Chapter 748

The big tent was full of Han Xin's roars, and Han Xin became more and more angry as he spoke, and almost lost his mind.

In the end, I saw him staring at Weng Lixin, and said: "Please use your brain for everything, do you understand if you use your brain?"

"You all know that King Yelang is targeting me, but you will never imagine that he is not only targeting me, he is accumulating his strength."

"The more he is like this, the tighter this commander is. He has already eaten up all of this commander's bottom, so that this commander can only plunder crazily!"

"And the more this is the case, the more beneficial it is to him. You haven't seen this, but this coach has seen it."

"But why is this commander able to bear it so far? Because the more this is the case, the less this commander can touch him."

"Only one day, the southwest can be pacified. At that time, as long as the commander-in-chief holds her tightly in his hands. At that time, he will not be able to use his great power!"

"This commander can still coerce the emperor to order the princes. When he is weak, it is a good time to strike."

"But now, I'm not getting a firm foothold, but you can't bear it anymore. Isn't this self-defeating?"

While speaking, Han Xin only felt a sharp pain in his head, and the sky was dark before his eyes, and he almost fainted.

He forcibly stood up, turned around, turned his back to the two, looked up at the sky, and took a deep breath, as if trying to calm down the anger in his heart, but seeing his body trembling, no matter what he did, it was useless up.

At this moment, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, but they all stayed at one point in the end.

He was defeated, completely defeated.Not only did he think twice, one day, he would definitely go to Xianyang to let Ying Shou know how wrong he was to despise him back then.

But now, he didn't even have the qualifications to fight Ying Shou, so he was defeated by a good-for-nothing King Yelang whose legs were broken by Ying Shou.

How ironic is this?

It is extremely ironic that King Yelang, who is so humble that he can't even lift his head in front of others, wants to fight that person even though he can't fight himself.

But he refused to accept it, why?Are you really doomed to accomplish nothing in this life?
It has to be said that although Han Xin is short in some abilities, his strategy is enough.

For what King Yelang did, he saw it in his eyes and understood it in his mind.It's not that he isn't angry, but he can bear it. While he is bearing it, he has already thought about how to deal with King Yelang's move.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as God.

He never imagined that under King Yelang, there was a Daqin Confucian Xia who could seek death. "

"In order to drive him to a dead end, even if Wu Sheng survived the injury of his soldiers, he would take the arrows in the barracks and kill himself, so that he would have no way out and King Yelang's plan would be implemented. .

However, in the face of a Wu Sheng who deliberately seeks death, Han Xin's subordinates are actually very cooperative in satisfying others.

This is not God's will, what is it?
He, Han Xin, calculated everything, but he couldn't figure out all kinds of accidents.

"Marshal, blame the last general. It's the last general who broke a major event. Please kill the last general. Don't get angry!"

Looking at Han Xin's appearance, Zhu Baotong also realized how outrageously wrong he had done, and saw him suddenly kneel down on the ground and shouted loudly.

"Hehe, if I kill you, can everything be saved?"

Han Xin sneered, then sighed, and said: "Forget it, the matter has come to an end, it is useless to talk more. Now that this is the case, then we can only smash the pot and throw it, regardless of everything!"

Weng Lixin's eyes lit up, and he said, "Marshal is going to abolish the emperor and stand on his own?"

Han Xin shook his head and said, "No, we don't have any chance to abolish the emperor and stand on our own. Now, the Qin State is eyeing this southwestern land with covetous eyes.

"We have already made a wedding dress for Qin, and gave him half of the country in the southwestern part of Qin Dynasty for nothing. I can't let him get the remaining half of the country."

"Even if you give it to him, you can only give him a broken mountain and river riddled with holes!"

"Today, I, Han Xin, cannot deny that I really lost, but that doesn't mean I have no power to resist."

"It is true that King Yelang won, but he is not Ying Shou's opponent after all. He is afraid of Ying Shou, afraid of Ying Shou, and finally, the land in the southwest will be taken from him. I cannot tolerate Ying Shou Get any favors!"

"So, if I want Yingshou, I won't get any benefits. Starting tomorrow, if I send troops to attack the Dian Kingdom, I will lose both sides. In the southwest, there is no combat power, and no power can help Yingshou. Hahaha, I want to Take advantage of my Han Xin, he won't even think about it!"

While speaking, Han Xin laughed again, but the laughter was a little crazy, a little dazed.

I have to say that Han Xin at this moment is really crazy.He actually planned to wash the Southwest with blood at the last moment of this great defeat, destroying everything, this is what a lunatic said.

But this also shows that in his mind, his opponent has never been King Yelang, but the entire Great Qin, and the aloof Ying Shou.

He is well aware of the dangers that the Qin State is facing today, and he is defeated, and he is not qualified to fight Ying Shou. The only thing he can do is to cut off all the forces that may help the Qin State.


Hearing Han Xin's words, Weng Lixin and Zhu Baotong gasped at the same time, and looked at Han Xin with incredulous faces. Obviously, they did not expect that Han Xin would have such an idea of ​​cutting off children and grandchildren.

If you want to say ruthless, who else in this world can be more ruthless than Han Xin?
To be ruthless, in this world, what idea is more ruthless than this?

This is truly cruel and immoral, devoid of conscience, cutting off children and grandchildren.

Countries are vying for hegemony, two armies are at war, and casualties are inevitable.

In order to consolidate the government, people killed people and slaughtered cities. Although they were fierce, they were still understandable.

But Han Xin had already given up all contention. He killed people purely for the sake of killing people. The moment he opened his mouth, hundreds of thousands of troops were killed.

This has nothing to do with the struggle for hegemony between the two countries, the war between the two armies, or the domestic turmoil.

How could it be considered that he has lost his children and grandchildren and lost his conscience by doing such things in the end just to prevent others from getting any benefits?
However, just when Weng Lixin and Zhu Baotong were shocked, a voice suddenly sounded, "You must not do this now!"

The voice was a little hoarse, which instantly attracted the ideas of Han Xin and the others.

"who are you?"

Zhu Baotong suddenly looked up, only to see a man wearing a demon mask, at some point, he walked into the big tent as if no one was there, stood in front of the door and looked at them, and immediately couldn't help but feel cold all over his body. Pointing at the person who came, he drank.

Weng Lixin also saw this person, and his eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't say anything.

Until the end, Han Xin also turned around and looked over, staring at the person who came, and said, "Is it you, the Huns envoy?"

The visitor shook his head and smiled, and said, "Perhaps you should change your address and call me the Envoy of the Heavenly Gate!"

The person here is none other than the Heavenly Gate Envoy who once drove the Xiongnu Shanyu Maodun to a dead end.

(End of this chapter)

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