Chapter 743

"Your Majesty, regarding the threat from Saibei, after many days of hard thinking, I have a plan in mind."

"Originally, I didn't have much confidence in this matter, but from the current point of view, as long as the southwest is successfully captured, my Great Qin will no longer be afraid of the threat of going north!"

Zhang Liang cupped his hands, stood up while speaking, and said, "Your Majesty, I would also like to ask you to show me the maps of the Great Qin, the countries in the Southwest, the Xiongnu and Donghu!"

Ying Shou looked at Zhang Liang. It was obvious that the changes in the southwest gave Zhang Liang more confidence. For a while, even speaking seemed to be full of energy.

"Come on, get a map!"

Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, he waved his hand and gave the order directly.

After a while, four guards approached the hall carrying a huge map, spread it out on the floor of the hall, occupying half of the hall.

Zhang Liang turned around, stepped on the map, and said, "Please look, Your Majesty. In the old days, in the map of the world, Daqing occupied the southeast, and there were 23 countries in the northwest. If Han Xin unified them, they would form a big country."

"Combined with the Xiongnu, Donghu and Donghu, this world has formed a four-cornered trend!"

"In this form where the four corners are facing each other, the eyes of all countries will focus on my Great Qin, which can be said to be very unfavorable to my Great Qin!"

"According to my thoughts, in a short period of time, we must not go to war with the Xiongnu and Donghu. Therefore, the first thing for me, Daqin, is to stabilize the two huge countries of the Xiongnu and Donghu!"

While speaking, Zhang Liang pointed to the territory of the Hu people in the Northeast and the territory of the Huns in the Northwest.

After a pause, Zhang Liang continued: "Of course, it is not easy to stabilize the two countries. After all, the strength of the Great Qin is so weak and deceptive for all countries."

"Therefore, if you want to stabilize the two countries, you can rely on diplomacy. Regarding this matter, I have even thought about who to go. First, Mr. Gongsun Tan, you can go to Donghu!"

"Furthermore, I will go to the Xiongnu personally, and I will definitely keep the Xiongnu safe from attacking. At that time, with Mr. Gongsun Tan's talent, it will not be difficult to keep the Donghu stable!"

"Of course, even if the Xiongnu and Donghu are stabilized, with the nature of Southwest Han Xin, he will never be willing to rest with the Great Qin."

"At this time, without the intervention of the Eastern Hu and the Huns, our Great Qin can completely mobilize all forces to deal with Han Xin. When the time comes to win the Southwest, our Great Qin will definitely increase its national strength."

"At that time, even if the Xiongnu and Donghu want to move my Daqin, we have to weigh how much they are!"

As he spoke, Zhang Liang stepped on the map, as if a giant was looking down at the world and arranging the whole world.

In a few words, his strategy is undoubtedly revealed.

This is the talent that a military adviser should have. A military adviser is not a general. Many people easily confuse a military adviser with a general. After all, a military adviser is also in the army.

But in fact, a military adviser is not only a military adviser in the army, but also a military adviser of the entire country.

The job of a military division is not to march and fight, but to make arrangements for the country and lay out the overall situation of the world.

What the marshal has to do is to follow the layout of the military division, step by step, and complete the layout of the military division.

In the army, such as a general, he must obey the orders of the marshal, pointing out where to fight.

This is a class chain, and it is also a means for the DPRK to learn from each other's strengths.

In this court chain, the military division is responsible for the layout, which is called the layout strategy, the marshal is responsible for leading the troops, and the marshal's style of play is called tactics.

In the end, the ministers of the DPRK and China, the first time they won the territory, accepted it with all their strength and governed it, which is called the strategy of governing the country.

The above four strategies can be said to be the most important thing to expand the territory, and they are indispensable.

For example, Southwest Han Xin, he was easily calculated by Daqin and even King Yelang. It’s not that he is too weak, but because of the four major strategies. If you can't do it, you can only blame the destruction in an instant.

At this moment, Ying Shou looked at Zhang Liang's boastful talk, among other things, he still admired it in his heart.

Zhang Liang, if you don't make a move, you can use it. This layout is simply an artistic performance, which is pleasing to the eye.The general trend of the world, from his mouth, is simply clear at a glance.

"Zhang Aiqing is right, but Zhang Aiqing, you have to understand one thing, the Xiongnu and Donghu are real kingdoms of tigers and wolves. You know that Great Qin is weak, but you still think that if you try to persuade them to let go, they will let go? "

Ying Shou said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is right. This must be a very difficult matter, so I said that I am not sure."

"But at present, if my Great Qin successfully takes over the Southwest, everything will be different!"

Zhang Liang nodded, cupped his hands and said, "As long as we take the Southwest, our Great Qin's national strength may not increase much, and even in order to take care of the Southwest, our Great Qin will have to lose money. But there is one thing, our Great Qin's military strength will definitely increase greatly because of this." !"

"It doesn't matter whether he's a recruit or not, it's all about one thing. I, Daqin, also have millions of soldiers. This is enough for the Xiongnu and Donghu to weigh in. Will they dare to fight, can they fight!"

"If the two countries' coalition forces are together, with nearly 300 million troops, of course they can continue to fight, and fight as soon as they say. But your majesty must not forget that the Xiongnu and Donghu are not on the same path."

"Just as the so-called differences do not conspire with each other, even if the two countries form an alliance for temporary interests, this alliance will definitely be fragile and vulnerable!"

"Donghu has been oppressing the Xiongnu for more than a hundred years. This hatred cannot be resolved. A while ago, the Xiongnu beat Donghu with heavy casualties. This bloody war is right in front of us. I don't think Donghu will forget it."

"At this time, as long as they are provoked, the alliance between the two countries will surely collapse. And in the absence of an alliance, with their respective strengths, how can they become the Great Qin?"

"In this way, the three pillars of the world stand together, and the crisis of our Great Qin is resolved. This is why the minister said that as long as we win the Southwest, it will be easy for my Great Qin to solve the crisis in the northern part of the country!!"

After Zhang Liang finished speaking, he looked around and saw that all the ministers were full of wonderful expressions.

Moments later, there was a burst of applause at the scene.

"Okay, okay... Mr. Zhang's layout is linked together, so why should I, Daqin, be afraid?"

"Well said, if that's the case, I, Daqin, will be able to overcome the immediate crisis. Just give me Daqin some more worldly things."

"At that time, the Xiongnu and Donghu countries will not talk about my Daqin. If my Daqin doesn't take action against them, it will be kind to them!"

Everyone nodded and looked at Zhang Liang appreciatively.

Finally, Di Renjie got up, cupped his hands and said: "I would like to report to His Majesty the Emperor, I think this is a very appropriate move by Mr. Zhang. Subduing others without fighting is the best policy!"

After Di Renjie finished speaking, Shusun Tong also cupped his hands and said, "That's right, Your Majesty, if this is the case, why worry about the Great Qin's failure? As long as the Xiongnu and Donghu are stabilized, I dare to say that within five years, the Great Qin will definitely dominate the world, and the Huns will definitely dominate the world." Donghu, you can only respect me, Daqin!"

(End of this chapter)

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