Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 772 Actively prepare for battle

Chapter 772 Actively prepare for battle
On the southwest side, when Yuwen Chengdu captured an army of 26 and started to appease the people everywhere, Gongsun Tan also rushed to Dian Kingdom!
The Kingdom of Dian has already sent all the people to Bashu, the Kingdom of Qin in name, but the army of the Kingdom of Dian is still there, and the king of Dian did not go to the Kingdom of Qin, which does not mean that the Kingdom of Dian has surrendered to the Kingdom of Qin.

Therefore, Gongsun Tan must take down the Dian Kingdom and completely include the Southwest area into the Great Qin territory. This is his mission to come to the Southwest this time.

At the same time, what Gongsun Tan values ​​more is the 10,000+ army of the Dian Kingdom. These are all young, passionate and good men. If they are captured, a war will really break out in the Great Qin Dynasty in the future, and they will be more powerful to deal with it.

The southwestern land is still busy, and Daqin, an artifact of the country, is also running crazily.

The Ministry of Industry stopped all the projects in hand and began to go all out to continuously build various war equipment.

There are siege crossbows, trebuchets, crossbows, crossbow arrows, knives, guns, swords and halberds, armor and helmets, etc.The Ministry of Industry is frantically building everything that can be used in the war.

There is a certain amount of armor and so on, but bows and arrows and so on are endless, the more the better.

After all, what is fought in war is money, and what is fought is weapons.The more prepared you are, the better your chances of victory will be.

After these weapons were forged, they were immediately secretly transported to various places where military strategists must fight for hiding.

Under the construction of the Ministry of Industry, there is almost a mysterious warehouse hidden near the fortresses facing the northern border in every part of Daqin.

These warehouses are all prepared for war.

Today, these weapons are hidden in the warehouse. As long as the Qin army does not take them, no one will know where they are hidden.

As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first.Under Yingshou's governance, not only food and grass must go first, but also weapons and armor.

Where the army passes by, you don't need to bring anything, and you can get enough weapons and food at your fingertips. This is the fastest army.

Therefore, not only these weapons were transported to the secret warehouses in various fortresses, but even food was transported there.

Such a hasty preparation for the battle made the Daqin Temple extremely busy.

The officials are not stupid, they all understand a truth, pin their hopes on others, and they will always be fished.This is what the weak and the foolish do.

Of course, they also hope that they can successfully establish diplomatic relations with Donghu and avoid a war of swordsmen.

But what if it's unavoidable in the end?If there is no preparation at that time, wouldn't it just be beaten?

Everyone just hopes for peace, but it does not mean that they are afraid of war.

People at this time are very spineless. If I don't mess with you, you'd better not mess with me, otherwise everyone will die. This point is vividly reflected in Daqin's national policy.

As for Ying Shou, seeing the officials actively preparing for the battle, he was relieved for a while.

This war was inevitable. Even if the Xiongnu and Donghu wanted peace talks, he would be the first to disagree.

Not to mention whether the establishment of diplomatic relations will be successful, even if it will be successful, he will definitely not let it succeed.

As the emperor grew longer, Ying Shou saw farther and farther, and his experience became more and more.

He understands very well that his invincibility depends more on the system.

If there is no system to bless him with combat power, if there is no system to give him the three thousand white horses.

If there is no system for Li Yuanba for himself, if there is no system for Di Renjie and others, he can't call this invincible at all.

In the past, he felt that with his own power, he could control the huge Qin Dynasty with majesty.If he leads troops, he will definitely surpass Genghis Khan and sweep all over the world.

But gradually, these thoughts that made him feel himself began to disappear little by little.

He found a problem. Gradually, he seemed to be getting farther and farther away from the system.

There are many good things in the system, many good things that are thousands of times beyond this era.Taking out any one is enough to make him invincible in the world.

But such invincibility is not what he wants, and it is not really invincible.

The real strong lies in control, and the real king is even more so.

In the system, once those high-tech things are exchanged, he can even conquer the world single-handedly, but what is the use of this?

If he really launched a war just for the sake of war, he can do it now, and he has enough power to sweep the world's invincible opponents, cross the Kunlun Mountains, and kill those red-haired and green-eyed worlds.Anyone who dares to refuse to accept will be beaten until he submits, and if he refuses to accept again, they will all be beaten to death.

No matter how awesome Genghis Khan is, can he be as awesome as he is now?
Now he can completely block and kill gods, and Buddhas can block and kill Buddhas.

But these are useless!

What he wants is not just invincibility for a generation, but great achievements throughout the ages.

Otherwise, such a thing had been done by Alexander and Genghis Khan in the history of his previous life, but in the end, with the death of these two people, what is left?
Alexander died, and the pressure of Alexander's empire collapsed in an instant.

Genghis Khan was a little better, but after his death, the empire was also divided into four. During the time of the queen, the four dynasties slowly disintegrated, and in the end there was nothing left.

In the history of his previous life, there was only one person, Ying Zheng, who truly achieved great unification and lasted through the ages.

In terms of territory, Qin Shihuang cannot be compared with Genghis Khan, but his contribution to future generations far surpasses Genghis Khan by a thousand times.

The same generation of overlords, also fighting for hegemony in the world, in fact, Qin Shihuang can stand the test of time better than Genghis Khan, this is the difference.

Ying Shou doesn't care about the dynasty he established and being replaced after his death. What he cares about is that there will be no one to replace him. This is the saddest thing.

On the contrary, like Qin Shihuang, being replaced by others and continuing to dominate the country is what Ying Shou wants.

And to do all of this, he doesn't believe in relying on his own strength alone, he has to rely on the strength of the entire Great Qin.

Therefore, Ying Shou used his own strength less and less, and even Li Yuanba and Xu Chu were directly restricted by him.

If possible, one day, even Yuwen Chengdu, Di Renjie and his ilk would be let alone.

This matter of Daqin should be done by people of this era.

Is Ying Shou abolishing his martial arts?No, he is breaking and building.What breaks is Daqin's dependence on him, what establishes Daqin's new life!

The process of molting and rebirth is painful, the process of breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly is dark, and it is terrifying to die and rebirth.

Every step is a big test for him.Can Da Qin bear it, can he be ruthless, every decision is enough to make him feel tormented, but he has to do it.

Therefore, this battle must be fought, not only must it be fought, but it must also be fought so that the world will be shattered, ghosts will cry and gods will howl, mountains and rivers will be reversed, and the universe will be safe.Play out Qin's blood, play out Qin's heart.

Only when the bloody struggle returns, can he be regarded as a real rebirth, and Daqin is the real rebirth.

(End of this chapter)

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