Chapter 747 rage
Rumors began to spread in the barracks. Among Han Xin's army, the Yelang army was not the only one.

Most of them came from the young adults recruited from other countries that he conquered.

These people were able to be suppressed by Han Xin in the past, but after all, who of them has not suffered from the war caused by Han Xin?

Today, their families are still suffering behind.

In the past, they could still have a glimmer of fantasy, joining the army by themselves, Han Xin might treat his family well.

But the news I got now is that the family members behind, because of Han Xin's excessive expropriation, made the people destitute and starved to death.

King Yelang gave relief and provided food to their families, so that in the end he was about to be forced into the palace by Han Xin's rebellion.

Faced with such things, who can bear it?

Of course, there are also soldiers of the Yelang Kingdom, who were born Yelang people, even if they followed Han Xin in the north and south.

But the fact that can never be changed is that they are from Yelang.In Yelang Kingdom, there is only one royal family and one king, and that is King Yelang.

King Yelang represents the entire Yelang country. Even if there is civil strife in Yelang, it is a domestic matter.

As long as the king does not do any unchangeable, outrageously wrong things, they will always only recognize one orthodoxy, and that is the orthodoxy of the royal family.

Besides, even if this King Yelang is abolished, the next orthodox one should come out of the royal family.

As for Han Xin, no matter how powerful he is, so what can he do?Compared with Yelang Kingdom, he is just an outsider, a foreign courtier.

You are a foreign courtier, it would be good to take you in, but you still want to turn your back on the guest, what are you kidding?
Xenophobia is everywhere.At this moment, as rumors spread in the army, Han Xin slowly realized the feeling of being excluded and isolated.


On this day, in the large tent of the Chinese army, a chaotic voice sounded.

Han Xin kicked the table in front of him and flew upside down, his face full of anger, pointed at Zhu Baotong and Weng Lixin below, and scolded heartbreakingly:
"What's going on, what's going on here. King Yelang's envoy died outside the camp. Tell me, you two, what's going on?"

Weng Lixin and Zhu Baotong lowered their heads, not daring to look up at Han Xin who was already extremely angry.

"I'm asking you something, can't you hear me? Tell me what's going on, tell me, tell me, tell me..."

Han Xin was so angry that he picked up something and threw it at the two of them.

At this moment, Han Xin is a little crazy.

He was already worried, but he didn't expect that there would be such a big event, and he was almost forced into the abyss, unable to extricate himself.

"Marshal, haven't you noticed that King Yelang is deliberately seeking trouble for the Marshal?"

"He dragged the marshal over and over again, and he gave food to the disaster relief. It sounds nice, but he is actually preventing the marshal from growing stronger!"

"If it wasn't for him to use up all the national granaries behind, why would the marshal end up robbing everywhere?"

"Now the good reputation belongs to him, and the bad reputation belongs to the Marshal. That's all, he still wants to come to the army to grab food, it's tolerable, what can't be tolerated, Marshal!"

With red eyes, Zhu Baotong suddenly fell to his knees and shouted loudly.

Han Xin's violent body suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and looked at Zhu Baotong, his face stiffened for a while, and after a long time, a smile appeared slowly.


His laughter grew louder and more mocking.

He looked at Zhu Baotong, laughed, his eyes almost shed tears, and said: "So, you can't bear it! So, you killed his envoy!"

Zhu Baotong had a dissatisfied face, and said: "King Yelang is too aggressive, the general can't bear it. If the marshal blames him for this matter, kill the general, the general will never complain!"

Han Xin looked regretful, stepped forward and kicked Zhu Baotong on the shoulder, and cursed: "I can't bear to go to you, and I have no complaints if I go to you!"

"You are speaking impassionedly. Have you ever thought that if you could kill him, I would have killed King Yelang long ago. But I can't, I can't, do you want to move?"

"Then who is King Yelang? He is the orthodox Yelang Kingdom. Without him, you are nothing, so what would I be?"

"I can coerce the emperor to command the princes, but I can't kill the emperor to seize the throne. There is only one consequence of doing so. People in the world will not accept it, and they will attack it together!"

"Do you think those troops outside belong to you? They belong to King Yelang. I can use them, but I can't take them away."

"Ben Shuai captured King Yelang, and they are my Shuai. Without King Yelang, they will never end with this Shuai, do you understand?"

"King Yelang is the authority in the hands of the commander. He has been trying to escape from the control of the commander. Don't you see it?"

"This commander has been enduring for the sake of the overall situation. Now, you tell this commander that you can't bear it. Is that why you helped him get out of this commander's control?"

"Right now, authority is gone. You, and you, including me, will have no place to stand in this Southwest. Do you understand?"

While speaking, Han Xin felt dizzy for a while. Today's news made him even more desperate than the news he got from Tu Mingjun.

Mr. Tu Ming just cut off his way forward, but King Yelang's move completely cut off all his ways of retreat.

"Marshal, don't get so angry, there is always a solution to everything. It is undeniable that the last general did not stop General Zhu at the beginning. It's so heavy!"

Weng Lixin looked at Han Xin who was so angry that he sat on the ground, and couldn't help but clenched his fists boldly.

"Hehe... Solve it? Come on, tell me how to solve it?"

Han Xin smiled ironically, looking at Weng Lixin.


Weng Lixin was speechless, silent for a long time, and said: "Marshal, now that the matter has come to this point, you might as well make the mistake and kill King Yelang and rule the Southwest. Whoever dares to disobey will be beaten until he is convinced!"

When Han Xin heard this, he laughed loudly and said: "Okay... a good way, whoever refuses to accept it, we will beat him until he is convinced!"

Saying that, Han Xin got up, came to Weng Lixin, stretched out his hand and patted Weng Lixin's shoulder, and said, "You really have a good...bad idea! Tell me, what to use and how to fight?"

"Do you think those soldiers outside are your sons? They will help you beat whoever you say?"

"The current King Yelang has a shield that no one can break through. This shield may be of limited use to others, but for the army in front, no matter how strong they are, they are destined to be unable to break through this shield. Because of this Quickshields were forged from their families!"

"The commander-in-chief asks you, if your parents, brothers, children and sisters are desperately protecting King Yelang, tell me, can you still kill them all for me and take off the head of King Yelang? "

(End of this chapter)

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