Chapter 771 Done
Cooking smoke rises, the five grains are fragrant, and there is a lot of noise!

Hundreds of thousands of troops were scattered, and hundreds of people sat around bragging and talking about the mountains. When it came to having fun, everyone laughed.

Among the crowd, some people walked to the lake and began to challenge other comrades-in-arms to compete in martial arts strength, battlefield boxing skills and so on.

For a moment, the lively scene attracted the attention of all Yelang soldiers.

Smelling the aroma of five grains and the strong smell of meat inside, many people couldn't help but swallow their saliva, with yearning expressions on their faces.

This army is so happy!

Looking at the laughing Qin army in front of them, almost everyone couldn't help but flash this thought in their minds.


"Master Gongsun, is this really useful?"

Yu Wencheng arranged everything in the army, came to a remote corner, saw Gongsun Tan holding a jug of wine, tasting it beautifully, couldn't help but stepped forward and said.

"General, put your heart in your belly. By the way, I asked you to bring me a piece of meat, did you bring it?"

Gongsun Tan looked up at Yu Wencheng, raised his head, took a sip of wine, and said with a smile.

"Hey, my lord is really leisurely and elegant. You are the most relaxed here!"

Yuwen Chengyi was really speechless, and stretched out his hands behind his back, holding a plate of cut beef, and handing it directly to Gongsun Tan!
"Hey, beef, this is good!"

Gongsun Tan quickly reached out to take it, grabbed a piece, put it in his mouth and began to chew, with a look of enjoyment on his face!

"Well, that's the smell, it's delicious, it's so fragrant! General Yuwen, you're not in Xianyang now, you don't know, in Xianyang, you can't even smell a little beef now."

"Let's not talk about us, even His Majesty the Emperor hasn't tasted beef in a long time! Only in the army, if you are lucky, you can still eat a few bites. I really envy you!"

After eating a piece, Gongsun Tan raised his head and took another sip of wine, and said to Yu Wencheng with a sigh.

"The laws of the Great Qin Dynasty prohibit the slaughter of farm cattle, but it doesn't say that other cattle cannot be slaughtered either. Why is there no beef to eat?"

Yu Wencheng frowned slightly and said strangely.

"Aren't you ignorant? In order to express the determination of the whole country to develop farming, His Majesty has already issued an order, not to mention farming cattle, as long as they have something to do with the word cattle, they cannot be killed."

"Of course, His Majesty the Emperor loves you soldiers so much. He says he won't kill you, but in fact, in order to restore the soldiers' hard work, he still takes good care of you with good wine and meat."

"Even the beef that our courtiers can't eat is provided to you!"

Gongsun Tan shook his head and said with an envious expression on his face.

"Anything else?"

Yu Wencheng was astonished, and immediately cupped his fists and said: "In this way, it is time to thank His Majesty the Emperor for his kindness!"

In Daqin, or in this era, because the development of the small-scale peasant economy was the mainstay, no cattle could be killed for farming. "

"After all, sometimes, one cattle can do the work of dozens of people. With the help of cattle, the harvest will be greatly improved.

Even in order to protect the cattle, the Sangong and Six Ministries confiscated all the cattle from the people after negotiations and handed them over to the local government as public property.

Since it is a public property, everyone can use it, but it must be cherished.

The cattle are also separated and concentrated, such as the cattle for plowing the land, the cattle for grazing on the grassland, and so on.

Farm cattle cannot be eaten, but other cattle can.

However, in order to protect the cattle, the emperor directly ordered that beef be eaten strictly.

But it is forbidden on the surface, but those cattle can't be raised for nothing. Those who can be trained to plow the land will be trained to plow the land, and those who can't will be slaughtered as usual.

Even if you can't eat it in the court, it's better to send it to the army so that the soldiers can replenish their bodies.

After all, in the army, even if you don't go to the battlefield on weekdays, even training is enough to make anyone exhausted, so the food must be good.

After going to the battlefield, you need to have enough physique and physical strength, and all of these need to be supplemented!
Therefore, only Gongsun said this.The beef that cannot be eaten in Xianyang City is only occasionally given a chance to eat in the army.

"You should really thank His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty is partial. He really took extra care of you brats!"

Gongsun Tan looked at Yu Wencheng, and while he was talking, he finished eating the meat on the iron plate and drinking the wine in the jug.

"No, General Yuwen, look over there!"

Gongsun Tan put the iron plate and flagon aside, stepped down and nodded towards Yuwen Chengdu, and said with a smile.

Yu Wencheng looked back and saw that the army of more than 20 people and [-] civilians had already arrived in front of the [-] army of the Great Qin Dynasty. These people looked at the Qin army eagerly, as if they were waiting for something.

"This is?"

Yu Wencheng exclaimed, this sudden change made him unable to react for a while.

At the same time, I saw Yuwen Chengdu's translator trotting over, clasped his hands and said: "To the general, the Yelang army and the people said that they want to submit to the Great Qin, to the general!"

Yu Wencheng was shocked again, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Is that all it is?"

On the side, Gongsun said with a smile: "Why, the general should hurry up and recruit troops. This is an army of 26."

"After letting them eat and drink enough later, show those who are injured what they need to see. Treat newcomers with enthusiasm and gentleness. Don't frighten others at every turn. Let me say that those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish."

"Everyone wants face, don't treat ordinary people as people. If you are in a hurry, I will fight you hard!"

Yu Wencheng came to his senses, got up quickly, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Master Gongsun's talent is really convincing, I will take my leave!"

"Hey, wait!"

Seeing that Yuwen Chengdu was about to leave, Gongsun Tan hurriedly called out and said, "Arrange a team of envoys for me. After you finish the affairs here, you can stay here first. You don't have to worry about the food. Someone will send it to you later." Come!"

"Next, you don't have to accompany me when you go to the Kingdom of Dian. I'll rush over there and bring over another 15 troops from the southwest for the general. In the future, the Great Qin might have to rely on the 50 troops in the hands of the general!"

While speaking, Gongsun Tan couldn't help showing worry.

Although the crisis in northern Saibei seems to have turned around, Donghu has sent envoys to establish diplomatic relations.

But in the final analysis, he himself is engaged in the establishment of diplomatic relations. The establishment of diplomatic relations can stop the war and ignite the flames of war.

It is too whimsical to want to put the hope of a country on others!
Before the results come out, no one dares to relax.So his goal this time is to completely stabilize the 40 troops in the southwest, and let these people be in the hands of Yuwen Chengdu.

At the same time, the ministries of the imperial court were not busy, and were always preparing for the arrival of the war.

"Okay, my lord, wait a moment, I will go to prepare!"

Yu Wencheng nodded, turned around and left, and began to prepare everything.

(End of this chapter)

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