Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 742 Plan ahead

Chapter 742 Plan ahead
"Dear dears, you've been very busy these days. Because everyone is threatened from all sides, you can't eat well, sleep well, and work hard all day long. I understand all of this!"

"Now that the Southwest threat is lifted, everyone is happy, and I can understand it. But you are not ordinary people, you can't just focus on the result, you should pay more attention to the process!"

Looking at the ministers below, Ying Shou said earnestly and sincerely, and said, "Just imagine, if there is no one hundred thousand army that I secretly built, even if there is a pie in the sky, how can it be my Daqin's turn to grab food? "

"If it weren't for my previous layout in the southwest, how could I have today's harvest?"

"If all of this is gone, the Southwest that everyone is facing now will no longer be my Daqin's harvest, but my Daqin's threat. Have you ever thought about these things?"

Having said that, Ying Shou paused for a moment, looking at the blushing faces of the officials below, he took a deep breath, and said again: "My dear friends, do you still remember that I have decided to fight against the land of Saibei more than once or twice? The layout, unfortunately, was blocked."

"Just imagine, if you sent troops back then, when the Xiongnu and the Huns were fighting inextricably, the Xiongnu were attacked by the enemy, and finally took the Xiongnu. Now, where is the crisis of our Great Qin coming to the north?"

"All of this is telling everyone a truth, it is better to be prepared for a rainy day than anything else, why don't you understand this truth until now?"

"You all shouted to build and build, to govern the country and innovate the Great Qin, but you forgot that no matter how good the governance is, if a crisis comes."

"This construction is always the hardest, on the contrary, destruction is the easiest!"

"If one day, the army of the Huns and the Donghu invaded the Great Wall, no matter how well you built the Great Qin, wouldn't it be turned into ruins overnight?"

The officials listened quietly to the emperor's reprimand, and were speechless for a while.

It is undeniable that all the ministers have regretted dissuading the emperor time and time again from starting a war.

But so what?Could there be remorse that none of this would have happened?
There is no medicine for regret in this world, if you make a wrong decision, you should bear the wrong result.

"Your Majesty the Emperor is right. I, Daqin, really missed too many opportunities. But we still have to face what we have to face next. Besides, it doesn't help. Think about how to deal with the next crisis. right way!"

After a long time, Zhang Liang cupped his hands and said solemnly.

The ministers nodded their heads when they heard the words, and said, "Master Zhang is right, Your Majesty, now is not the time to investigate who is right and who is wrong, you should first imagine how the cause will affect the general trend of the world!"

During the conversation, the atmosphere became more active.

Ying Shou looked at Zhang Liang and said with a smile, "Oh, so, what suggestion does Zhang Aiqing have?"

Zhang Liang was silent for a moment, then cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty just said that there are eight countries in the southwest that have not yet been congratulated by Han Xin. Among them, the monarchs and ministers of six countries have fled to our Great Qin to seek protection, but the Dian and Zhao countries are quite bloody. ""

In addition to explaining the funeral, the whole country stands together, which can be described as a battle to destroy the country.This heroism is admirable! "

"But having said that, it also shows to a certain extent that the two countries are really desperate, but even so, the monarchs of the two countries would rather die in battle than come to Daqin. It is conceivable that they are not very willing to submit to Daqin They just want to use me, Daqin, to leave a way out!"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was quite satisfied with Zhang Liang's reaction speed.

I thought of the key points so quickly. As expected of the Great Qin military, I can see through the source of many strategic matters at a glance.

"That's right, I also feel the same about this point, I wonder how Zhang Aiqing thinks we should deal with it?"

Ying Shou nodded.

"Dare to ask His Majesty the Emperor, the Zhao Kingdom gathered an army of [-], and if all of them were killed in battle, it would be regarded as a subjugated country. Then how many people did they gather in the Dian Kingdom?"

Zhang Liang didn't answer, but asked.

"15 troops!"

Ying Shou said directly.

Zhang Liang gasped, and everyone was also full of disbelief.

They all knew that although the Dian Kingdom was considered a big country in the southwest, it only had an army of [-] on weekdays.

After the king of Dian came to power, he governed with his heart and built another 12 army. It is already remarkable to gather a total of [-] troops.

But in the end, many of these 12 troops were buried in the flood of Han Xin, and many died in the chaos of war. In the end, only 4 or [-] troops remained.

As a result, another 15 troops have gathered now, how many people are there in the entire Dian Kingdom?

However, there are about 100 million people, and this 15 army must have mobilized all young and middle-aged people!
"Your Majesty, it seems that the Dian Kingdom is really planning to fight to the death. But judging from the current situation, it should be impossible for this battle to happen again."

"King Yelang makes a move, and General Yuwen Chengdu makes a move. Then Han Xin will be defeated without a fight. He still has more than 20 troops under his command, which must be used for his own use to counter the threat of going north!"

As for the 15 army of the Dian Kingdom, since the Dian Kingdom has no intention of surrendering to our Great Qin, and the crisis is lifted, I am afraid that our Great Qin will not be able to get this Dian Kingdom, nor will our Great Qin be able to get this 15 army!
"But at the end of the day, the 15 troops are all hot-blooded men, brave and subjugated soldiers. If they can be used by me, they will become my hope for the Great Qin. Therefore, I have to win no matter what!"

"Bashu already has an army of 24. If we add Han Xin's 15 and this 50 army, our Great Qin will have an extra [-] army."

"Adding the 26 guards of the Great Wall, including the Huben Army, and the 30 troops being trained by the Lantian Camp, our Great Qin has a million troops."

"Although most of them are newcomers, they can also act as a deterrent, which can greatly relieve the pressure that Daqin is about to face. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Zhang Liang spoke again, and what he said caught everyone's eyes fixed, and Ying Shou felt the same way.

It has to be said that Zhang Liang's layout and strategic planning is really surprising.

So quickly, he has already thought about all the things that can be used by Southwest, he can be called a genius.

"Well, what Zhang Aiqing said is correct. Once the crisis of the Dian Kingdom is lifted, it may break away from the Great Qin and stand on its own at any time."

"So I also thought about it, and later sent Mr. Gongsun Tan from Jixia Academy to the southwest. Gongsun Tan has a lot of friendship with this country of Dian. After all, he once represented Great Qin and made good friends with Dian country, which is no longer the case. Once or twice!"

"The purpose of sending Gongsun Tan this time is to show affection and reason to the Dian Kingdom, so that the Dian Kingdom can unconditionally integrate into our Great Qin."

"Aiqing can rest assured about this. I don't know if Aiqing has anything else to add, such as the battle in northern Saibei, how will Aiqing plan to deal with it?"

Ying Shou nodded, dispelling Zhang Liang's doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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