Chapter 745
As Daqin gradually stabilized and became more prosperous, the disadvantages of Daqin's ruling and opposition parties gradually became apparent.

Not only Ying Shou saw the disadvantages, but Wang Lin and even Wei Liaozi also saw the disadvantages.

In the land of the Central Plains, the time of war has been too long, and everyone wants to be stable.

This is originally a country's luck, but sometimes, it is actually a country's disadvantages.

Wei Liaozi saw it, so at the beginning, Wei Liaozi insisted on sending troops.

It's a pity that Wei Liaozi didn't have enough determination after all. In other words, he was at the end of his life and had to admit that he was old. He didn't have enough hard work. Even if he saw the disadvantages, he was powerless to change anything.

Even under the opposition of all the soldiers, he finally compromised.

Back then, if Wang Lin had been in that position instead of Wei Liaozi, Ying Shou could have believed that the war between the Great Qin and the Huns had already started on the first day that the generals of the Manchu Dynasty arrived at the Great Wall.

This is Wang Lin's determination, stronger than that of Wei Liaozi.

He is still young and has no shortage of hard work, and this hard work is what Ying Shou wants, so he became Ying Shou's sword-making general.

But this is not enough, even if there is Wang Lin on the battlefield in the future, how can Wang Lin alone be able to suppress the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and thousands of people in the Great Qin?

Even Ying Shou would not dare to force this place unless he had to. If Wang Lin did this, he would end up with nothing and would end up condemned by thousands of people.

This is a historical necessity, because he went against everyone's wishes.

At this time, Wang Lin needed a partner, a partner who could cooperate with him.The importance of this person even exceeds Wang Lin himself.

This person doesn't need to fight on the battlefield. The only thing he needs to do is to control the world, share the worries for the king, remove all obstacles for Wang Lin, suppress all dissatisfaction, so that Wang Lin can ignore the battlefield.

Generally speaking, this courtier must be different from the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, he can only be a jester!
The so-called jester does not sound like a good name.

After all, when it comes to jesters, the first thought many people think of is power ministers and treacherous ministers.

But in fact, there is still a difference between a jester and a traitor.

As the saying goes, when the water is clear, there will be no fish. Now there are too many honest officials in Daqin.

The so-called upright officials, with a clean sleeve and no big ambitions, can be said to be truly serving the country and the people.

It sounds nice to say this, and likewise, upright officials are needed in all dynasties, but in this world, who has ever heard of an upright official who wants to start a war?

No, only soldiers who want to make meritorious service and get promoted, and jesters who use war to gain fame and fortune, will try their best to start a war.

But jesters are not the same as upright officials, and they are also quite different from treacherous officials.

The treacherous ministers distributed war wealth and sold national wealth.

Whenever there is a war, these people will try their best to exchange the interests of their own country for all kinds of wealth. This kind of people are called traitors.

They are also seeking fame and fortune through war, but the difference between being a traitor and a treacherous minister is that the traitorous minister's interests are obtained from the enemy country by betraying the country.

The interest of jesters is to find ways to take down the enemy's country in order to obtain the king's reward.

For example, in the history of Daqin, there was a person who was a real jester.

This person is Zhang Yi, a strategist. Zhang Yi has never been on the battlefield, but he has been busy fighting for the Great Qin all his life.

His strategy of connecting horizontally to breaking up vertically is actually to keep Daqin in the vortex of war.

Zhang Yi at that time was unacceptable in the world.No subject in that country is willing to be pushed into the abyss of war.

Therefore, Zhang Yi is a jester who plays with the court and the world.Moreover, he is also a veritable man of fame and fortune, but it is often this jester who can always save Daqin at all costs when Daqin is in danger many times.

This shows the difference between jesters and traitors.

But at this moment, Ying Shou knew exactly what kind of person he wanted to be a swordsmith, and the swordmaker he wanted was someone like Zhang Yi.

Only such jesters can truly play with the world, work together with the king, get rid of the evils of the Great Qin, help Ying Shou deter the world, and let Wang Lin be truly unscrupulous and sweep the world for Ying Shou.

"Sword-casting minister, sword-casting minister, where are you today? Could it be that you will only appear when I take that step and the world is in chaos?"

Thinking of the capable swordsmith he wanted, Ying Shou forced a smile, looked up at the sky, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

While Ying Shou was sighing, the conversation below was still in full swing. Today's good news one after another, for them, was a timely help, which was very exciting.

Suddenly, Grand Tutor Shusun Tong cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Your Majesty said just now that double happiness is coming to the door today. I didn't understand what it meant for a while, but now it seems that double happiness is really coming to the door, and Daqin is no longer in danger!"

When the voice of the uncle and grandson fell, the officials all laughed and said, "Yes, yes, this is indeed a double happiness. It seems that it is time to prepare for the new year!"

Ying Shou came back to his senses, looked at the bustle below, didn't bother to interrupt the excitement of the crowd, and said with a smile: "I just said that double happiness is coming, but it's not this double happiness!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"Your Majesty, in the past, the Southwest has completely collected the territory, and in the future, the East and the Hu have established diplomatic relations and quelled chaos. Isn't this not Double Happiness?"

The prime minister, Uncle Sun Tong, was a little puzzled and asked with his hands clasped.

"Perhaps this can be considered double happiness. It should be that I made a mistake. Today is not double happiness, but triple happiness!"

Ying Shou waved his hands and smiled.

At this moment, Ying Shou also learned to pretend to be confused.

There are some things that even he is powerless to change at the moment, he can only pretend, and proceed step by step towards his own plan.

Judging from the experience during this period, he can't step out of the plan.

"Oh, so, is there another joy?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at Ying Shou curiously.

"That's right, there is another joy. Just last night, the empress was diagnosed and has a happy pulse. I was so happy for this all night. I never thought that you are neglected today. It's really my fault!"

Ying Shou nodded, and when he mentioned this matter, his mood finally improved a lot.

Perhaps with so much good news, the queen is pregnant, which is truly incomparably great news for him.

After Ying Shou's voice fell, the officials suddenly fell into a situation where needles could be heard.

You look at me, I look at you, I haven't said a word for a long time.

After a while, suddenly, there was a commotion.

All the ministers got up one after another, knelt down to worship Ying Shou, and shouted: "The Great Qin has a queen, and your majesty has a queen. The Great Qin will last forever."

Looking down from Ying Shou's position, one can clearly see that at this moment, everyone's bodies are trembling, which is excited.

The emperor's heir is too involved, it is related to the fate of thousands of people, it is related to the government and the people inside and outside, so everyone can't help but care about it.The moment they heard the news, the officials were even more excited than Ying Shou.

(End of this chapter)

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