Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 765 The Difference Between the Strong and the Weak

Chapter 765 The Difference Between the Strong and the Weak
"Hey, what is this Han Xin doing? Is it true that as the king said, he will really let King Yelang go?"

On the top of a mountain in the distance, the Tianmen envoy wearing a demon mask stood behind a gray-bearded old man, staring at Han Xin with a strange face, very puzzled.

"If it was before, he would not let King Yelang go. He would rather break the jade than destroy it. However, today he still has a way out."

"The biggest difference between the strong and the weak is that the strong will always have a way out, but the weak will not."

"So the strong will never fall into the situation of trapped beasts fighting, so they jump over the wall in a hurry, but the weak will. Now, Han Xin has a retreat for the strong, so he naturally has to have the tolerance of the strong. How can he fight like a trapped beast?" Bite everywhere!"

The old man exuded a strange aura, which made his protection merge with the heaven and earth, no matter which direction he stood, he couldn't see his face.As if the night was his mask.

He turned his back to the Heavenly Gate Envoy, and his voice was indifferent, as if he had already predicted today's result.

"It should be like this, so he won't kill King Yelang? Could it be that in the eyes of the king, Han Xin is now considered a strong man?"

The Tianmen envoy was taken aback for a moment, puzzled.

"He will never be a strong man, and he has never been a strong man. He can only be a cancerous tumor. Wherever he goes, he will cause harm. As long as he is not stupid, he will not be kept!"

The old man shook his head and sneered.

"Oh, since he doesn't even have the chance to be a strong man, why does the king still help him?"

The Heavenly Gate Messenger said strangely.

"The widow said that he is a cancer. In this world, everyone has their own usefulness, and a cancerous tumor naturally has its own usefulness. Take your time, and those who can understand this truth are the real strong!"

The old man smiled again, and while speaking, sighed: "Ai, what a pity, this cancer of Han Xin actually made a strong man like King Yelang."

"It's a pity that King Yelang already has the talent to be a strong man, but he doesn't have the heart to be a strong man. His earnest mind is useless and he can't be used. Otherwise, he is the one I want!"

The Tianmen envoy said: "In the words of the king, if this Yelang king still has his heart, he is Yingshou's opponent?"

The old man vetoed: "No, no matter how determined he is, he can't be Ying Shou's opponent. Whether it's Dongdi or Baidi, he is not a strong man. However, there are people outside the people, and there is a sky outside the sky. The widow is their head God."

"And Ying Shou is a dark cloud in this world. No matter how strong and competitive they are, they cannot be Ying Shou's opponent, let alone King Yelang!"

The Tianmen envoy was surprised, and said: "Oh, why does the king value that Yingshou so much? In the eyes of his subordinates, that Yingshou is nothing special. In history, there are not a few people who are comparable to him. Can't get into the eyes of the king?"

The old man sneered and said, "Of course they can't be seen by the widows. Some people are destined to be above all living beings from birth. These people may become stronger and stronger, but they all have fatal weaknesses!"

"Like that Yingzheng Xiaoer, he is the first one who can make everyone look up to him. Unfortunately, he can't get rid of this weakness."

"Finally defeated by my own obsession. In this world, only Ying Shou has no weaknesses, because his weaknesses are being gradually strangled by him!"

"Oh, what Wang said, what is Ying Shou's weakness?"

The Tianmen envoy was startled and asked quickly.

"His weakness lies in himself. With the power of Yingshou alone, he is enough to guard the invincible Qin Dynasty, but he is abolishing his martial arts, breaking and then establishing. Once he succeeds, Yingshou will be the world, the ancient king, Invincible King!"

The old man's tone suddenly became sharp, and these words made him extremely dignified.

"Abolish martial arts, break and then stand?"

The envoy of the gate was bewildered that day, and said, "My lord, how can this Ying Shou break down and stand on his own?"

The old man said with a smile: "The moment he decides to enter the urn is the moment when he puts himself and Daqin to death."

"Similarly, this will also be the last moment for him to stand up!"

"If you want to defeat Ying Shou, no matter who you are, you only have three chances. First, before he awakens. Second, when he breaks down. Third, when the fish dies and the net is broken, this will be the last duel between the widow and him! The widow is planning, and he is also planning, it depends on who wins and who loses in the end!"

The Tianmen messenger murmured to himself, chanting the old man's words: "Put it to death and then live, break it and then stand up... hiss..."

Immediately, the Tianmen Envoy shook his head and stopped talking.

The old man also turned around and walked aside, sat down on a boulder, leaving the Heavenly Gate Envoy behind, and continued to look down at Han Xin and the others.


"Your Majesty, Han Xin dares to ask Your Majesty to explain, is it possible?"

Below, Han Xin stood in front of King Yelang, bowed slightly, and said with a smile.

King Yelang looked at Han Xin with flickering eyes, hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, and said, "Please!"

Han Xin smiled, stepped forward to King Yelang and stretched out his hand, about to push the wheelchair.

"Stop, what do you want to do?"

Beside King Yelang, many soldiers quickly drew out their weapons and pointed at Han Xin.

"Back off, this king wants to catch up with Marshal Han, no one needs to follow!"

At this moment, King Yelang suddenly raised his hand to stop him.

"Your Majesty?"

Everyone quickly looked at King Yelang, not understanding what King Yelang meant.

Isn't he afraid that Han Xin will suddenly kill him?Everyone is not allowed to follow, isn't this giving Han Xin a chance for nothing!
"Don't worry, Marshal Han is not so despicable, I'm right!"

King Yelang shook his head and smiled.

Standing behind King Yelang, Han Xin shrugged his shoulders with a disapproving expression.

King Yelang waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

Han Xin stopped talking nonsense, pushed Yelang King and left here.

Just as everyone was about to catch up, they were stopped by Ji Tianhou.

"Mr. Ji, what does this mean?"

On the other side, Yelang Princess Li Jiang couldn't help asking.

"Let them go, this Han Xin is very unusual today. If he intends to target the king, he will not act like this. Don't worry, the king will be fine. Let's see when they will talk about it!"

Ji Tianhou shook his head and said in a deep voice.

While talking, even he couldn't figure out what happened to Han Xin today.

According to reason, a hero like Han Xin should be full of killing intent, but just now, he didn't see any fighting intent in Han Xin's eyes.

Instead, Han Xin saw admiration and concession in the eyes of King Yelang.

This is a very unique signal. When a person shows such a look, either the person has lost his will and is not worthy of being a hero.

Either this person has other plans, but either way, this person will not do anything crazy again.

Ji Tianhou is an excellent disciple of Guigu. Guigu has played with the world in applause all his life, and what he is best at is to control the hearts of the people in the world.

As a senior student of Guigu, he naturally has his own views on the human heart.

(End of this chapter)

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