Chapter 741
Above the court, the officials chatted enthusiastically. This could be said to be the best news they had heard during this period of time.

As long as they lost the threat from the southwest, at that time, no matter how great the pressure from Saibei was, they could barely breathe a sigh of relief.

And when everyone was chatting happily, Ying Shou suddenly said, "Of course, this is not a big happy event."

"After all, the chaos in the Southwest is a matter of the Southwest. Even if it may threaten my Daqin in the future, at present, there is no benefit or harm to my Daqin. The real good news about this matter is yet to come!"

When the officials heard the words, they immediately stopped talking and looked at the emperor.

"Your Majesty is saying that there is an even bigger turning point in this matter? Please show Your Majesty!"

Zhang Liang couldn't wait any longer. This was related to Daqin's strategy for the next year or even longer, so he had to be prepared.

"That's right, there is a bigger turning point in this matter. After King Yelang fought with me before, he has already had a rift with Han Xin and his ministers."

"This time, he has been robbed of power by Han Xin. In order to deal with Han Xin, he has won people's hearts everywhere. Now, in all the territories under the Yelang Kingdom's raid, all people turn to Yelang King!"

"Although King Yelang has lost the right to control the army, he is the king of legitimacy and can always see the progress of the army."

"Next, King Yelang will have the power to deal with Han Xin. With the help of all the people, Han Xin has no chance to stand up!"

"Finally, it is not a day or two that King Yelang bowed his head to Da Qin."

"Now, I have ordered Yuwen Chengdu to lead a new army of [-] from Bashu to the southwest, and completely take the southwest. At that time, the kings from all over the southwest will enter my Great Qin and become my Great Qin's subjects. This southwest land will also be considered my Great Qin! "

Ying Shou was smiling all over his face, and while speaking, he looked at the crowd, and saw that everyone's mouths were wide open, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

No one seemed to have thought that this threat from the southwest would be so easily and invisiblely resolved.

After a long time, everyone cheered again.

"Okay, that's great, a surprise, this is the real surprise!"

"God bless Great Qin, God bless Great Qin!"

"Daqin Wannian, Your Majesty Wannian!"

While speaking, the officials were so excited that they turned around and kowtowed to the emperor.

The emperor's words completely solved a huge problem in everyone's mind.

The Southwest has surrendered, and Daqin has lost a great enemy. On the future battlefield, it will have many opportunities to be reborn.

This was Daqin's surprise, and it was everyone's surprise.

"Okay, okay, everyone, get up, Daqin Wannian, this is God bless Daqin, Daqin must be ten thousand years! Hahaha!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly, and with a big wave of his hand, everyone got up.

Then, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said, "From this incident, what do you guys think?"

The officials were stunned, wondering why the emperor had changed so suddenly.

But after pondering for a while, he saw Grand Tutor Shusun Tong cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, let me tell the world about this matter again, etiquette is the first in the world."

"Your Majesty often says that self-cultivation, self-improvement, family governance, and world peace are always in front of the word "governing the country." This shows how important it is to govern the country."

"There is no doubt about Han Xin's ability to lead the army. But he suffers because he doesn't know how to govern the country, and he is defeated in the end!"

"This also gave me Daqin a warning. At any time, the most important thing to lose is people's hearts. Only when the world is well governed can one be qualified to bring peace to the world!"

As soon as the uncle and grandson finished talking, everyone immediately agreed.

For a while, the echoes followed one after another.

Ying Shou felt helpless when he heard the words, and said, "My dear friends, how come you still can't see the reality?"

The officials were stunned, and quickly looked at the emperor, only to see Ying Shou holding his forehead with one hand, and said, "It is undeniable that governing the country is the most important thing. Since I became the throne, I have been worthy of the people of the world and the people of Great Qin."

"At least, I will let the people of Daqin have the ability to eat enough and not to be cold. I believe that in this regard, you love ministers have nothing to say, right?"

The ministers nodded. They could not doubt this point.

The emperor's merits in governing the world are obvious to all people in the world, and no one can say a word.

Seeing this, Ying Shou said again: "Since everyone agrees, have you ever thought about why my Daqin is facing so many crises now? According to reason, Daqin is governed so well that there should be no more troubles, but now, the crisis Right in front of you, have you ever thought about why this is?"

The officials looked at each other, only to see Xiao He clasped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this crisis stems from the wolfish ambition of the Huns, and has nothing to do with the Great Qin, and has nothing to do with Your Majesty. How can Your Majesty blame himself for this?"

"Yes, it is undeniable that the danger is coming, but I, Daqin, will always be the teacher of justice, and I believe that I will win the final victory."

"Evil does not subdue righteousness. This is an unchanging truth since ancient times. Daqin will never give in to threats!"

During the speech, the officials echoed.

It is undeniable that today's Daqin is the teacher of justice.Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, the court is full of civil and military affairs, the court and the field are united, and there is no worry that they will not be able to deal with the coming crisis.

"Master of Justice?"

Hearing Xiao He's remarks and the echoes of the officials, Ying Shou shook his head amusedly, and said, "The so-called army of justice is the army that is about to be beaten? You still haven't understood the most important point in this matter!"

The officials heard the words and fell silent again.

On the other hand, Zhang Liang seemed to understand something, he cupped his fists suddenly and said, "What do you mean by your majesty, please show me your majesty!"

Ying Shou took a deep breath, looked at the crowd with some disappointment, and said, "Just now, I mentioned two important factors in my words. One is the hundred thousand new recruits from Bashu, and the other is the matter of conquering the Southwest."

"It's a pity that everyone is happy to conquer the Southwest, but they ignore the [-] troops, and also ignore why so many changes happened in the Southwest, and finally became a thing in the hands of the Great Qin!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately lowered their heads in shame.

That's right, because of their excitement, they didn't notice the [-] troops mentioned by the emperor for a while.

One hundred thousand troops, now that Daqin is in need of troops, unexpectedly the emperor secretly built another one hundred thousand troops.

If these [-] troops are brought out of the capital of Tianfu, it will be a great help to Daqin.

There is also the land of the Southwest, which has changed one after another. In the end, the Southwest that should have been threatened by Daqin has now become a thing in the hands of Daqin.

Could it be that God is helping Daqin?

This kind of good thing is no less than a pie in the sky, as long as you are not a fool, you will not believe it.Among them, there must be a certain reason.

As a result, they are just happy and ignore everything.At the moment when the emperor mentioned it, everyone felt ashamed.

This is really chasing after the matter, everyone's brains are confused!
(End of this chapter)

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