Chapter 782 Unifying the Southwest

King Dian's voice was deep and low. At this moment, he seemed to have lost all his strength in an instant. His voice gave off the feeling of a hero's end, and he said, "Even if the king insists on getting back the foundation that belongs to his ancestors today, so what? Does the kingdom of Dian act according to Qin's face and rely on others?"

"This is of no benefit to the Dian Kingdom. Instead of causing the people of the Dian Kingdom to suffer so much, why not let it go? Maybe this is the last retreat for the Dian Kingdom from the Qin Kingdom, and it is also the last retreat for the Dian Kingdom to me. I have no choice!"

"As for the ancestral temple, the Kingdom of Dian is gone, but considering today's love, Ying Shou is not a villain, how can he destroy the ancestral temple. Maybe this is the only hope to preserve the ancestral temple!"

As he spoke, King Dian turned around slowly, looked at the throne on the steps, walked towards the throne step by step, and sat on the throne for the last time.

Looking at his slowly turning face, A Guda and Princess A Yao were suddenly taken aback. They felt that at this moment, all the expressions on King Dian's face disappeared in an instant, and only deep exhaustion was written on his face.

The hearts of the two trembled. At this moment, they realized that although King Dian was trying to hold on, he had actually exhausted all his strength.

He had to let go. From the very beginning, the end of the entire Dian Kingdom was already doomed, either for Ying Shou or Han Xin.

Now that Han Xin is defeated and Qin is victorious, Dian is destined to become a trade product and fall into the hands of Qin.

This is inevitable, there is no choice.

"Go back and get ready, too, and leave for Xianyang, Qin State in three days!"

King Dian spoke again, and said in a deep voice.

This time, Aguda and Princess Ayao didn't refute any more, they responded with serious expressions.

The three brothers and sisters have always been united, at this moment, for the sake of the Dian Kingdom, or for the eldest brother, Aguda and Princess Ayao have given up everything.

Three days later, all the Dian kingdom was ready, and the civil and military officials who were still in the royal city dragged their families out of the royal city one after another.

At this time, Yuwen Chengdu had already arranged all the things that should be arranged later, and hundreds of thousands of troops went to haul food and luggage at the same time.

This will be the food, luggage and seeds for the entire Southwest for the next year, and it will be a life-saving existence for the entire Southwest.

And he himself rushed to the King City of Dian at full speed.

The moment the Dian royal family and all the nobles walked out of the royal city, Yuwen Chengdu and Gongsun Tan led three thousand missions to welcome them outside.

"See Your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty!"

"See Your Majesty!"

Gongsun Tan and Yuwen Chengdu bowed down one after another, followed by three thousand envoy soldiers behind them.

"Get up, from today onwards, there will be no king of Dian in this world!"

In just a few days, King Dian's hair became gray, and he seemed to have aged by more than 20 years.

He stepped forward, helped Yu Wencheng and Gongsun Tan up, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, His Majesty the Emperor is generous and benevolent. When you return to Xianyang this time, His Majesty the Emperor will definitely not treat you badly!"

Following Gongsun Tan and He Yuwen Chengdu getting up, the envoy soldiers behind him also stood up, only listening to Gongsun Tan talking with a smile.

"Even so, I will thank His Majesty the Emperor first!"

King Dian nodded slightly, waved his hand, and said, "A Guda, hand over the soldier talisman to General Yuwen!"

In the back, Aguda held the soldier talisman in his hand, with a look of reluctance on his face, he walked forward slowly, gritted his teeth, and suddenly handed the soldier talisman to Yuwen Chengdu.

"Yuwen Chengdu, your strength is the only one in this world that I admire and admire."

"From today onwards, the 10,000+ sons and daughters of my Dian Kingdom will be handed over to you. Promise me, don't treat them badly, or I will never let you go!"

Yu Wencheng bowed, took the soldier talisman from Aguda's hand with both hands, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, general, loving soldiers like children has always been the rule of those who are not generals. From today, Yuwen Chengdu will eat and sleep with all the soldiers. Never fail the warriors!"

A Guda snorted twice, and said: "Okay, I know you can do it. Although I am very unhappy to see you now, I believe you are a qualified general just because you run thousands of miles day and night. The warriors follow and will not suffer!"

Saying that, Aguda turned around, walked behind King Dian, and came to Princess Ayao.

Holding a guqin in her hand, Princess Ayao stood there quietly.

The Guqin was used for sacrifices, and in this era, or in an even older era, rituals for sacrifices have always existed.

Moreover, the power of sacrifice is far longer than the Zhou Ritual for thousands of years, and it originated from the former wizard's sacrifice, so it has been widely spread. People in the Central Plains can't help but abide by this set of rituals and compile it into the Zhou Ritual. The descendants of Jiuli in this southwest land also abide by it.

Sacrifice, in ancient times, every time it was unfolded, there would be wizards dancing to the gods and playing music, which is called sending the dead to the last journey, and this piano is the best instrument for playing sacrificial music.

As the sacrificial saint of Dian Kingdom, for Princess Ayao, this guqin has never been separated from her existence ten feet away.

Now that she is leaving, she also has to take it with her.

At this moment, Princess Ayao just stood there holding the guqin quietly, without saying a word, looking around, looking at the familiar plants and trees, mountains and rivers in the Dian Kingdom outside the city, her eyes were filled with Reluctant.

Entering Qin this time, I don't know when I will be able to return.Maybe there will be no chance for the rest of my life.

"set off!"

At this moment, the king of Dian gave an order.

Gongsun Tan hurried forward, took 14 soldiers from the mission, plus [-] soldiers from the Dian Kingdom, followed by guards, and left the Dian King City directly, leaving Yuwen Chengdu alone to completely take over the remaining [-] soldiers. Dian army.

So far, the land in the southwest has completely belonged to the Great Qin, and a piece of great rivers and mountains has completely become the territory of the Great Qin.

At the same time, Daqin had a total of soldiers and horses in the southwest, from the 60 recruits trained by Yuwen Chengdu before, to an army of [-] with varying combat capabilities.

Among them, in addition to the 26 Qin army recruits originally trained by Yuwen Chengdu, 36 were won from Han Xin, which adds up to [-].

Now, plus those left by the Dian Kingdom, excluding those taken away by Gongsun Tan, there are still 14, which adds up to 50.

There are also the other six countries that have surrendered to the Great Qin before. Although they are all small countries among small countries, each country has about [-] to [-] troops. In total, there are more than [-] troops.

Therefore, adding it all up, even if it is undercounted, it will be 60.Counting too much, even 70.

At this point, Daqin's military power began to show explosive growth.

This is the reason why in the game world, some people become stronger as they fight.

Wars are always expensive, some people get poorer when they get bigger, and some people get richer when they get bigger.Because the winning side can always plunder everything.

Daqin surrendered without a fight this time. Although the Southwest had already been impoverished by Han Xin, the soldiers and horses he harvested were enough for Daqin to work hard for several years.This is the harvest.

(End of this chapter)

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