Great Qin Dynasty, he not only needs to govern the Ministry of War, but also to plan the world.

Of course, Zhang Liang has a common problem with all his officials, that is, he looks down on countries other than the Great Wall, and has no thought of ruling.But other than that, when it comes to strategy, he is definitely number one in the world.

Even Han Xin can't compare with it.

Of course, Han Xin's talents are not only strategy, but also leadership.

In terms of strategy, Zhang Liang is far superior to Han Xin, but when it comes to leading the army, Zhang Liang is completely incompetent.

After all, strategy is strategy, and leaders are leaders, and each is different.

At this moment, when the emperor mentioned the Southwest War, it was related to the strategic layout of the world. Zhang Liang was naturally the most qualified and the only one who could speak.

"Zhang Liang is right. This southwest land looks barren, but in fact, the people in the southwest are all descendants of the Jiuli tribe. Back then, Jiuli singled out the Emperor Yan and Huang. His majesty and arrogance will never be destroyed through the ages."

"What they lack is never courage, but a real leader. If this Han Xin really succeeds in taking down the Southwest, the harm to our Great Qin will be even greater than that of the Huns and Huns!"

"However, the happy event also happens to come from this!"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile.

"Oh, is there something wrong here?"

Zhang Liang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"That's right, something happened!"

Ying Shou didn't hide anything, he said with certainty.

After saying these words, the officials looked at Ying Shou curiously.

During this period of time, all the ministers were trying to find ways to face the upcoming crisis on the northern border, as well as the threat from the southwest.

For this reason, many people cannot eat or sleep.

If something really happened, it would be a great joy for everyone.

"Please show your majesty!"

Di Renjie cupped his hands and said to Ying.

"Well, I don't want to be a fool anymore. All my lovers know that Han Xin's talent as a leader is really powerful. A Yelang country that was beaten to a weak state, under his leadership, was invincible in the southeast. The blood of all countries will flow into rivers, and the corpses will pile up like mountains!"

"However, this man's ability to lead the army is impeccable, but when it comes to his ability to govern the country, it is embarrassing."

"Along the way, he burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of crimes, just like bandits and bandits. This is against the law of nature, and he finally drove himself to a dead end!"

"Just a few days ago, led by Dian Kingdom and Zhao Kingdom, all the people have been evacuated from the southwest and sent to our great Qin Bashu land."

"Among them, apart from the Dian Kingdom and the Zhao Kingdom, there are six other countries, ranging from the monarch to the subjects, all of whom have fallen into the embrace of our Great Qin. A total of more than 600 million people belong to our Great Qin."

"They abandoned their homeland and bowed their heads to my Great Qin, just to seek my protection. And General Yuwen Chengdu in Bashu lived up to expectations, and he never refused to come, and they all stayed in Bashu!"

"After these people evacuated, the Zhao Kingdom gathered an army of [-], all of whom died in battle, and finally won the only victory in the southwest, defeating Han Xin's army."

"At the cost of 40 troops, they caused unprecedented casualties to Han Xin's 14 troops. Among them, [-] troops died on the battlefield, and [-] to [-] troops were injured in varying severity. Han Xin suffered heavy losses!"

Ying Shou didn't make a fool of himself, and directly told about the war in the southwest.

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally, there was a burst of applause, saying: "Okay, well played!"

"I really didn't expect that in such a great battle, I, Da Qin, didn't intervene at all, and became the last fisherman!"

"Now that all countries bow their heads, even if Han Xin does his best, with his loss this time, it will be difficult to cause harm to my Great Qin!"

(End of this chapter)

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