Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 762 Great Qin's First Hero

Chapter 762 Great Qin's First Hero
The ministers were not happy that Mu Shan asked to see the emperor at this time, did it mean that they looked down on Mu Shan's status as a businessman.

After all, they are the ones who master the rules of the game.

They suppress the identity of businessmen for the sake of the foundation of the country.Whether other people's status is high or low can only be decided by them in the end.

Anyway, everything is verbal, it depends on what they say and what they think.

Furthermore, Mu Shan is not an ordinary businessman. The contribution of this businessman to Daqin is obvious to all the officials.

At the beginning of the year, Great Qin encountered an unprecedented famine, which was enough to take away millions of lives.

It was Mu Shan, it was Mu's Commercial Bank who opened the warehouse door and spared no effort to support Da Qin, so Da Qin managed to survive the catastrophe.

Not to mention anything else, based on this point alone, Mu Shan can be called the number one hero of the Qin Dynasty.

But just because of his status as a businessman, he is doomed to not get any obvious rewards at all.

Now, he asked for an interview in person, which also caused problems for everyone.

If the emperor openly summons it, millions of Xianyang people will watch it.

If this businessman is appreciated by the emperor, people will still think that the businessman's status is low in the future?
Therefore, this is the reason why the officials are really unhappy.

They were afraid that the sudden request of Mushan would break the rule of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business.

"You dear ones don't seem to welcome the arrival of this Mushan businessman!"

Seeing the expressions of the officials, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it's not that you don't welcome him, it's just that the situation tonight is not suitable for summoning this person! It might as well be so, Your Majesty will send someone to settle down Mu Shan first, and wait until tomorrow, how about summoning him?"

After Ying Shou finished speaking, Situ Feng, Minister of the Household Department, immediately got up and said.

"Lord Situ is right. Your Majesty, if you summon Mu Shan now, there will be some bad influence. It would be more appropriate to summon him tomorrow. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

On the side, the Minister of Rites and Wu Hua followed suit.

Seeing this, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled again, and said, "Your loves are right, but when you say this, can you sit down and think about it, this year, Mu's business is my Daqin How much contribution has been made. Don’t say much, let’s talk about the food, how much food does Daqin owe Mu’s Firm?”

The officials were stunned for a moment. They naturally knew this, and they didn't even need to count it. Someone said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, at the beginning of the year, there was a famine everywhere in Daqin. In order to gather food, a total of 3000 million stones of grain were collected from the world."

"More than half of these grains were produced by various commercial firms, and Mu's Commercial Bank itself occupied 2000 million shi. After soliciting donations, these commercial firms refused to return it. Therefore, I counted and returned 2000 million shi to the former Mu's Commercial Bank. food!"

Ying Shou looked at the speaker, it was none other than Di Renjie.

"Well, that's right, Di Aiqing was still in the southern border, so she knew about it so clearly, it seems that other Aiqings should not forget it either!"

"2000 million shi of grain, this is almost comparable to one-tenth of the previous Qin's annual harvest."

"No matter how big the Mu's Firm is, no matter how strong its foundation is, it will be difficult to pay back its capital after such dedication, and it will be a big blood loss!"

"Dear dear ones, they spared no effort to help the imperial court so that you can sit here drinking and having fun at this moment with peace of mind, but now you don't even want to show your face, isn't it a bit chilling?"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, he looked at the officials and smiled.

The officials bowed their heads one by one when they heard the words, they naturally knew that even if Mu's merchants had great achievements and hundreds of years of accumulation, if they really had to spend so much, they would not last long.

What they are doing now is really unreasonable, but sometimes, the overall situation is the most important thing!
"Oh, by the way, I'm telling you one thing. Just a while ago, someone in this world released food for disaster relief. In order for everyone in Daqin to live a peaceful year, this person released a full 3000 million shi of food."

"These 3000 million shi grains were purchased from all over the country. Do you know how much these grains cost?"

"Of course, I believe that you all know this news, but you probably don't know who is the food delivery person?"

"Let me tell you now that this person is none other than Mu Shan, Mu's Firm!"

Suddenly, Ying Shou changed the subject, and mentioned that some time ago, Mu's Commercial Bank distributed relief food to millions of families to relieve the pressure on the national treasury, saying: "Although this Mu's Commercial Bank is rich and wealthy, but once Within a year, the continuous loss and payment will also make Mu's Firm a great business."

"Almost everything about Mu Shan has been paid for. He has nothing but a so-called business firm."

"Now, you say that even I, you, and the whole Daqin will chill him. In this world, who in the future would dare to do anything for Daqin like this?"

The ministers shook their hearts, raised their heads, and looked at Ying Shou with disbelief on their faces.

They have always known about the distribution of food for disaster relief some time ago, but they have never been clear about who did it.

Of course, some people thought it was Mu Shan, but in the end, it was still not confirmed.

After confirming now, the shock to their hearts can be said to be indescribable.

If this is the case, although this Mu Shan is not in the temple, his dedication to the Great Qin this year will far exceed the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty. He is truly the number one hero of the Great Qin and the most benevolent person in the world!
Seeing that the officials were speechless, they all bowed their heads and remained silent, Ying Shou stood up slowly and said, "My dear friends, you are thinking about the overall situation, I am very clear."

"But in the final analysis, no matter what the overall situation is, the most important thing is, don't let the hearts of the heroes be chilled."

"Sometimes people can't be too persistent, but they can't be too dull. Anything should be changed when it should be changed. Don't always stick to the rules, it won't help Daqin!"

The officials quickly looked up at the emperor.

Shu Sun Tong cupped his hands and said, "So, Your Majesty wants to summon Mu Shan today?"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves and said, "That's right, not only will I summon Mu Shan today, but I will also go down to meet him in person. I will give Mu Shan enough rewards for what he has given."

"Only in this way, people in the world will be willing to give everything for the foundation of my Great Qin Thousand Balls and Eternal Generations."

"My dear ones, if you think it's so inappropriate, you can wait here. If you think it can be changed, come down with me!"

With that said, Ying Shou turned around and walked straight under the city.

In the back, the faces of the officials changed drastically, and they hesitated for a moment. Seeing that the emperor had already walked down the tower, how could they dare to hesitate for a moment?
Immediately, one by one quickly followed.

"elder brother!"

Downstairs, Xu Chu and Li Yuanba led the defenders in the city to have fun with the people, but they didn't go up to the top of the city. When they saw the emperor coming down, they immediately came up to greet him, only listening to Li Yuanba shouting.

(End of this chapter)

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