Chapter 776

"Okay, okay, what time is it, what's the use of arguing so much now?"

"A Guda, as an elder brother, as a general, he still cares about his little sister all day long, and he is not afraid of losing your great general."

"Besides, there's only one little girl, just talk about it casually, don't always blush and have a thick nose, it will only increase the jokes when people see it!"

The King of Dian shook his head and sighed, glared at the two siblings and said.

"Brother Wang, I..."

Ah Guda looked aggrieved, he was also doing it for the good of his little sister, how come in the end, it was his fault instead!

"Okay, if the time for a family like this to sit together and cook wine and talk is getting less and less, it can be said that every day is getting less and less, don't always put on a dark face, like someone owes you!"

The King of Dian was too lazy to listen to A Guda's grievances, so he waved his hand and said unceremoniously.

"Hee hee, I knew Brother Wang was the best!"

A Yao giggled, with a smug look on her face, she stuck out her little tongue at A Gu Da, very playful and cute.


Aguda snorted dissatisfiedly, and turned his head to the other side.

"Don't be complacent, do you really think the war is a joke? Now that Zhao Kingdom is dead, Dian Kingdom will be next."

"Since you don't obey the order to stay, I have nothing to do with it, but you must take the dagger with you."

"As the royal princess of the Dian Kingdom, even if she dies, she must die with dignity. Don't insult the Dian Kingdom!"

Facing A Yao's complacent expression, King Dian glared at her, and scolded her unceremoniously.

"I know, Brother Wang is the most serious!"

A Yao curled her lips, took out a palm-sized dagger from her bosom, pulled out the dagger, a flash of light flashed, it looked very sharp.

Her beautiful eyes moved slightly, she stared at the dagger in her hand, her voice became serious, and she said: "Brother Wang, don't worry, the day the city is destroyed, it will be the time when Ayao's life will be destroyed. For the reputation of our Dian kingdom, ah Yao will splatter the blood in front of the ancestral temple!"

While speaking, her big eyes suddenly narrowed.


King Dian nodded, took a deep breath, but seemed very helpless.

At this moment, facing the coming invincible Han Xin army, he was really powerless.

Sometimes, he even subconsciously wondered whether he would still have a chance if he sought help from Qin Guo.

After all, the strength of the Qin army, which he has witnessed with his own eyes, is definitely a heavenly soldier who sweeps the world.

However, after experiencing the previous battle of Yingshou entering the southwest, he finally rejected this idea, because after that time, he deeply understood a truth that there are no so-called allies in this world, and all alliances are nothing but for the sake of Benefit.

In the face of the alliance we have done, we will always have our own ghosts.Sometimes alliances are for profit, and more often, interests will destroy the alliance without hesitation.

Think of him as the king of Dian, who admired the culture of the Central Plains all his life, and finally regarded himself as a gentleman of the Central Plains.After sitting on the throne, he acted frankly and aboveboard. In the entire Dian Kingdom, who would not be impressed by his charm?

He has always been worthy of anyone in dealing with people and things, and he has a clear conscience, and the same is true for Da Qin.

Because of admiration, he proposed the establishment of diplomatic relations.He treats the envoys of Great Qin as brothers, and even intends to be a country of brothers with Great Qin.

But what did he get in the end?
What he got was Da Qin's scheme, and what he got was kneeling in front of the Great Qin Emperor, just like the kings of all countries, without the power to resist.

It is undeniable that King Dian is definitely the most magnanimous and upright gentleman in the world.A gentleman is not a villain and can't calculate, but it doesn't mean that a gentleman is a fool.

At that point, how could he not see it.Perhaps the war between Dian and Yelang was not deliberately triggered by Qin.

But it was definitely caused by Qin State's fueling of the flames.The purpose is that the state of Qin can one day send its hands and feet into the southwest.

For this, the King of Dian didn't blame Ying Shou, nor the whole Qin country. He only blamed himself for being too open and easy to trust others, and he suffered a loss.

As for Ying Shou, as for Qin, there is nothing wrong with it for the benefit of the country.Furthermore, although Qin State took advantage of his uprightness, Qin State also saved the entire Dian Kingdom and did not do anything excessive to Dian Kingdom.

Because of this, he began to respect Qin State at a distance, so that now, in the face of the war of subjugation, he would never ask Qin State to send troops.

Just for the sake of millions of people, he finally bowed his head and handed over these people to Qin.

Of course, this approach does not mean that he is begging Qin. After all, in this era, population is a country's greatest wealth and greatest strength.

By doing this, it can be said that he is giving Qin a great gift, or in other words, this is a kind of transaction.

When he handed over his people to Qin State, it was equivalent to handing over the whole country to Qin State.Just for the last trace of dignity, he decided to fight for the subjugation of the country.

He gave such a big gift to Qin, and the only request was to let Qin take good care of his people.

He can't protect the people of Dian Kingdom, so this step must be taken.

It is also impossible for Qin to give up the opportunity to get a million people, so Qin must also accept it, so this can be regarded as a deal.

Now, he has nothing to worry about, and only hopes that in the end, relying on his status as the king of Dian, he will fight to the death with Han Xin, who is causing trouble in the southwest.

"Report, please report to Your Majesty, the envoys of the Qin Kingdom are asking to see you outside the city!"

Just when King Dian thought of Qin and Ying Shou, suddenly, a figure walked into the hall, it was the general who defended the city.

I saw him knelt on one knee and said loudly.

"What, envoys of Qin State, do they still dare to come?"

As soon as the guard's words fell, A Guda immediately exploded, yelling angrily, and was about to get up.

"Aguta, what are you doing?"

King Dian frowned and scolded in a low voice.

"Brother Wang, didn't you hear? The envoys of Qin State are here. What are the envoys of Qin State doing here at this time? Do you want to see the jokes of our Dian Kingdom?"

Aguda's face was filled with displeasure. He once admired the general Yuwen Chengdu of the Qin State, the imperial concubine Yinyue of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the envoys of the Great Qin State very much. At this moment, when he mentioned the State of Qin, his face was full of dissatisfaction.

After all, he still couldn't forget the scene of Ying Shou entering the southwest.

That is definitely the greatest humiliation of the Dian Kingdom, and even the greatest humiliation of the Southwest countries.

King!The kings of all countries have to kneel before the Emperor of Qin. Has this kind of humiliation ever occurred in history?
It's like, if one day the emperor of Qin also knelt down to others.Not to mention whether Ying Shou would feel humiliated, the entire Qin State would be so humiliated that they wanted to desperately try to redeem it.

Some ministers may even commit suicide in shame and indignation.

This is not a duty, nor a necessity, but shame and anger from the heart.

As the saying goes, the emperor worries about the humiliation of the ministers, and this is what the death of the emperor is like.

Wouldn't it be a great humiliation for a courtier who doesn't even have the ability to share his master's worries?
A subject doesn't even have the ability to protect the king. If the king is humiliated, it is shameful to live. It is better to die.

(End of this chapter)

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