Chapter 775 Yao


The Qin delegation came to the outside of the moat of the Dian King City, and a stern reprimand suddenly sounded from the top of the city.

The next moment, on the top of the city, all the soldiers drew their bows and arrows at the same time, aiming at Gongsun Tan and the others.

Now, in the entire Dian Kingdom, 15 soldiers are united and vowed to fight to the death. No one can enter the city unless they step over their corpses.

This is the determination of the entire Dian Kingdom's subjects, as well as the determination of the 15 soldiers.

Gongsun Tan looked at the suspension bridge in front of him, then looked up at the city tower, and saw that the person speaking was a young general in bright armor, about 30 years old, Kong Wu was powerful, and his eyes were fixed on the commander. group.

Although Gongsun Tan knew the courtiers of the Dian Kingdom and some famous generals, he did not recognize this general and had never met him.

Presumably the other party regarded himself as an enemy, that's why they were so prepared.

It seems that today's Dian Kingdom is really full of soldiers, and the wind is raging!

"General, I am Gongsun Tan, the envoy of the Great Qin Dynasty. I am here today on behalf of the Great Qin Dynasty. Your Great King recognizes me, and your Great General also recognizes me. Please, General, go to Tong Bing!"

Gongsun Tan cupped his hands and laughed loudly.

"Great Qin envoy?"

Hearing this, the general frowned slightly, and said coldly: "You wait here, remember not to act rashly, otherwise, no matter whether you are Qin people or enemies, Dian Kingdom will not be responsible for what happens!"

It has to be said that the King of Dian's admiration for the Great Qin culture was unprecedented, and he even specially taught Qin dialect in the territory of Dian Kingdom.As a result, although many people in the Dian Kingdom can't speak the official language of the Qin Kingdom, some people can hear it correctly.

This general is obviously one of them.

"Trouble general, go ahead, general, I will not act rashly!"

Gongsun Tan smiled slightly and promised.

The general stopped talking nonsense, turned around and left the tower, and headed towards the Dian Palace.

In today's Dian Kingdom, all the plants and trees are full of soldiers, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are all gearing up for battle. Obviously, the entire Dian Kingdom has not heard the news of Han Xin's defeat.

Therefore, when walking in the Dian King City, one can hardly see any figures, and even if one does, one can only see soldiers in armor.

Even more people, such as those courtiers of the Dian Kingdom, are sitting at home at this moment, but they still don't take off their armor.

This is the real war of subjugation. In front of the war of subjugation, everyone, regardless of civil servants or generals, has only one way to fight.

If you don't realize your death, the country will survive.If the species is extinct, the country will perish.

The general traveled all the way and came to the palace of the king of Dian.

At this moment, in the palace of King Dian, in the main hall, it seemed very quiet, almost all the maids were removed, and almost all the family of King Yelang was sent to Qin, so that in this palace, only Soldiers serve.

In the main hall, the brazier is burning, constantly driving away the cold temperature around.

"Brother Wang, the wine is ready!"

Opposite the King of Dian sat Aguda, the great general of the Dian Kingdom. Besides, there was a young woman beside him, who was in her prime, wearing a set of seven-color Sanmiao costumes and a set of sterling silver headdresses on her head. The black and beautiful hair was coiled up, looking very black and thick.

That small face, with delicate features and snow-white skin, was naturally full of heroic spirit.

At this moment, she held a pot of wine scalded with warm water in her hand, poured a bowl for King Dian and A Guda, and brought them in front of them.

When Chi You fought against the Yellow Emperor, he was defeated in the final battle. Jiuli fled to the southwest. In the Yao and Shun period, he was renamed Sanmiao, and then split the countries and formed different nations.

But in fact, they all come from the Jiuli clan and the Sanmiao clan.Therefore, the Central Plains people are usually called Sanmiao people, and their costumes are also Sanmiao costumes, or Jiuli costumes.


The King of Dian responded softly, took the wine bowl, raised his head and drank it in one gulp. For a while, the alcohol filled his whole body, dispelling the coldness in many of his body.

A Guda held the wine bowl, hesitated for a moment, but put it down.

He looked at the woman beside him and said, "Sister, you shouldn't have stayed!"

That woman is the younger sister of King Dian and Aguda, the only princess of the Dian royal family in their generation, and she is also the ancestor worship saint of Dian Kingdom, Yao!

In this era, be it Southwest or Daqin, there are not a few people with one character as their name, but the name of this Princess of Dian Kingdom has only one character, Yao.

Of course, there are also people who are not used to calling a single-word name, so some people call it A Yao.

For example, King Dian and Aguda either called her sister or Yao.However, the officials of the Dian Kingdom are called Princess Yao, or the Holy Maiden of Ayao.

Today, King Dian is 37 years old, and Aguda is also 34 years old, but Princess Ayao is much younger than the two of them, only sixteen or seventeen years old, which can be said to be in her prime.

"The two brothers can stay, why can't Ayao?"

A Yao smiled slightly, her eyes moved slightly, she looked at A Gu Da very nicely, and said with a smile.

"Brother Wang is the king of the Dian Kingdom, and I am the general of the Dian Kingdom. The country can be destroyed, and the family can be destroyed. Brother Wang and I cannot take half a step back, just like King Zhao and Lord Tuming."

"After the battle between Zhao State and Han Xin, King Zhao came to our Dian State and made sure that the people of Zhao State had gone to Qin State safely, so he drew his sword and killed himself!"

"Let's talk about King Zhao's brother, Tu Mingjun, at the last moment, he still hasn't retreated a step from Zhaoguo, and he will not surrender until he dies, and he will not retreat to the death!"

"King Zhao and King Zhao's brother Tu Mingjun are like this, how can the king of Dian, the brother of our Dian and the general be inferior to Zhao?"

"In this world, there are only the Dian king and the Dian war god who died in battle, and there are no Dian kings and Dian war gods who retreated, but you are different..."

A Guda was as usual, whenever he mentioned A Yao's going or staying, he began to chatter and scold for a while.

But this time, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by A Yao.

"Brother Wang, what's different about my little sister? Is it because my little sister is a girl, so she should run away?"

"Don't forget, my little sister is the saint who worships the ancestors. According to the rules set by the ancestors, in this Dian country, everyone can retreat, except the saint. Do you want my younger sister to break the rules set by the ancestors?"

A Yao looked dissatisfied, glared at A Gu, and hummed.

"It's the same thing again. You're the most reasonable. You're always citing the legacy of your ancestors. The ancestors are dead, and the living are more important. Do you understand?"

When A Guda heard the word "ancestor", he was very dissatisfied.

"Oh, so, in the eyes of Brother Wang, the ancestor is so worthless?"

A Yao curled her lips, while talking, the brother and sister were about to quarrel.

"Brother Wang, look at him, as the king of the Dian Kingdom, look at what your great general is saying, why don't you stop him!"

Saying that, A Yao looked at Dian King Asuda with an aggrieved face, and pulled Dian King into her camp.

(End of this chapter)

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