Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 764 Meet Han Xin

Chapter 764 Meet Han Xin
"Oh, is there anyone in this world who dares to talk to you like that?"

Ying Shou was a little surprised. Ying Shou knew Mu Shan's business ability better than anyone else. It was unimaginable that there were still people in this world who would dare to say that about him.

"Hey, but he really has the ability. I remember that at that time, Caomin made a bet with this person, and whoever lost would promise three things to the other party."

"How could Cao Min have a crush on a little boy? It turns out that Cao Min and him are vastly different, and he was convinced! Until now, he hasn't said the three things, and Cao Min hasn't done it either!"

"However, at the time of parting, this person said: Since you promised me three things, I can't watch you lose your family property, lest you don't have the qualifications to use it in the future."

"In this way, remember one sentence, everyone in the world despises people with fame and wealth, but, in my opinion, everyone in the world is people with money and fame!"

"Fame and fortune, exchange fame and fortune, gain fame with profit, this is the path of fame and fortune!"

"The avenue of fame and fortune, gaining fame and gaining fame, and gaining fame through profit, you can take everything in the world, this is the avenue of fame and fortune!"

"The front can be used to advance, and the whole life is for exchange. The latter plays chess, controls the world, and manipulates all living beings. He should live in the court and walk the way of the world."

"However, fame and fortune are gambling. If you can't afford to gamble in your life, you can abandon the small ones, and you can't pursue the great way. If you don't accompany the fame and fortune, you can only do nothing!"

Mu Shan sighed, and while speaking, looked at Ying Shou, and said, "This man's words really benefit Mu Shan a lot. Mu Shan can see that this child will definitely be the one who will be in charge of the situation in the future, and now, it will be the same year." Nearly thirty, but no sign of him."

"Mu Shan has a kind of intuition. If this person comes out, he thinks that if he comes out, he will definitely bring disaster to the world. He is not only a minister of the world, but also a hero of the troubled times!"

Ying Shou heard this, and frowned slightly. At this moment, Ying Shou didn't come, and his eyelids twitched wildly.

A man of fame and fortune, who plays tricks on the world like this, isn't he the swordsmith he has always been looking forward to?

Do such people really exist today?
"What's his name?"

Ying Shou asked in a calm voice.

"I don't know, I only know that at the beginning, he seems to have traveled the world with an expert, and there is no news yet!"

Mu Shan shook his head, and while speaking, he had already arrived at the head of the imperial city.

Ying Shou was a little disappointed, but he also left the influence of this person in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, as long as this person is still alive, sooner or later, I will have to meet him for a while. Let's go, follow me up!"

Ying Shou shook his head a little, and led Mu Shan straight to the tower.

"His Majesty!"

Nan Yan and Xue Ning brought the family members of the courtiers, and after Ying Shou climbed the tower, they bowed to meet Tao.

"Cao Min kowtows to the empress and concubine Xue. Here, Cao Min wishes the two empresses a thousand years and a thousand years!"

When Mu Shan saw the two girls, he quickly kowtowed.

"Free gift!"

The two women smiled slightly and said softly.

"Aifei, why don't you sit still and come here?"

Ying Shou looked at the two women and said with a smile.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there are songs and dances prepared for the entertainment below. Your Majesty left suddenly. I don't know if it's time to go, so the concubine came to inquire!"

Empress Nan Yan bowed and saluted.

"Well, let's go, since today we want to celebrate with the whole world and keep the New Year together, just come up if you have anything. By the way, queen, you are pregnant, go down early later, don't catch the cold here!"

Ying Shou nodded, and changed the topic while speaking.

The Queen responded and led the crowd away.

Ying Shou also brought his ministers back to the banquet.

Things have come to this point, and the officials don't care whether Mu Shan is a businessman or whether it will harm the national policy of the Great Qin.

Now that they came, they couldn't deny Mu Shan's contribution, and the officials put aside their identities, raised their wine cups one after another, and paid homage to Mu Shan.

Sing and dance on stage, continue to have fun.

That night, in Xianyang city, the lights were kept awake all night.


On the side of Daqin, on the occasion of celebrating the New Year happily, on the other side, in the southwest, Yelang Wang Munan led [-] Rongming refugees, accompanied by the nine first-class masters of Daqin, Ji Tianhou, and Queen Yelang In the middle of the night, he braved the heavy snow and came to the territory of Zhao Kingdom.

From a distance, one could see the endless army barracks, brightly lit.

At this time, I thought that there would be interruptions in the middle of the night, but I didn't expect that the entire barracks did not rest.

And outside the barracks, there was actually a team waiting there.

Han Xin led 3000 troops, and he also saw King Yelang and his party coming from afar, so he rode forward immediately.

"No, Han Xin is prepared, he is going to kill him!"

After the death of King Yelang, those refugees have now reached a dead end, and if there is no more food, everyone will die.

King Yelang is their only hope, so no matter how dangerous it is, they follow him.In any case, food must be obtained from Han Xin.

If King Yelang dies, no one will live.

Therefore, seeing Han Xin's [-] soldiers riding high horses, holding torches, coming like a fire dragon, these people only thought that Han Xin had really rebelled, and they were going to kill King Yelang immediately.

After a short period of panic, these people almost instinctively blocked King Yelang.

In any case, for the sake of your family and yourself, you must protect King Yelang.Otherwise, no one would survive.

" drive..."

Under the stern gaze of these people, Han Xin galloped forward and stopped suddenly three hundred steps away from King Yelang.

Immediately afterwards, Han Xin got off his horse, followed by two generals, Weng Lixin and Zhu Baotong, who came straight towards King Yelang.

"Sir Han Xin, pay homage to my king!"

When he came to the front, Han Xin directly retreated from those who stood in front of King Yelang, knelt down on the ground, and paid homage.

At this moment, because he was close to Daying, King Yelang also got off from the car and just sat in a wheelchair and let others push him.

Seeing this, the people around were shocked.

Didn't it mean that Han Xin rebelled?Why did he still run to King Yelang and kneel down?
As far as the distance between him and the army was concerned, it seemed that three hundred paces was not far, but with so many people around, it was enough to smash his body into pieces thousands of times before the army arrived.

King Yelang also did not expect that Han Xin would dare to take risks in front of him.You know, what he has done has driven Han Xin to a dead end. What Han Xin should do is to fight him at all costs!
"Han Xin, get up!"

King Yelang's eyes flickered. The King Yelang of today is quite different from before.

Zeng Jin's Yelang Wang was petty, but after that time, he learned the art of winning and defending the emperor's heart, and he treated people and things very differently.

Han Xin was so polite, so he naturally wouldn't do it directly.He wanted to see what Han Xin meant.

"Thank you king!"

Han Xin thanked him, but at this moment, in front of King Yelang, he gave an unprecedented gift.The way he looked at King Yelang also showed unprecedented respect, it was a kind of eyes that really looked at the king.

(End of this chapter)

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