Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 766 Evaluation of Han Xin

Chapter 766 Evaluation of Han Xin
Pushed by Han Xin, King Yelang came to a deserted grassland hundreds of meters away.

Now the grassland has been covered with heavy snow, leaving the ruts and footprints along the way where the two of them passed.

King Yelang leaned quietly on the wheelchair. At this time, if Han Xin had malicious intentions and wanted to kill him, it would be easy, but he was not prepared at all.

The emperor's mind technique is itself a way to control people's hearts. As King Yelang deepens this way, he will be more accurate in judging people.

This Han Xin is no longer something to be afraid of!
"Is it true that Your Majesty is not afraid of Han Xin at all? If Han Xin wants to kill His Majesty at this moment, no one will be able to save His Majesty. Your Majesty should understand this very well!"

Han Xin let go of the wheelchair, came to the side, sat down on a stone covered with heavy snow, and said with a smile.

"This king... also ask you, will you...will you?"

King Yelang smiled, looked at Han Xin, and said in an awkward Qin language.

"Hehehe, it seems that it is as it is said in the rumors. The king has been learning Qin's official language with the queen these days, and now he can speak it!"

Han Xin chuckled and didn't answer, but changed the subject instead.

The concubine of King Yelang is from Qin.Having been with the princess for a long time, I can understand some Qin Yu to some extent, but I can't understand all of them.

Recently, in order not to struggle too much after entering the state of Qin, he has been studying Qin language day and night.

Most of the time, he brought a translator, and what he translated was actually for the rest of the people behind him who didn't understand Qin Yu.

As for him, even though he didn't speak Qin Yu smoothly, he still knew a little bit.As for listening, as long as it is not too complicated, he can understand it.

Therefore, this time Han Xin wanted to reminisce with him, so he didn't bother to bring a translator.

Seeing that King Yelang didn't reply, Han Xin shook his head, changed the subject again, and said, "Your Majesty, I want to hear an answer from your Majesty today. Is your Majesty hating or angry towards Han Xin?"

King Yelang was taken aback, and looked at Han Xin's eyes, only to see Han Xin staring at him with burning eyes, which made his heart calm down immediately.

King Yelang couldn't help asking himself, he always wanted to fight Han Xin to the death, but did he really hate him?
Maybe there is hatred!
But does this hatred come from willingness to be angry?

Because I was angry that he harmed me and Yelang Kingdom, so I hated him?
If before, King Yelang might feel that he had hatred and anger towards Han Xin, but at this moment, he found that he didn't seem to have hatred or anger towards Han Xin, so why did he do all these things?

"No... this king once hated you and was once angry, but now this king neither hates you nor is he angry with you!"

After a long silence, King Yelang shook his head and said.

"Oh, so, since Your Majesty doesn't hate Han Xin, nor is he angry with Han Xin, could it be that he simply wants to compete with Han Xin?"

Han Xin was surprised.

"Maybe so, or there may be other answers!"

King Yelang replied.

"Oh, there are other answers?"

Han Xin was surprised.

"Well, there are other answers!"

King Yelang nodded and smiled.


Han Xin broke the casserole and asked the end. The more abnormal the answer of King Yelang, the more curious he was about what the answer was.

"Such as Yingshou, such as Southwest, such as Yelang Kingdom, or such as the life of this king!"

King Yelang looked up at the sky, his eyes were very deep when he spoke, and he said: "I used to think that I hated Ying Shou very much, but in fact, I admire Ying Shou more."

"Later, I thought it was you who I hated, but now I found out that I don't hate you either. On the contrary, I also admire you, but I really sympathize with you!"

"Han Xin, you are a very capable person, but unfortunately, you will never be willing to hold the sky above your head, so you will always be trapped in the shallows."

"Just like a fish, never willing to be surrounded by the sea, you can only end up sunburned to death. You have the ability to rush out of the sea, but unfortunately you can't stand on your own. Therefore, you are admirable and sympathetic!"

King Yelang's words directly exposed Han Xin to nothing.

The moment Han Xin heard that King Yelang sympathized with him, his eyes froze suddenly, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

He does not need sympathy from others, nor does he need pity from others.

However, when he heard the comments from King Yelang, he remained silent.

I have to say that in his life, Han Xin has indeed been swimming in the shallows, powerless.

The reason why dragons are powerful is because they have the power to overturn rivers and seas, but no matter how powerful a dragon is, it can only be trapped in water for a lifetime.

Once out of the sea, what is a dragon?
Isn't that the reason why the dragon in the shallows was caught in the shrimp scene?

But how could he, Han Xin, tolerate being trapped and bound?

He just wants to be the existence that makes the rules, not the existence that is bound by the rules.

What King Yelang said was actually the king on everyone's head.Once you return to the sea, you are submitting to the king.

No matter who he submits to, such as King Yelang, King Yelang is the sea that traps him, Han Xin, the dragon.

Another example is surrendering to Ying Shou, Ying Shou is the sea.

Under the sea, he can display his true strength and be fearless, but only in this way, he will always obey the king
But how could he, Han Xin, think highly of these so-called masters?How can he be bound by others?

So he is trying his best to escape every moment, as long as he has enough power, he will get rid of everything.

For example, before he had surrendered to King Yelang, the moment he gained enough power, he directly emptied King Yelang's power without hesitation.

But it is precisely because he got rid of the sea of ​​King Yelang, even if he fights hard, after all, Longyou has too many weaknesses in the shallows.

Even if he doesn't do anything, he who is isolated by the sea can only kill himself in the end.

It is really too difficult to leave the sea and still want to use the power of this sea.For example, whether it is Yelang Country or the entire Southwest, in fact, he has been isolated.

His strength is nothing more than the hundreds of thousands of troops, but the hundreds of thousands of troops are constantly alienating him, constantly breaking away from his control, and finally returning to the sea. This is the reality.

At this moment, listening to Jun's words, Han Xin suddenly felt that he seemed to understand something.

However, he just looked at King Yelang quietly like this, and only heard King Yelang continue: "Yu Guishui, Ye Guishan, the world has its own duties and conducts its own things. This is an eternal law. As Wolves eat sheep, sheep eat grass, this is an eternal truth!"

"Han Xin, you have to know that wolves eat sheep to live, and sheep eat grass to live. This king fights you like this, and it is also to live."

"When you decided to leave this king, you were trying your best to take away everything that belongs to this king. Dahai will also be angry, so in order to survive, Dahai also needs to take back what belongs to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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