Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 770 One Word Overwhelms Ten Thousand Armies

Chapter 770 One Word Overwhelms Ten Thousand Armies

The sonorous and powerful voice and the plausible words continued to resound in everyone's ears.

The Daqin soldiers came to the southwest this time, not for plunder, not for war, but to bring peace, and the supplies and food they brought were to save people!

It has to be said that masters of famous masters lie in the ability to control people's hearts and in speaking and doing things. They are simply the best of all schools of thought.

After all, in the final analysis, they rely on their mouths to eat. It is not an exaggeration to say that their mouths can turn dead into alive, and alive into dead. This is a famous master.

Maybe they can't fully understand a single person, but looking at the world, many things will become extremely simple in their eyes.

Xixi in the world is Lilai. The hustle and bustle of the world is all for profit.

What do people in the world care about?
Princes and generals: Nothing more than power and position, bigger territory, more harvest, higher rights!
Scholars and merchants: nothing more than official career, nothing more than money, smooth official career, more benefits!
Ordinary people: one piece of grain, one piece of sackcloth, full stomach and warm body covered!
As long as you grasp these points, there is nothing in the world that cannot be said, there is no one who can't be beaten to death, and there is nothing that cannot be taken back.

War, they can calm down with a few words.

In a prosperous age, they can destroy it with just a few words.

The power of famous masters can be seen in general.

Originally, he was fully prepared for the 26 troops of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the [-] troops of the Qin people were full of faces. In Gongsun Tan's words, he gradually lowered his head, and the hostility in his eyes gradually dissipated.

They cannot but admit the fact that during the war, all parts of the Southwest have fallen into an unprecedented crisis.

Now, the Eight Kingdoms have fallen into the embrace of Qin, for what?Isn't it just to get a little peace and a little blessing?Isn't it just for food and clothing?
They rebel?

Against what?
Resist the supplies and food brought by Qin?
Rebel against the peace brought by Qin?
The purpose of resistance is to starve to death or freeze to death one by one for myself or my relatives?
Should I resist or should I accept it?
Do you believe that as long as you are an individual, you know how to choose?

As for national glory.

How many people present are not ruined?
Furthermore, even the king has surrendered, so what country and family are they still guarding?

The flaws, weaknesses, and needs of human nature are fully exploited by Gongsun Tan at this moment.

"Everyone, I have finished what I should have said. Today, to put it bluntly, my Daqin is here to take back my Daqin land. The land in the southwest will be the land of Daqin in the future."

"You can surrender to Daqin, or you don't have to surrender to Daqin!"

"However, no matter what, as long as you are still in this land, whether you admit it or not, my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor will treat you as my people, and it is absolutely impossible for you to starve to death or freeze to death !"

"Unless one day, you feel that this land is not suitable for you, you hate this land, you hate this place, and you don't like me, Daqin. At that time, you can leave on your own. Daqin will never keep it, nor will you force it."

"Just one thing, I hope everyone can remember, don't do anything to hurt others!"

"My Great Qin pays attention to etiquette and respects peace. In my Great Qin, if you don't close your house at night, don't pick up lost things on the road, and harm others, you are breaking the law. If you break the law, you will be punished."

"King Yelang handed you over to Daqin. I don't want to wait for you to be punished, but to live and work in peace and prosperity. Do you understand?"

"If you understand, you can make a choice!"

Speaking of this, Gongsun Tan paused for a moment, then changed the subject, and said: "There is one more thing, here, I want to remind everyone!"

"If you decide to follow in my Great Qin's footsteps and become my Great Qin's subjects, you cannot disband the soldiers present today. The Southwest needs order, and our Great Qin needs manpower."

"So, I hope you can stay and help me, Great Qin, to build this southwest land together, make the southwest richer and more glorious, and get rid of the ruins caused by today's war!"

"Remember, this is Daqin's request. You can be regarded as doing hard labor. If you refuse to do hard labor, you will use it as an excuse for refusing to perform military service. In the future, Daqin will bring a series of improvements to people's livelihood and welfare systems. He and his Family members and children will not be able to enjoy it!"

"Maybe someone will ask, what benefits will Daqin bring to everyone, let me tell you here today, so that everyone can understand!"

"In my Great Qin, everyone has their own land and grows their own food!"

"In my Great Qin Dynasty, there are court schools everywhere, every child can go to school, and when they grow up, they can take exams, and then become officials and nobles!"

"In my Great Qin, when a soldier goes to the battlefield and kills the enemy, his credit is not his superiors, but his own."

"Every soldier can obtain a title by virtue of his military exploits. In the end, the higher the military exploits, the higher the title, and the higher the salary. He can even become a general, a marquis and a general!"

"In my Great Qin Dynasty, the common people are protected. Princes who break the law are as guilty as the common people. As long as you stay safe and abide by the law, even nobles, the royal family can't hurt you."

"You also have the opportunity to be nobles, honor your ancestors, this is the right that every citizen of Great Qin has!"

"Just think about it, have you ever experienced so many benefits? You don't have a piece of land of your own, none of you has read a book, and when you go to the battlefield, no one has made military exploits except following Han Xin You will be rewarded later."

"Your king, your nobles, if you want to kill you, one sword strike is enough, no one can protect you!"

"It's different in Daqin. Daqin will give you all the fairest opportunities. Now, you can make your own decisions!"

"Whether to go or stay, I don't force it, Daqin doesn't force it. You only have one day to think about it, think about it for yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Gongsun Tan looked at the pensive expressions on everyone's faces. He slowly turned his horse's head, looked at Yuwen Chengdu behind him, and said with a smile, "General, call back the troops, start a fire and cook more food, just burn 30 more." From the army."

"Later, your subordinates will gather 36 soldiers, plus [-] civilians, the rations of your [-] army will not be enough!"

Yu Wencheng frowned slightly when he heard the words, and said: "Master Gongsun, you are giving them a chance to choose, so they will really agree? If you refuse in the end, it is hard to say that you will send troops again!"

Gongsun Tan smiled confidently, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, General Yuwen, none of these people will choose to leave today, trust me!"

Seeing this, Yu Wencheng didn't have much to say, it was worth nodding.

After all, as an envoy, Gongsun Tan represented the emperor. Even Yuwen Chengdu had to listen to him to a certain extent. After all, meeting an envoy was like seeing the emperor.

Immediately, Yu Wencheng gave an order, and the army retreated and started cooking.

(End of this chapter)

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