Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 752 The End of the Southwest Story

Chapter 752 The End of the Southwest Story
"My lord, what should we do next?"

Li Jiang keenly caught the shame flashing in King Yelang's eyes, and asked softly.


King Yelang's eyes flickered, his words hesitated, he looked at Li Jiang, forced himself a smile, and said, "Queen, haven't you seen Xiang'er for a long time? Do you want Xiang'er?"

In Li Jiang's mind, the image of a child could not help appearing, the scene of the child saluting in front of her, calling for his mother, and being happy with her in front of him kept flashing past.

Unable to restrain himself, a warm smile appeared on the corner of Li Jiang's mouth, and he said, "Before you know it, Xiang'er has been away for almost half a year. As a mother, how can you not miss your child!"

King Yelang's voice was a little low, and he forced himself to laugh: "Yes, how can a mother not miss her child, and similarly, how can a child miss home and parents when he is alone?"

"Queen, all the concubines and children have already gone to Bashu, Qin State, you should go first."

"You are the queen, they still need your care, and Xiang'er also needs your care. You go to the Qin Kingdom first, and then come to meet you after the king puts down the chaos in the southwest. At that time, I hope you can come together with Xiang'er." How about welcoming the king?"

Hearing this, Li Jiang's expression changed, and the warm smile on his face just now disappeared in an instant.

She looked at King Yelang and said, "Your Majesty, are you... Are you driving away your servants and concubines?"

King Yelang quickly waved his hands and said with a smile: "Queen, please don't get me wrong. This king doesn't mean that. I'm just worried that Xiang'er will wait too long, so the queen will go and accompany Xiang'er first, okay?"

Li Jiang shook his head, his eyes gradually rosy, looked at King Yelang with a sad smile and said: "My lord, do you think concubines are easy to coax, or do you think concubines are easy to deceive? In other words, the king always treats concubines as a Stupid woman, don't understand anything?"

"In the Central Plains, the ancients said that everything must stay on the line. There is a saying in the art of war. In the battle of trapped beasts, one thousand enemies are injured, and eight hundred are self-damaged!"

"Now that Han Xin is desperate, it can be said that the trapped beast is fighting to the death. No matter how much he tolerated the king in the past."

"Nowadays, he is only afraid that he will die with the king. If his concubine leaves, will he really have a chance to see the king again in this life?"

"Your Majesty doesn't need to lie to your concubines. Once upon a time, Your Majesty promised your concubines to send Xiang'er away and live and die together."

"Now, what does it mean for the king to abandon his concubine? Your Majesty, answer the concubine!"

While speaking, Li Jiang bent his knees and knelt down in front of King Yelang.


King Yelang's body trembled slightly, and he called out in a low voice.

At this moment, his expression also changed, looking at Li Jiang kneeling in front of him, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, trying to help Li Jiang up, but Li Jiang avoided it without hesitation.

"My lord, answer my concubine!"

Tears welled up in Li Jiang's eyes, without hesitation, he stared at King Yelang and shouted.


King Yelang slowly closed his eyes, with a trembling voice, he said: "Queen, since you know that going this time is a near-death experience, have you ever thought about it, if something really happens to the king and the queen, Xiang'er will be alone outside? , who will take care of it?"

Li Jiang shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, this is not the reason for His Majesty to drive away the concubines. The concubines still have many mothers, and they can all take care of Xiang'er."

"Xiang'er has many brothers and sisters, and they can also take care of Xiang'er! Without his concubines, Xiang'er may suffer, but for the rest of his life, it's not the King's turn to worry!"

King Yelang waved his hand and said, "Queen, why are you so innocent? Do you think that everyone in this world is as kind as you?"

"This Yelang Palace, now that I am here, the concubines dare not target you and Xiang'er, but that doesn't mean they really respect you and Xiang'er!"

"There is another saying in your Central Plains, the most ruthless emperor's family, how can you trust them?"

"That's enough, Your Majesty, all your concubines know what you said. But does Your Majesty know where Xiang'er is now?"

"He is in the Qin Kingdom, and his concubine is from Qin, the emperor's sister-in-law. The Great Qin Emperor is Xiang'er's uncle."

"This time, if the concubine and the king are buried in front of Han Xin, they will die for the country of Qin. The people of Qin have always been rewarded and punished!"

"The emperor is Xiang'er's uncle. He will not treat Xiang'er badly because of emotion and reason. Now, my husband and I are willing to die for Daqin."

"Xiang'er is the prince of the Yelang Kingdom, the future Yelang King. Even if the Yelang Kingdom ceases to exist in the future, he will still be the king's direct descendant. His Majesty the Emperor will give Xiang'er all the honors."

"At that time, who in the world will dare to bully Xiang'er?"

Faced with various reasons from King Yelang, Li Jiang scolded King Yelang for the first time.

While speaking, she kowtowed heavily to King Yelang, her forehead was black and blue, and said in unison: "I beg your lord, even if you have to take the last journey, let the concubine want to accompany you!"


King Yelang pointed at Li Jiang, completely speechless.

Shaking his head and sighing deeply, King Yelang finally said: "Okay, queen, it was my mistake. Now that the queen has made up her mind, follow me!"

Li Jiang raised his head and looked at King Yelang, and saw that her little face was covered with tears, but after a while, she smiled and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

In this hall, not only Li Jiang and Yelang Wang couple, but also Ji Tianhou and the nine first-class masters he brought from Qin Kingdom, all gathered here.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, with such a queen, what more can I ask for!"

"I, the people of the Central Plains, have always valued courtesy, love and righteousness. Even if it is the last journey, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, neither will abandon each other."

"Nowadays, Your Majesty and Your Majesty are so close and friendly, Your Majesty just need to rest assured, the foreign ministers will definitely protect your Majesty and Your Majesty!"

Ji Tianhou put his arms around his chest and embraced the sword, and said with a slight smile.

King Yelang turned his head back and said with a smile, "Thank you, since that's the case, I'll make some preparations later, and take the rest of the people in the city with me, and go directly to the territory of Zhao Kingdom. The final battle with Han Xin, it's time to end!"

As he said that, King Yelang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked far away, his thoughts drifted away, recalling that he had experienced many ups and downs in his life in less than a year, and he had experienced all the wonderful things that a person should experience in his life. over again.

Even in this world, more than 90.00% of the people's life stories are not as rich as his one year.

He has experienced seizing power, he has experienced power in the world, he has experienced unprecedented humiliation, he has changed from a normal person to a cripple, and he has experienced being seized power, fighting openly and secretly, and intrigue.

This is simply a wonderful long story, which he experienced completely in just one year.

Thinking back on it like this is simply a sigh.

On that day, nearly [-] people in the city, who were already sitting on the mountain, were all ready to go under the order of King Yelang, and followed behind King Yelang to the territory of Dian Kingdom, looking for their last chance of survival.

A story belonging to the Southwest has come to an end, and it has finally come out of the beginning of writing.

(End of this chapter)

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