Chapter 779 Lessons
Gongsun Tan shook his head and smiled, looked at A Guda, and said with a smile: "The general said that I, Da Qin, are not sincere friends, so how can you tell the general how he saw the wolfish ambitions of our country?"

While speaking, Gongsun Tan did not shy away from Qin's ambition to swallow all wastes.

What he said immediately stopped Agu from asking, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

It's as if two people meet each other, and one of them has three candies on his body, but the other party accuses him of being insincere and refuses to let him know that there are three candies.

As a result, people retorted, if I didn't let you know, how would you know.

At this time, no one will have anything to say.

That's right, if Qin Guo didn't have a sincere relationship, how could he see through the thoughts of others?He also said that other people were ambitious.

The wolf is hiding his ambition, but he didn't express it?

For a while, Aguda fell into an endless loop that he didn't know why.

On the side, the King of Dian not only shook his head when he saw this.

In fact, why doesn't he understand these principles?

Qin Guo never told you that he has no ambitions.On the contrary, they have always been very clear that they want the Southwest.

As a result, you always ask questions that are not sincere enough.This is not enough sincerity, so how can it be called sincerity?
Is it true that people have to think in their hearts and hide it on the surface?

Until the end, people unknowingly eat you up, is this called sincerity?
In fact, sometimes the reality is cruel, and sincerity hurts people, but some people can't accept it, so they regard other people's sincerity as falsehood.

On the side, A Yao was also taken aback by Gongsun Tan's words. Seeing that A Guda was speechless, she suddenly spoke and said with a smile: "Mr. Gongsun said well, so this is what the Qin State calls treating people sincerely."

"I treat you like a gentleman, but you present me with an unruly heart. That's right, it's also considered as showing your sincerity."

"But such sincere friendship, don't you find it ridiculous? Doesn't Qin Guo feel ashamed?"

When Gongsun Tan heard the words, he couldn't help looking at A Yao, and said with a smile: "This should be the legendary Dian saint who guards the ancestral temple, Princess A Yao? Although I have never met her, I have always heard that Princess A Yao is very alert. ,as expected!"

A Yao sneered, didn't speak, just stared at Gongsun Tan quietly, she wanted to see what else Gongsun Tan could say.

Under her gaze, Gongsun Tan shook his head and said with a smile, "But I dare not communicate with you what the princess said. What do you mean I don't find it ridiculous? Doesn't Daqin feel ashamed?"

"Gongsun Tan told the princess here, I don't think it's ridiculous, and Daqin won't find it shameful either!"

"It's like a man and a woman, two people meet each other. Women treat others sincerely, treat men as bosom friends and friends, and gentlemen meet each other."

"However, men are enamored of women and never hide their possessive desire for women."

"Everyone knows that a man wants to marry a woman back home. The woman also knows this, but does this mean that the man is shameful? Does this mean that the man has a purpose, does not have a mind, and is not sincere?"

Gongsun Tan shook his head and said with a smile: "No, it's just that the purpose of the two is not the same, but who can deny their sincerity?"

"At least, a man has never done anything to hurt a woman. The princess defines a man as a man who doesn't have a heart, and is interested in sex. This is really ridiculous and shameful!"

While speaking, Gongsun Tan retorted unceremoniously, and for a while, Princess A Yao was also blocked from speaking.

I have to say that what Gongsun talked about was a very appropriate metaphor.

In the words of later generations, I treat you as a friend, but you want to sleep with me.

In fact, everyone's purpose is very clear, and no one should treat anyone as a fool.You don't want to admit the truth, but you end up blaming other people for their lust, which is really ridiculous.

If you can't afford it, just say it.Is it wrong for others to really want to possess you?

Of course, if someone else does something sorry for you, it is of course the other person's fault, such as hurting you.

Among them, Daqin is the man who wants to occupy the Dian Kingdom, and the Dian Kingdom is the woman who has a sincere friendship.Has Daqin ever done anything to harm Dian Kingdom?

That's right, in the battle between your Dian Kingdom and Yelang Kingdom, my Daqin played a role in fueling the flames. You think that my Daqin is a country of brothers. If you want to fight with others, I will help you. Is this wrong?
Your Dian kingdom was almost destroyed by others, just like a woman who was almost given to that by others and then killed.In the end, I, Daqin, a heroic man, came out to save you and beat others away for you so that you would not be harmed.

On the other hand, you blamed me for being impure when you opened your mouth, and saved you because you wanted to possess you?

If I save a person or thing I want, or is it because my mind is impure, I have to blame?

What kind of reasoning is this?

Isn't it just a joke?

No matter how profound the truth is, no matter how noble the reason is, in fact, in layman's terms, there is really only that little truth, and it is clear at a glance who is right and who is wrong.

When Gongsun talked about these words, Princess A Yao was completely speechless, as if she was the most ridiculous person.

At this point, what should be said has been said.

Who would dare to say that Da Qin didn't treat him sincerely?Who would dare to say that Da Qin was wrong?

"Your Majesty, on the spur of the moment, the ministers had a laughing chat with the general and the princess. I hope your Majesty won't mind!"

Seeing that A Yao and A Guda were speechless, both of them blushed, Gongsun Tan stopped trying to refute their face, turned to King Dian, clasped his hands and said with a smile.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!"

King Dian shook his head slightly, and couldn't help looking at the siblings in front of him.

He had already thought about the outcome of this debate.

It's a pity that Aguda has always been straightforward, and he can't stand being wronged. Let him learn a little lesson today, knowing that it's good to know his own weight, and don't be too stubborn all day long.

In a country, the real right to speak comes from its strength.Daqin has enough strength, so whatever Daqin says is right and what he says makes sense.

Since the Dian Kingdom is weak, it can only be taught the truth.If he can't even understand this point, then the position of general is probably not suitable for him.

As for A Yao, King Dian knew very well that she was always a woman with a quick mind, bold and careful, but she rarely showed it.

Now I can't help but open my mouth to refute, but also because I am dissatisfied.

But even this dissatisfaction, in the end, I still can't think about it, and I deserve to be taught a lesson.

Therefore, the King of Dian didn't want to blame Gongsun Tan, and changed the subject, saying: "Mr. Gongsun, let's get back to business. I haven't seen you for a long time. I am really happy to see you."

"However, Qin Huang sent Mr. here, not only to ridicule my brother and sister, but also other things, right? Please tell me clearly!"

(End of this chapter)

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