Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 751 The Opportunity Comes

Chapter 751 The Opportunity Comes
"It's not that Tianmen values ​​Ying Shou, he has this strength himself!"

The Tianmen envoy looked at Han Xin and smiled indifferently.

"In this case, how can you be sure that Ying Shou will leave Daqin and give you a chance to attack Daqin?"

Han Xin changed the subject, puzzled.

"Hehe, everyone has their own weaknesses, and Ying Shou's weaknesses are too obvious. He has great ambitions, reaching a mere state of Qin can no longer satisfy his appetite!"

"It's a pity that the Central Plains has been in war for hundreds of years, and everyone has been scared. They have lost their motivation and blood."

"So, for his goal, he can only follow the path that my Tianmen designed for him step by step, walk out of Qin, and give the Xiongnu and Donghu a chance to defeat Qin!"

The Tianmen envoy sneered. When he said this, it was as if the hearts of the world, and even every thought of Ying Shou, were firmly grasped by him.

"Oh, so, you already have a way to deal with Ying Shou! But it seems that even if Ying Shou leaves Qin, you are not very sure!"

Han Xin frowned. At this moment, he seemed to gradually understand some hidden secrets between the world.

"We are very sure, but there are always exceptions to everything. If Yingshou's layout is too deep in Qin, something unexpected may happen."

"Once the Xiongnu and Donghu are defeated, these two pawns will be useless. In the end, I hope you don't let my Tianmen down!"

The Tianmen envoy didn't seem to have any intention of hiding anything from Han Xin. As long as Han Xin asked about anything, he would answer truthfully.

Finally, the Tianmen envoy said: "The words have come to this point, you should understand what I mean by now. How about it, do you dare to prepare for the battle again, and then make a comeback?"

"Don't worry, there is Tianmen behind you, as long as Tianmen is willing, you will never lack the opportunity to do it again, how about it?"

"Of course, the premise is very important. You have to admit your identity. You will always be just a pawn of my Tianmen. You can object now, but at the moment you object, there will be no Marshal Han Xin in this world, and there will be only a pawn Corpse, think about it!"

When the Tianmen messenger spoke, it seemed that Han Xin was given a chance to choose, but after saying so much, Han Xin had no room for objection.

Han Xin suddenly raised his head and looked at the messenger of the Heavenly Gate.

But when he looked at it, he met the eyes of the envoy from the Heavenly Gate.

Through the mask, looking at the eyes of the Tianmen envoy, at this moment, Han Xin felt attracted.

It seems that the eyes of the messenger of the Heaven Gate are not a pair of eyes, but a boundless sea, enough to swallow everything.

Han Xin didn't like this feeling of being swallowed and controlled by others, but at the moment when he was about to break free, an invisible crisis hit him, but it enveloped his whole body.

At this moment, he felt a chill all over his body, as if he was being imprisoned, if he dared to move a little, he would be greeted with death.

This killing intent was too strong, better than the rush of thousands of troops, and Han felt a sense of powerlessness instantly in his confidence.

Han Xin had this feeling before, he experienced it in Ying Shou, and he will never forget it in his life.

Facing such coercion again at this moment, Han Xin's body couldn't help trembling. After a long time, he suddenly said, "Han willing to work for Tianmen!"

The moment Han Xin's voice fell, the invisible pressure instantly collapsed and disappeared invisible.

"Very well, since that's the case, you are ready to go, let's go early!"

The Tianmen envoy smiled slightly, turned his back to Han Xin and said.

Han Xin frowned and said, "Let's go now?"

The Tianmen envoy shook his head and said: "You can choose the time yourself, but don't look to attack the Dian Kingdom, you have no chance."

"Qin's [-] troops have already rushed to this place. Before the war between you and Dian is over, Qin will be able to cooperate internally and externally, and you will have no power to fight back."

"At that time, if you want to escape again, you will have no chance, so you can only leave early, the sooner the better!"

Han Xin's eyes tightened suddenly, and he said, "You said that Qin's [-] troops rushed to the southwest, how could it be possible, how could Qin's army now have another [-] troops?"

While speaking, it was obvious that Han Xin couldn't believe that Qin State still had an army of [-].

After all, only the Great Wall's army of less than 30 can really go to the battlefield.

Even with the 30 troops being trained in the Lantian camp, it would be more than 50.

Even if he wanted to mobilize [-] troops from Lantian Camp to the southwest, it would be impossible to arrive so soon, so Han Xin couldn't believe it.

"I said before that Ying Shou's strength is unimaginable. Facing Tianmen, he can't have no plans."

"The [-] army was originally prepared by Ying Shou for the Southwest as a chess piece. Now that you use it in advance, you have no chance, so you should make plans early!"

The Tianmen Envoy seemed to have finished what he had to say, and gradually, he began to walk into the distance.

As he walked, his voice sounded. The moment he finished speaking the last word, he had already circled the mountain not far away and out of Han Xin's sight.

Han Xin looked at his back, fell into silence, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"A [-] army, against the Southwest. Is this what Ying Shou is preparing for?"

Han Xin was horrified, it was hard to imagine how many secrets Ying Shou had hidden.

However, from the words of the envoy of Tiantianmen, he understood that at this moment, he didn't even have a chance to destroy the Southwest Army, and the only thing he could do was to leave quickly.

When Han Xin decided to leave, on the other side, in Rongming King City, King Yelang also received the news from Yuwen Chengdu.

Seeing the contents of the letter, King Yelang laughed loudly and said, "Okay, everyone, General Yuwen has already set off, and now it's our turn!"

Beside King Yelang, Li Jiang hurried forward and said, "Your Majesty, how many troops did General Yuwen bring?"

King Yelang raised his head and said with a smile, "A [-]-strong army is well-equipped. And this time, General Yuwen also received the imperial decree from Emperor Qin, saying that Emperor Qin had sent envoys to the southwest. Congress talks."

"When the land in the southwest is completely surrendered to the Great Qin, the people in the southwest will not have to continue to live in this fiery life!"

As he spoke, King Yelang raised his head, with deep guilt in his eyes.

For several months in a row, the war in the Southwest became more and more fierce, and more and more people suffered, which made him regret the use of Han Xin even more.

Now he can also see that most of the Southwest resources have been destroyed in these wars.

The next year will be miserable, and many people will starve to death.

But as long as this southwest land surrenders to Yingshou, then everything will be much simpler.

At least the Qin State is so big, it is impossible for the Emperor of Qin to let the people of the Southwest take care of them.This is the hope of the Southwest, and it is also the reason why they must submit to the Great Qin.

(End of this chapter)

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