Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 750 Tianmen and Yingshou

Chapter 750 Tianmen and Yingshou

"You mean, from Tianmen's point of view, there is only one thing that Tianmen doesn't want in this world, and there is nothing that Tianmen can't get?"

"Is this to show off the strength or ability of your Tianmen?"

Han Xin narrowed his eyes slightly, and always felt that this person's words were very unpleasant.

"You can think of it this way, the strong eat the weak, this is the law of nature, who can change it?"

The Tianmen envoy didn't deny it either, saying: "Just because our Tianmen stands in the outer sky, so the so-called world is nothing but the thing in the palm of my Tianmen."

"And my Tianmen is heaven, and the master of my Tianmen is Haotian. Haotian leads the gods to rule the world, just around the corner!"

As he said that, Tianmen pointed to the well below, and said: "Just now Marshal Han said that there is no place for Marshal Han to stand in this world. In my opinion, this is simply ridiculous."

"It's like the bullfrog in the water that fell into the well. When he looked up, he could only see the palm-sized sky."

"One day, a snake came into the water and took over the whole well. He thought there was no place in the world for him to stand on!"

"Actually, this is really ridiculous. How does Marshal Han think he is different from this bullfrog?"

While speaking, the Tianmen envoy looked at Han Xin with a playful look on his face.

When Han Xin heard this, he was a little angry at first, then frowned, and said coldly, "Could it be that there is a sky beyond the sky?"

The messenger of Tianmen said: "Confucius said that summer insects cannot speak ice, which means that summer insects will never see winter. But in fact, Marshal Han, there is really only summer in this world?"

As soon as these words came out, Han Xin trembled all over, and immediately understood the meaning of the Tianmen messenger.

"Messenger, Tianwaitian, where is it?"

Han Xin asked quickly.

"Tianwaitian, nature is where you can't see it!"

The Tianmen envoy shook his head and smiled, and said: "When Yingzheng was in power, he searched for immortals and asked for medicines everywhere. There was a man named Xu Fu."

"Xu Fu, who has already seen through the sky and beyond, deceived Ying Zheng, and led three thousand boys and three thousand girls to another piece of sky in his eyes. The islands deep in the East China Sea will be his gods and establish his divine kingdom!"

"Just like my Tianmen is in this world, anyone who sees through the sky beyond the sky can be a god, high above, and ask for anything from the world!"

"If Marshal Han is willing, I would like to point out another world to Marshal Han. How does Marshal Han feel?"

Han Xin was silent when he heard this.

He kept saying in his heart: "God, Tianwaitian!"

People in this era actually still believe in the gods of heaven and earth, otherwise they would not be called the Son of Heaven, the God of Haotian, the God of the Five Grains, and so on.

Even Confucius, who still believed in the existence of gods, finally said that ghosts and gods should be kept at a respectful distance, let alone others.

Han Xin is no exception, but he never thought that the so-called gods are actually a group of people.

Could it be that because these people are powerful enough, they can become gods between heaven and earth?

According to this, no matter how strong the Tianmen Gate is, at least it hasn't reached Qin State yet, so wouldn't Qin State's Ying Shou also become a god?

Of course, he didn't say these questions.

Because now is not the time for debate, nor is it the time for discussion, he is looking for a way out and hope.

Compared with hope, he can throw away all doubts.

"Dare to ask the messenger, which piece of heaven and earth can Han Xin get?"

After a long silence, Han Xin clasped his hands together and asked.

The Tianmen envoy turned around, looked far to the west, and said: "In the eyes of people, the land of this world is nothing more than the fertile and vast Central Plains, the thousands of miles of desert grasslands of the Xiongnu, or the dangerous mountains and rivers of Donghu."

"Actually, this is really looking at the sky from a well. To the west of the Xiongnu, there is a deeper desert, and under the snow-capped mountains, there is a vast land!"

"There are countless oases, large and small, with a total of 36 countries, several times larger than the land in the southwest. If you can collect all of them, isn't it the power of a big country?"

"Unfortunately, no one in the world has the chance to cross the desert, just like a frog at the bottom of a well cannot jump out of this well. They always think that the sky is only this big, but they never thought that the bigger sky is far beyond what the world can see!"

Han Xin clenched his hands tightly, and the concept of 36 countries instantly filled him with excitement.

If such an existence really existed, how could he, Han Xin, fail to establish a great country?

At that time, lead the army to kill the desert, why not take revenge?
"Why are you helping me like this?"

Suddenly, Han Xin raised his head to look at the messenger of the Heavenly Gate, and he couldn't help wondering what the messenger of the Heavenly Gate meant.

"Because the moment Tianmen selected you, you were the spokesperson of Tianmen. You won that piece of land, and it will belong to Tianmen forever. At the same time, this is just in case!"

The Tianmen envoy didn't hide anything, and said with a smile.

"in case?"

Han Xin asked back.

He didn't feel strange about the first half of the sentence of the Tianmen Envoy.

After all, if Tianmen helped him unconditionally, he would not be able to die.But if it is said that Tianmen is to use him, he believes it and can accept it.

It's just that he didn't understand what it meant to be just in case.

"The war between Saibei and Daqin is unwilling. Just in case, if Donghu and Huns lose, Tianmen has reason to believe that you may have a chance to deal with Yingshou!"

The Tianmen envoy was very straightforward and said with a smile.

"You have decided to go to war with Ying Shou, so relying on Tianmen to control the power of the Xiongnu and Donghu, can't you still win?"

Han Xin was startled, and suddenly felt that he had underestimated Ying Shou.

Could it be that he is really that powerful?

"Marshal Han, it's impossible for you to understand how powerful Ying Shou is now. Ying Shou can't do anything to Tianmen, and Tianmen can't do anything to Ying Shou, so there will never be a real war between Tianmen and Yingshou."

"For Tianmen and Yingshou, this world is a game of chess. Whoever loses wins depends on who plays better!"

"That Ying Shou is also a person who sees beyond the sky, and his ambition is also beyond your imagination."

"It's just that his hands and feet are bound, but as long as he stays in Daqin for a day, even if Tianmen wants to do something to Daqin, it's absolutely impossible."

"Even if Donghu has millions of Xiongnu soldiers, as long as Ying Shou is alone, the millions of troops will be powerless to resist!"

"He is a god, the god of Great Qin, so the war between Tianmen and him is only on the chessboard, not between each other. And you will be my second chess player in Tianmen!"

The Tianmen envoy looked far away, and when Ying Shou was mentioned, even he looked dignified.

"You value that Ying Shou so much?"

Han's confidence jumped wildly. He never expected that this mysterious and powerful Tianmen would give Yingshou such a high evaluation.

Relying on the Xiongnu Donghu's army of millions, it is not Ying Shou's opponent alone, and Ying Shou has to leave before he dares to attack Da Qin?
Doesn't that mean that Ying Shou is protecting a superpower entirely by himself?It's not that Ying Shou is relying on the power of Great Qin to rule the world!

(End of this chapter)

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