Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 783 How to deal with it

Chapter 783 How to deal with it
"Your Majesty, my Majesty, long live, long live, long live, long live!"

On this day, in the main hall of Xianyang Palace, there was a deafening sound of orderly shouts, and in the whole hall, all the officials bowed their heads and kowtowed in unison.

Ying Shou sits high on the dragon chair, looking down at the world. From this position, his eyes can even penetrate the imperial city. Looking down at the main street of Xianyang, he really feels like he is in the world.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves and shouted in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The officials kowtowed and stood up, looking at Ying Shou at the same time.

Today is the first time that Ying Shou made an exception to hold a court meeting. All the officials knew that there must be something important to announce, otherwise, there were still three days before the court meeting, and the emperor could not suddenly become so diligent.

"Your Majesty made an exception for the first time to hold a court meeting today. Is there any major announcement?"

The officials looked at the emperor for a long time, but the emperor did not speak. Finally, Xiao He was the first to walk out of the queue, bowed his hands and said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Xiao He, I don't like to hear your words. Could it be that there is no major event, so I can't go to the court? Why do you have the feeling of criticizing and scolding Huai, saying that I have neglected the government!"

Ying Shou laughed and joked.

"Your Majesty, I don't mean that!"

Xiao He trembled all over, and quickly fell to his knees.

The emperor's words can be big or small, if it's a joke, it's fine, but if it's serious, his life will be in danger.

In this world, there are not many people who can bear the emperor's jokes, at least not above the court, so even Xiao He did not dare to bite the bullet and resist.

"Hey, look at you, I'm joking!"

Ying Shou was speechless, as expected, he was so cold at the top, even if he made a joke, he had no one to accompany him.

I am also in a good mood today, otherwise how would these people have the opportunity to see him joking?

"Okay, get up. I know that you have slandered in your hearts more than once or twice. Compared with the first emperor of the previous dynasty, my emperor is really far behind."

"His Majesty the First Emperor, he is never late for the morning court every day. The whole country, big and small, is subject to review and supervision. The daily memorials are all weighed. It is an extravagant wish to be able to rest for two hours in one day!"

"Look at me again. The government doesn't care about it. If you don't get up early, you really don't know how to make progress!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and while speaking, dragged all the officials into the water.

"Your Majesty, I dare not wait!"

This time it wasn't just Xiao He, the entire court hall, the three lords and six tribes, all the officials of the court knelt down one after another, shouting and daring.

"Okay, let's all get up, whether you dare or not is up to you, whether you think about it or not, that's up to you too."

"My Daqin laws don't punish people's hearts. Besides, who doesn't have any thoughts in their hearts? I don't have time to figure out what you are thinking every day. Get up and get back to business!"

Ying Shou shook his head and waved his hand.

The officials looked at each other in blank dismay.

They could all see that the emperor was in a particularly good mood today, and even made a joke.

But such a joke, no one dares to accept it.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Immediately, the officials kowtowed and stood up one after another.

Ying Shou put his arms on the armrest of the dragon chair, and said with a smile, "My dear friends, just last night, the Black Ice Terrace came to report that the war in the southwest has subsided."

"As the 26 troops of our Great Qin Yuwen Chengdu entered the southwest, Han Xin knew that he was invincible, so he fled overnight. The [-] troops returned to the Great Qin."

"Mr. Gongsun then went to the Kingdom of Dian and successfully persuaded the King of Dian to come to Qin."

"Now, the 15 troops of the Dian Kingdom have also surrendered to the Great Qin. I believe that the King of Dian and the kings of other countries will come to Xianyang in the near future. Ladies and gentlemen, think about it, what kind of plan should be drawn for this matter? result?"

When the ministers heard the words, their faces changed, and everyone was overjoyed at the same time.

"What, the Southwest Land has been completely taken?"

"Every country surrendered, didn't my Great Qin gain 70 million troops from then on?"

"That's great, God bless Da Qin, God bless Da Qin!"

Everyone rejoiced. Although such a result had been expected for a long time, when the result came out, it still shocked everyone a lot.

"Hey... I'm not trying to make you happy now, just be happy and happy. I'm asking you how to deal with the Southwest and how to deal with the kings!"

Seeing that the officials were so happy that they lost themselves, Ying Shou was speechless, patted the table, and solemnly reminded.

When the ministers heard the words, they woke up one after another, and for a while, the smiles on their faces began to restrain themselves, revealing expressions of contemplation.

Yes, I really should be happy, but I can't be too happy too early.

The most important thing at present is to think about how to resettle the people in the southwest and how to deal with the kings of various countries.

The reason why it is difficult to expand the territory is not only because the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, but what is more troublesome is how to deal with it after winning the territory.

At this moment, this is what Ying Shou is most concerned about.

Using many historical figures in his previous life to deal with it, the simplest is to kill.

In order to prevent the monarchs of various countries from rebelling, they were all killed directly.

But such an approach would be unavoidable, and it would be of no benefit to the overall situation.

There is another way, recruit security, give fiefdom.

But what would be the result of such an approach?
Once the kings have a rebellious heart, it will be a big trouble.

Therefore, this post-war problem is the most difficult to solve.

And the land in the southwest is the descendant of Jiuli, don't look at these people who beat me and beat you on weekdays, but in the end, brothers and family are close, breaking bones and connecting tendons.

When facing outsiders, once it forms a monolith, it will be difficult to control.

In addition, after this battle, the Southwest was impoverished, and if they wanted to be rescued, they didn't know how much treasury would be consumed.

This series of problems needs to be solved. It is precisely because of these reasons that the words "opening up the frontiers and expanding the land" seem simple and easy to understand, but it is even more difficult to do it.

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, what do you think about this matter?"

The ministers pondered for a long time, and then Taifu Shusun Tong stepped forward and said with cupped hands.

Not everyone dares to meddle in dealing with the affairs of the royal families and nobles of various countries.

First of all, how the king thinks is very important.If even the emperor's mind is uncertain and he shouts to kill, then the emperor will definitely be unhappy and feel that he is too vicious.

Speaking of enfeoffment, the emperor was even more unhappy. After all, the Qin Dynasty had abolished the enfeoffment system since the first emperor ruled the world.

Even Young Master Daqin doesn't have a fief. Isn't it a joke that you give it to outsiders?
It's impossible to kill, and it's impossible to let go, so even the officials don't know what to do.

Therefore, Shu Suntong's first thought was to ask the emperor's opinion.

At this time, the emperor's opinion is very important. After all, all schools of thought have benevolence, and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty all came from schools of thought.

"Hehe, Taifu, I'm asking for your opinion, why are you still asking me what I think?"

On the dragon chair, Ying Shou looked at Shu Suntong with a funny face, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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