Chapter 774

"Oh, so the people of all countries have settled down?"

Ying Shou said in a low voice.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the kingdoms were destroyed by Han Xin, and now they belong to the Yelang Kingdom. King Yelang has surrendered, the dragons have no leader, and the 26 troops have surrendered."

"It's hard for those common people to even survive the winter. It's not difficult to subdue them. I believe General Yuwen will be able to do it soon!"

Hawkeye cupped his hands and said solemnly.

"Well, very good, pass on the order, the war in the southwest has just subsided, and it is a time of ruins, waiting to be rebuilt."

"Since the Southwest has surrendered to Daqin, Daqin must rescue it at all costs, and must not let anyone die in the cold winter."

"Food, supplies, etc., speed up and send them to the southwest!"

Ying Shou's eyes were still fixed on the map in front of him. This land in the southwest was his first real expansion after he ascended the throne for a year, and it was also his first step into the world, so he must not be careless.

After all, in the final analysis, the Central Plains itself is the world of the Great Qin, and the land of Baiyue in the south has already been conquered by the first emperor, and he just took it step by step and won it again.

Only in the southwest, Daqin has never set foot in it, and now it has easily won the 23 countries without bloodshed. In his opinion, this is the first achievement in his life.

As for the suppression of civil strife, sweeping the southern border, and defeating the Xiongnu, in his opinion, it was nothing at all.

Unless one day, the Xiongnu and Donghu are really trampled under their feet, otherwise this is not an eternal achievement.

"No, don't worry, Your Majesty, I will send an order to General Yuwen!"

Hawkeye cupped his hands again and promised.

"By the way, what about Dian Kingdom? And Han Xin, what's going on now?"

Ying Shou's eyes slowly moved away from the map, and finally looked up.

In his opinion, Han Xin's use value is gone. Since he doesn't even have the qualifications to fight against Daqin, it's a waste to keep it.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Kingdom of Dian is still waiting for the battle of subjugation with Han Xin. Although the Kingdom of Dian has no intention of surrendering, their foundation has already been handed over to Daqin. No matter how hard the King of Dian insists, he is just preparing to die as a trapped beast. Just fight."

"This time, Mr. Gongsun Tan has gone to the Dian Kingdom to persuade the King of Dian to surrender. I believe it will not be long before the attitude towards the Dian Kingdom will become clear!"

"As for Han Xin, before the arrival of General Yuwen's army, he handed over the military talisman to Queen Yelang, and he has already fled the southwest with his old troops, and he doesn't know where he is going!"

Hawkeye said in a deep voice.

"Oh, he ran quite fast. It seems that I have underestimated Han Xin! I thought he would jump over the wall in a hurry, but I didn't expect him to walk so calmly. What is his intention?"

When Ying Shou heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Han Xin's final approach was completely different from what he had imagined.

Based on his understanding of Han Xin, at the last moment, Han Xin should jump over the wall and fight the trapped beast.

Even if he can't fight against King Yelang and himself, he will definitely kill King Yelang immediately, and start a war with the Dian Kingdom with an army of more than 20.

No matter how bad it is, no matter whether he can fight or not, Han Xin shouldn't keep the hundreds of thousands of troops to himself.

But now, all this seems to have completely changed.

He didn't know that at the moment when Han Xin came to a dead end, he did make a decision to fight the trapped beast.

But as Tianmen Haotian said, the difference between the strong and the weak has never been victory or defeat, let alone strength or weakness.

A truly strong man, no matter what the result is, will never lack a way to retreat calmly behind him.

Only the weak will end up in a life-and-death struggle, preferring to be broken than to end in nothing.

Han Xin himself had no way out, but the appearance of Tianmen gave him a way to retreat calmly.

Han Xin may not be a strong man, but he is definitely not a fool. As long as there is a chance, he will seize it without hesitation at the last moment.

Only a fool would do it if he could leave calmly, and only a fool would do it. Han Xin would not, nor would he, so he could retreat calmly, so now that Ying Shou got the news, he had no choice but to sigh.

"Your Majesty, do you want the whole country to arrest Han Xin?"

Seeing the emperor whispering to himself, Eagle Eye asked.

"No need, since he can walk so calmly, how can he be arrested if he is arrested? Now that Daqin is facing troublesome times, don't waste time on an unimportant person."

"Go ahead and pay close attention to every move of the Southwest. In addition, Donghu and the Xiongnu should also pay attention to it. No matter what the news is, come and report it immediately!"

Ying Shou waved his hand. While speaking, he folded up the map in front of him and put it aside.He grabbed the reports that had been accumulated for several days on the desk and began to review them.


The goose feather snow in the southwest, day after day, covered the earth with a thick layer.

Between the mountains and forests, countless blocks of ice, frost and snow crushed an unknown number of branches.

All the cities in the Dian Kingdom seem empty at this moment, lifeless and uninhabited.

Walking in it is like walking into an ancient deserted city, a ghost town.

Great Qin envoy Gongsun Tan, escorted by a team of [-] missions temporarily prepared by Yuwen Chengdu, passed through desolate cities and lands, and finally arrived outside the city of King Dian on this day.

Looking at the huge Dian King City in the distance, there is also a very wide plain in all directions, with only a few small mounds occasionally.As for the mountain peaks, they are only at the end of the line of sight.

But no matter whether it is a plain, a mound, or a boundless peak, they are all covered by heavy snow at this moment, and at a glance, there is a vast expanse of whiteness.

In the territory of Dian Kingdom, there is a land that is like spring all the year round, but it is obvious that this land is not the capital of Dian Kingdom.

"My lord, the Dian King City has arrived!"

A general of ten thousand people who came here to serve, and also the general of this mission, came to Gongsun Tan and cupped his hands.

Gongsun Tan nodded, his eyes were looking at the distance, above the tall city wall.

He has been to this city once, and in it, as an envoy of Great Qin, he has received the highest standard of treatment from Dian Kingdom, and he has a good impression of Dian Kingdom.

If it weren't for the successive wars within this year, the current Dian Kingdom can be called the most powerful country in the Southwest.

It's a pity that Dian Kingdom, like Yelang Kingdom, was first deceived by Han Xin, and then fueled by Daqin.

So much so that now the Southwest is broken, and the Kingdom of Dian is almost destroyed.

Their people have long been sent to Bashu, Qin State, and only 10,000+ troops are left to prepare for the war of subjugation, embracing the last dignity.

Therefore, looking around at this moment, the entire city is desolate, only rows of soldiers defending the city, covered with snow, still standing in the cold wind, motionless, like logs.

This generation of Dian kings used to be officials in the Great Qin Dynasty, and they highly respected the Great Qin system. Therefore, their army armor and lineup are mostly very close to those of the Qin State. It can be said that they have truly implemented orders and prohibitions.

"Let's go!"

Gongsun Tan looked at the Dian King City for a long time, then waved lightly, and the mission moved forward again, towards the Dian King City.

(End of this chapter)

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