Chapter 778 Debate
"Your Majesty has an order to put down the suspension bridge, open the city gates, and let the envoys of the Qin Kingdom come to the palace to have an audience!"

On the head of the Dian King City, with an order, the suspension bridge was slowly released.

As the city gate opened wide, Gongsun Tan waved his hand and shouted, "Enter the city!"

When the mission entered the city, it first came to the post house to settle down. Gongsun Tan then took the emperor's letter to the palace of the King of Dian.

When he came to the main hall and saw the King of Dian from a distance, Gongsun Tan immediately walked quickly, came to the King of Dian, knelt down and worshiped, and said, "Foreign Minister Gongsun Tan pays homage to the King of Dian Kingdom, long live the king!"

"Gongsun Tan, tell me clearly, what does it mean to come to our Dian Kingdom today?"

As soon as the voice of Gongsun's conversation fell, before King Dian could speak, General A Guda scolded him abruptly.

While speaking, A Guda looked at Gongsun Tan with contempt, as if looking at a despicable and shameless villain.

"A Guta!"

King Dian frowned slightly and scolded in a low voice.

He has always regarded himself as a gentleman, and he doesn't like Aguda's rude behavior.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Gongsun Tan raised his head and said with a smile: "Young Master of the Dian Kingdom, I will come here this time, on the orders of the Great Qin Emperor, to visit the King, and to ask the Dian Kingdom on behalf of my Majesty." good!"

Gongsun Tan's answer was light and without any power, and it really easily resolved A Guda's questioning.

"Huh, that sounds nice. I don't think I need to tell you what Qin is like? Why do you guys have to be so hypocritical?"

Aguda snorted coldly, very dissatisfied.

"Aguta, shut up!"

King Dian frowned and scolded angrily.

"Brother Wang, don't worry about it. Since you can't say something, let me say it!"

A Guda didn't give King Dian any face this time, so he retorted when he opened his mouth.

When the King of Dian saw this, he was about to reprimand him angrily, but he saw Gongsun Tan cupping his hands, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, calm down, there must be some misunderstanding between Daqin and your son and general. Since there is a misunderstanding, you should make it clear. Please let the general and the subordinates express their opinions. !"

When the King of Dian heard the words and saw Gongsun Tan smiling, he didn't take Aguda's scolding seriously at all, and had to sigh for a while, this envoy of the Qin Kingdom really had a heart as big as the sea.

Faced with such a character, is there anything in the world that cannot be resolved?
Immediately, King Dian took a deep breath, glanced at A Guda, and stopped talking, which was a tacit consent.

Seeing this, Gongsun Tan turned to look at Aguda, and said with a smile: "General, in Gongsun Tan's mind, he has always been the God of War in Dian Kingdom, but from what he just said, it seems that there is some misunderstanding about Daqin. , What is Daqin like, please enlighten me!"

A Gu sneered and said: "Okay, since this is what you want me to say, then don't blame me for being rude!"

"Qin State used to be known as the country of tigers and wolves in the Central Plains. I thought that Great Qin would be able to change now. However, our Dian Kingdom has a sincere relationship with each other, but your Qin State is still a wolf with unabated ambitions."

"That's all right. Don't you think it's ridiculous to decorate with awe-inspiring righteousness when you have ulterior motives?"

While speaking, Aguda became even more angry.

He has always been a frank person, and what he dislikes the most are these twists and turns.To him, what Qin did before was one thing on the surface and another on the back, which made him feel disgusted and disliked.

As soon as A Guda said this, Princess A Yao who was sitting beside her also looked at Gongsun Tan.

I have to admit that although Aguda's words are a bit harsh, they are very straightforward and true.

She had long heard that the envoy of the Qin State was resourceful and eloquent, and today she wanted to see what Gongsun Tan could say in the face of such words.


Under their watchful eyes, only Gongsun Tan laughed, looking very happy.

"Your Majesty, can Gongsun Tan survive?"

Suddenly, Gongsun Tan looked at King Dian and said with a smile.

"Get up!"

King Dian nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Foreign ministers thank you majesty!"

Gongsun Tan didn't talk nonsense, thanked him, stood up, looked at Aguda again, bowed his hands, made a big salute, and said with a smile: "What the Supreme General said is the highest praise for my Great Qin. Here, Gongsun Tan first thanked the general for his praise!"

As soon as this remark came out, whether it was A Gu Da or Princess A Yao, they all looked at Gongsun Tan with strange faces.

This is called praising Daqin?
Since when did scolding become praise?
"When did I praise you Qin?"

A Guda was stunned, puzzled.

"Just now!"

Gongsun said with a smile, "General Cai said just now that Da Qin has ulterior motives, but he wants to use righteousness as a decoration."

"The meaning of these words, to put it simply, is nothing more than one thing on the surface and another thing behind the scenes, isn't it?"

A Gu nodded, he really meant that, but is this tantamount to praising Qin?
Isn't this a kind of contempt?
"That's right, one thing on the surface, one thing behind the scenes, this is the greatest compliment to me, Daqin!"

Following Ah Gu's nod, Gongsun Tan smiled slightly, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "The general is praising me for being a gentleman in the Qin Dynasty, and I can be called a model in the world!"

A Guda and A Yao heard the words, a black line descended vertically, both of them looked confused.

One thing on the surface, one thing behind the scenes, can it still be used to describe a gentleman?What kind of reasoning is this?
The two were filled with countless greetings, but they only heard Gongsun talking and laughing: "During the Spring and Autumn Period of the Great Qin Dynasty, there was a sage named Confucius!"

"Confucius said, treat people with sincerity, bright and beautiful, this is a courtesy!"

"What is etiquette? The essence of a gentleman!"

"A person who understands etiquette is a gentleman. A person who does not understand etiquette is a villain, reckless, ignorant and shameless!"

"General Cai also asked just now, don't you think it's ridiculous for Daqin to do this? Tell the general the truth, Gongsun Tan really doesn't think it's ridiculous!"

"It's like a person who hides behind his back. When it's hot, he can take off his clothes, sit on the ground, and enjoy the shade under a tree."

"Or because of other problems, you can do whatever you want. But when you meet people, no matter how hot you are, you must dress neatly, no matter how tired you are, you must perform the rituals that should be done, and do the things that should be done. etiquette."

"The existence of etiquette can't be done because of your own discomfort or unwillingness!"

"If this is the case, how is it different from the barbaric stream?"

Speaking of this, Gongsun Tan paused for a moment, then looked at A Guda, and said with a smile: "Also, the general just said that he and Wei Daqin have a sincere relationship, but I didn't expect you to think that Daqin has ulterior motives and wolfish ambitions!"

"Gongsun Tan doesn't agree with this statement, it seems to be saying that I, Da Qin, don't have sincere friendship!"

A Guda was taken aback by Gongsun Tan's words. When he heard this sentence, he finally found a chance to refute, and said coldly: "You Qin State has ulterior motives and wolfish ambitions. Is this also called sincere friendship?"

(End of this chapter)

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