Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 744 Domination and Unity 1

Chapter 744 Domination and Unity
Seeing the enthusiasm of the officials below, Ying Shou was a little unhappy.

It is undeniable that Zhang Liang's plan is absolutely impeccable, but this is only under normal circumstances.

In ordinary times, with Zhang Liang's strategy, it is completely possible to use the world as a chessboard and all countries as pieces, criss-crossing and invulnerable, but this set is not used today.

Not for anything else, just because Zhang Liang's starting point was wrong from the very beginning.

His strategy, generally speaking, is to dominate the world, not to unify the world.

After all, from today's perspective, compared with the land of Great Qin, whether it is Donghu or Xiongnu, they are all barren lands.

If Daqin wins these places, it will not be of great benefit to Daqin.Therefore, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, including Zhang Liang, did not think about the concept of rule.

And apart from ruling, the only way out is to dominate.

Domination, to a certain extent, is quite different from unification, but the benefits are also obvious.

It's like an alliance is formed in this world, and Daqin is the leader of the alliance, and all countries must pay tribute every year and bow their heads as ministers.

In this way, the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker. All countries can only be continuously exploited by the leader country, and finally have no power to resist.

Of course, this is easy to say, but it is not that simple to do it.

You know, in the history of the Central Plains, there were not just one or two people who thought of dominating.

For example, the former Wei State experienced reforms and battles, and was stronger than the heavens and the earth. It was almost breathless to oppress the two Yanzhao, Qi, Chu and Han, and the Great Qin was destroyed by the Wei State several times.

At that time, the state of Wei was rich and prosperous in the world, and no one could beat the land where Wei's soldiers passed.

But King Wei was always hesitating between unifying the world and dominating the world, and finally chose to dominate the world, but he failed in the end, and was defeated by Da Qin who came from behind.

So that in the end, it became almost the weakest existence among all countries, and it was slightly stronger than South Korea.

Another example is Xiang Yu, in Ying Shou's life, Xiang Yu has no chance to dominate the world at all.

But in the history of previous lives, Xiang Yu is the most typical example.

He had a chance to unify the world and become the emperor, but he believed in the so-called wealth and honor, such as traveling at night in brocade clothes, and finally gave up the great mountains and rivers, and ran to Chu State to claim the title of Overlord of Western Chu for himself.

In his words, he likes the feeling of beating anyone who refuses to obey, and making all the princes of the world worship him.

But the final result was that rebellions broke out everywhere, and after the establishment of Western Chu, Xiang Yu hardly even had time to enjoy it. He fought here and there all day long, and until the end, he exhausted himself to death.

It has to be said that Xiang Yu is known as the first hero, with a thousand years of spirit, but to put it nicely, he is called heroism, and to put it bluntly, he is called a bad brain.With well-developed limbs and a simple mind, he deserves to be beaten.

It can be seen from this that it is not easy to dominate, but it is easier to be attacked by groups.

On the contrary, after the reform of the Great Qin Dynasty, successive generations of monarchs and ministers never wanted to dominate, but to destroy all countries and unify the world.So in the end Daqin succeeded.

Of course, this does not mean that if you dominate, you will definitely fail. Ying Shou also believes that as long as you follow Zhang Liang's design, under normal circumstances, Daqin is enough to dominate the world.

But now is not the usual situation, because the real overlord itself already exists, and that is Tianmen.

The so-called one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, and the Tianmen has already tied the Xiongnu and Donghu to death, so how can they tolerate Daqin vying for the position of leader?

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Liang to accomplish his grand plan of dominating the world by combining vertical and horizontal forces.

Even if it was possible, Ying Shou would not agree.

In his generation, with him ruling the world, in fact, he doesn't pay much attention to even Tianmen.

Because as long as he does it with all his heart, Tianmen can't stop him from dominating.Moreover, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are full of abilities, even Tianmen can only be oppressed to death.

But after this generation?Will the next generation of descendants be able to be so strong that the world can't breathe?
He is not sure, so, for the sake of eternal life, it is absolutely impossible to dominate the world.

Therefore, at this moment, Ying Shou was silent, and just watched everyone below talking to each other, with excited expressions, as if he had seen the glorious future of Daqin.

Even, in the eyes of these people, Ying Shou seemed to have seen the prosperous and prosperous Tang Dynasty.

In the history of his previous life, let's not mention the power of the strong man, let's talk about the prosperous Tang Dynasty, all nations came to the dynasty, the so-called dominance of the world, which dynasty can be more successful than the prosperous Tang Dynasty?

The peak period of the coming of all nations was during the period of Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, but the destruction also occurred during the period of Li Longji. One can imagine how fragile hegemony is.

Thinking of this, Ying Shou felt even more uncomfortable.

But there are some things that he can't say clearly, which made him truly experience the feeling that the whole world is dirty and I am alone, and everyone is drunk and I am alone.

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, I don't know what your Majesty said to the minister, what advice do you have?"

Just when Ying Shou was silent, Zhang Liang opened his mouth and cupped his hands at him.

"Hehe, good... very good... If this is really possible, it can also save the world from the chaos of swords and soldiers. This is a great thing. Since Aiqing thinks so, let's do it!"

"Besides, mentioning this matter, I have another piece of good news to tell Ai Qing and your family."

"Just a while ago, Donghu intended to establish diplomatic relations with Daqin, and the envoys have already arrived outside Yandi of the Great Wall. Presumably, in the next year, the envoys from the front will come to Xianyang. At that time, the establishment of diplomatic relations will be left to you. Let the Qing family decide!"

Ying Shou came back to his senses, smiled slightly, and said indifferently.

"What, Donghu actually proposed the establishment of diplomatic relations first?"

When everyone heard the words, they were stunned for a moment, and then their faces were filled with inexplicable joy.

"Your Majesty, this is a good thing. The minister said that Donghu and the Xiongnu have different ways and are not conspiring with each other. It seems that Donghu is also preventing the Xiongnu."

"Now that Donghu has taken the first step, it will be even easier for me, Daqin, to decide to divide the world into three parts!"

Zhang Liang also had a happy expression on his face. To him, it was like being given a pillow when he fell asleep.

Now that Donghu has taken the first step, it will be more than a thousand times smoother to plan for stability and separation between the two countries.

"I hope so!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this moment, Ying Shou suddenly remembered that he had another swordsmith who hadn't appeared yet.

Wang Lin once said that Daqin needed two swords, which can be simplified and called literary swords and martial swords.Wujian is the sword of killing and cutting, Wenjian is the sword of all peoples, and the two swords are collectively called the Son of Heaven Sword.

In the past, Ying Shou didn't know who could be the swordsmith of this Wenjian.

But now, he gradually understands that perhaps only the person he lacks the most can be the swordsmith of this Wenjian!

(End of this chapter)

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