Chapter 749

"Heavenly Gate Messenger?"

Han Xin read these words in a low voice, and his face suddenly became very exciting.

He had seen this person before, after a mysterious organization called Tianmen sent him an alliance signal. "

"At that time, this person came with the will of the Huns in the East and Hu, and he was also known as the envoy of the Huns."

"Hence, Han Xin has always regarded him as an envoy of the Huns. He never imagined that today he would suddenly become an envoy of the Heavenly Gate.

"Hehe, the Heavenly Gate Envoy. I don't care whether you are the Heavenly Gate Envoy or the Hun's envoy today. Now, I am in a desperate situation, and I can no longer join forces to attack Qin. Why do you still come to me?"

When the Envoy of Tianmen Gate heard the words, he laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, in Marshal Han's opinion, our Tianmen Gate is just using Marshal Han?"

"If a person is useful, my Tianmen will treat him like a treasure, and if he is useless, my Tianmen will abandon him like a shoe?"

"Also, in the eyes of Marshal Han, he is already useless and should be despised by the world?"

While speaking, the eyes under the mask of the Tianmen Envoy stared at Han Xin with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Han Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the Heavenly Gate Envoy, and asked in a deep voice.

"It's not interesting, I just want to remind Marshal Han not to be discouraged. The rise and fall of the world is nothing but the current situation."

"As the saying goes, the times make heroes. Marshal Han is such a hero, but his luck is not enough. First he met a man like Xiang Yu, and now he meets a man like Ying Shou!"

"Ying Shou is a man who is a genius in the sky, with iron-blooded wrists, and commands the world. He can be described as a rare talent for an emperor. In front of him, Marshal Han wants to overthrow the world with his own power. It is too difficult, too difficult!"

"Of course, I'm not saying that Marshal Han is not qualified to be compared with Ying Shou, it's just that Marshal Han's timing is wrong."

"Ying Shou is now sitting in Guanzhong, holding the Great Qin Sheji artifact in his hand, which is unbreakable. Unless Marshal Han has truly mastered the power of a big country, there is no chance of defeating Ying Shou. So, Marshal Han should understand what I mean?"

The Tianmen messenger waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, the power of a big country is easier said than done? In this world, there are three great empires, one is Qin, the other is Xiongnu, and the other is Donghu. Who would dare to use me, Han Xin?"

"The land in the southwest could have built an empire, but now it will also fall into Qin's pocket. How can the power of a big country come from?"

Han Xin laughed out loud, his face full of sarcasm.

At this moment, he really came to a desperate situation.

In the land north of Great Qin, the Xiongnu and Donghu are expanding wildly. At the extreme of the world, Great Qin already has a vast land in the Central Plains.

After that, they took down Baiyue, occupied the southern border, and now they have won the southwest again. It can be described as an unprecedented superpower!

In the northern part of the country, the Xiongnu and Donghu expanded wildly, and dozens of surrounding countries announced their surrender in a short period of time.

So far, in this world, where is there any contestable ground?
The whole world has been completely divided by these three families.

"Oh, so, in the eyes of the marshal, there is no place for the marshal in this world anymore?"

That day the door messenger pretended to be surprised.

"What do you mean by that?"

Han Xin's eyes froze for a moment, the strange voice of the Tianmen Envoy made him a little uncomfortable, as if he was deliberately tearing his scars.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the world is so big that there is clearly no room for him, and what this person said is clearly sarcastic.

"Hehe, it's not interesting. I just want to tell Marshal Han that I came here this time to send Marshal Han to a country far beyond the southwest. Since Marshal Han himself has given up, let's forget it!"

The Tianmen envoy shook his head and smiled, and while speaking, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute..."

Han's confidence moved, and he quickly shouted: "You said the power of a big country, where is it?"

The Tianmen envoy paused, turned his back to Han Xin, and said with a smile: "It seems that Marshal Han is willing to talk to me?"

Marshal Han's expression changed, he hesitated for a moment, then cupped his hands and said, "Envoy please!"

The Tianmen envoy didn't talk nonsense, and said with a smile: "Marshal Han, how about going out for a walk?"

Marshal Han hesitated again for a moment, then nodded, followed behind the Tianmen envoy, and left the central army tent.

Behind them, just as Zhu Baotong and Weng Lixin wanted to stop them, they were interrupted by Han Xin raising his hand, and Han Xin said indifferently: "Wait here, don't act rashly without orders from my commander!"

While speaking, Han Xin had already left the Chinese military tent.

He silently followed behind the Tianmen envoy. For some reason, Han Xin had an inexplicable feeling that perhaps there might be unexpected gains today.

This Tianmen is too mysterious, so mysterious that he has never heard of it.

But in the mystery, it is so powerful that it is unimaginable. It is so powerful that the two great empires of the Xiongnu and Donghu have to follow one after another.

It is hard for him to imagine what kind of organization it is to have such a powerful force.

With such a powerful force, even if Qin is to be destroyed, it will be easy!
Perhaps, this so-called Tianmen really has the ability to help him regain his new life.

Along the way, Han Xin followed quietly, and the Tianmen envoy walked quietly without saying a word.

Before I knew it, I was far away from the barracks, and I saw a well not far away.

That day, the envoy of the door walked to the well, picked up the wooden barrel next to it, lowered the rope, brought a bucket of water from the well, raised his head and took a sip, handed it to Han Xin, and said with a smile, "Marshal Han, do you want to quench your thirst?"

Han Xin looked at him and said, "The envoy can speak up if he has something to say!"

The Tianmen envoy smiled slightly, put down the bucket, and said, "Since Marshal Han is not thirsty, forget it. But Marshal Han, please take a look and see what you think of this well!"

Han Xin didn't understand what he meant, so he came to the well and looked inside. The well was very deep, and there was a cold air rushing up inside, which was colder than the heavy snow and cold wind around here.

"Marshal Han stood here, looking into the well, what did he see?"

The Heavenly Gate Envoy stood aside and spoke again.

"The well is deep!"

Han Xin said instinctively.

"That's right, the well is very deep, and the water is even deeper, but no matter how deep the water is, standing here, as long as you want, you can still get whatever you want."

"For example, just now, when I was thirsty, I could just grab a bucket of water!"

The Heavenly Gate Messenger nodded and said with a smile.

"what for?"

Han Xin frowned, always feeling that this guy spoke strangely.

If Han Xin has been in touch with the Buddhism of the later generations, he will know what Zen is called.

This person's words are the same as the so-called Zen mechanism of later generations of Buddhism, and the same as the Taoism of Taoism. It seems that every sentence requires deep comprehension.

"As a metaphor, if this well is a world, and Tianmen stands on this well."

"It doesn't matter whether the situation in this world is changing, whether it is prosperous or weak. As long as there is something desirable in it, my Tianmen can take whatever it wants!"

The Tianmen envoy no longer kept his secrets, grinned, and looked at Han Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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