Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 763 Business Wizards

Chapter 763 Business Wizards
"Let's go, follow me to meet my Great Qin hero!"

Ying Shou opened his arms, led Li Yuanba and Xu Chu, and walked directly towards the outside of Xianyang City.

"His Majesty!"

In the back, the officials followed and came to the downstairs of Xianyang Chengcheng together.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, long live long live your majesty!"

Outside the city, Mu Shan had already been waiting there, because the caravan consisted of thousands of people, the number was too large, no matter where they went, they needed to be dealt with slowly.

Therefore, for this New Year's Eve, he could only wait outside the city gate, but he did not expect that the emperor would come in person.

Immediately, Mu Shan and all the caravan guards knelt down and bowed down together.


"Mu Shan, it's so late, I thought you wouldn't come today, let's get back together!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly, stepped forward with open arms, and helped Mu Shan up.

"The grass people thank His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Your Majesty, the grassroots came late, and even bothered His Majesty the emperor to go out of the city in person. This is kindness and energy, shame on the grassroots!"

Mu Shan raised his head, with an unprecedented glory on his face.

In this world, how many people can welcome the emperor in person?This is definitely the glory of a lifetime!
"Hey, Mu Shan, what are you talking about. Although Mu's merchants are a little treacherous, but what they did for Daqin this time, I see it in my eyes, and the world benefits. This is Daqin's first class." Thanks for that."

"You are a businessman, you cannot be an official, but you are also a great hero of my Great Qin. To be honest, I am drinking hot, and I really don't want to come down."

"How can you eat people with a soft mouth and short hands, and you, Mu Shan, came here in person, and I'm too embarrassed to be indifferent, hahaha!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly, took Mu Shan's wrist, and said, "Come on, since you're here today, let's have a drink with me!"

While speaking, Ying Shou pulled Mu Shan and walked straight towards the city.

"Wait, wait, Your Majesty, this is a small gift from the grassroots, dedicated to His Majesty, I wish His Majesty ten thousand years of happiness, peace in the world, and prosperity every year!"

Mu Shan quickly grabbed the emperor, pointed to the long dragon goods behind him and said.

"Oh, so many things are all for me?"

Ying Shou was a little unbelievable, Mu Shan made a move, it was really getting more and more generous.

"Hey, Your Majesty, it's a matter of reciprocity! As His Majesty handed over a large amount of business to the grassroots before, although so far, there has not been much return, but the grassroots believe that the day of prosperity will be tomorrow. Your Majesty treats the grassroots so favorably, the grassroots Wouldn't you pay me back?"

Mu Shan chuckled, his eyes full of shrewdness.

It has to be said that he is really a very qualified businessman, and what he does sometimes seems to be doing good deeds.

In fact, the prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.Big sacrifices always pay big dividends.

In front of Ying Shou, Mu Shan seemed to bow his knees, but his courage, skill, and even Ying Shou had to be admired.

It was precisely because of this that Ying Shou almost handed over Daqin's most profitable business to him.

For example, the papermaking, printing and so on issued by Yingshou before.

These projects are naturally handed over to the Ministry of Industry in the imperial court, but the Ministry of Industry has too many major issues, how can they all be contracted?The manpower and material resources are absolutely unimaginable.

And even if the Ministry of Industry can contract it, it will be a lot of trouble to send it to the private sector, so in the end, the core technology is controlled by the Ministry of Industry, and most of the processing, and even the spread of the whole country, is almost handed over to Mu Shan. businessman.

Although all these are launched by the state, the cost of manpower and material resources must be recovered, so paper needs money, right?of course yes!Books need money, right?Of course?

Everything needs money, as long as it has something to do with the former, it is a business, as long as it is a business, with Mu Shan's business acumen, you can make money.

Even if he knelt down to the national treasury in the end, he could still make a lot of money.

Of course, this is in the future. For now, he is only at a loss, and it is not yet time to recover the cost.

This is Ying Shou's care for him, and it is also his iron-blooded wrist, otherwise ordinary people would not dare to accept this business.

"Okay, I like a sensible person like you. It's a pity, you have to hold on to your business, otherwise, I have to keep you in the court to do things for me!"

Ying Shou patted Mu Shan's chest and smiled, the longer he got along with him, the more he really liked this treacherous businessman!

"No, Your Majesty the Emperor, Mu Shan is doomed to be a slave to money in his life. Hey, a man of fame and fortune, there is nothing he can do."

"Find ways to earn money first, and then exchange for fame and fortune is the most important thing. As for those courtiers who have a breeze in their sleeves and are greedy from morning to night, it is not suitable for grassroots."

"Not only is it not suitable for the minister, but it must drive the grassroots crazy!"

Mu Shan's eyes lit up, and he couldn't tell that the emperor was trying to recruit him.

This is not acceptable. If I want to follow the emperor, I have to give up hundreds of millions of wealth, which is absolutely impossible.

"The greed for profit!"

Ying Shou glared at him, it was the first time he had seen such a person who loves money rather than power.

But people have their own ambitions, and he will not force Mu Shan, but he is slightly disappointed in his heart.

Perhaps it was Mu Shan's character that he admired so much, otherwise Mu Shan really cared about the temple, maybe he would still look down on Mu Shan.

"Hey, by the way, Your Majesty, if you really like Mu Shan, there is someone in Mu Shan who you can recommend to Your Majesty."

"This person's wisdom in making money is far above that of the grassroots. I remember that when I was young, the grassroots made friends with this person, and just listened to his few words, but they benefited for a lifetime!"

"And as far as Caomin knows, this person yearns for the temple all his life, maybe he can really help His Majesty the Emperor!"

Suddenly, Mu Shan thought of something, hurriedly stopped, and said to the emperor.

"Oh, you mean, this person's aptitude is far above yours?"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up, and while he was talking, he pulled Mu Shan up again and headed towards the imperial city, without paying any attention to the officials following him, he asked Mu Shan directly.

"Of course, grassroots never lie. After all, business is all about reputation!"

"I remember that Cao Min was only fifteen or sixteen years old at that time. Although my father taught him well, his views on business were always focused on making money and losing money. At this time, he was only six or seven years old."

"He met Cao Min on a very strange occasion, and he dismissed the business that Cao Min just started!"

"Does Your Majesty know what this person said to the grass people?"

When it comes to taking people, Mu Shan's face is full of light.


Ying Shou was also a little curious. Mu Shan's business acumen was actually developed by a six or seven-year-old child. This is really a strange story!
"He said, you are also called business? If business is done like you do, there will be no businessmen in this world."

"You are not worthy of doing business, because you don't know what fame and fortune are. If you continue like this, no matter how big your ancestors' wealth is, it will only be wiped out by you!"

Mu Shan didn't hide anything, and said with a bitter smile.

(End of this chapter)

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