Chapter 784
"Your Majesty, this is not a cancellation by ministers waiting for speculation. According to the system of the Zhou Dynasty, of course it is enfeoffment."

"Since the kings have surrendered, in order to show my Great Qin Tianwei, of course I should give them the rights they deserve!"

"However, since the time of the First Emperor, my Great Qin has abolished the enfeoffment and changed it to the system of prefectures and counties. Even Mr. Qin has no right to enfeoff, how can he hand over this right to outsiders?"

"But apart from enfeoffment, the only thing left is to kill. If it is like the former Qin Dynasty, let the countries ignore it, and let them be reduced to the people."

"At that time, there will be a lot of complaints. Who can guarantee whether there will be a second Cheng Sheng and Wu Guang who will rise up again?"

"Therefore, the lessons learned from the past are there. The ministers were too hasty to know the news. I really didn't know how to solve it for a while. Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

Uncle Suntong bowed his hands, and did not hide what was in his heart, and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, what the Tai Tuo said is correct, I have no good plan in my mind after waiting for a while!"

"Please give your Majesty some pointers!"

As the voice of the uncle and grandson fell, the officials also nodded and said with cupped hands.

Seeing this, Ying Shou's face was full of helplessness.

Sure enough, there is never a shortage of knowledgeable people in this world, but those who dare to be the first in the world will always be in the minority.

At least, above the court, they dare not be the first bird.

Of course, he can also understand these people. After all, this matter can be big or small, but troubles are always inevitable.

Whoever dares to speak indiscriminately at this time, no matter what they say is reasonable or unreasonable, even if it doesn't cause any trouble now, if something happens in the future, it will inevitably cause a big trouble, and maybe they will be implicated in the future, and the Manchus will be punished by exhaustion.

This is like recommending someone for the emperor. Once the recommended person is talented, he will make great contributions and make no mistakes.

Once a mistake is made, the recommender will also be in trouble.

And relatively speaking, this matter now involves the overall situation of the world, and the arrangement of the kings has bound hundreds of thousands of troops in the southwest.

If the kings are too satisfied, it is easy to give birth to a rebellious heart.If the kings are too wronged, hundreds of thousands of soldiers will not agree.

Those who are not in power will never dare to decide on this kind of dilemma.

"Okay, I knew you would do this to me. All right, about this matter, I thought about it last night and finally came to such a decision. You might as well listen to it and see how it goes!"

Thinking about it, Ying Shou shook his head, as if he had already guessed the decision of the officials.

All the ministers were ashamed, and they could only look at the emperor and listen to the holy will.

Ying Shou didn't hold back, and said, "This is what I think about this matter. As the Taifu said, the enfeoffment has been abolished. The reason why the first emperor abolished the enfeoffment was because the lessons learned from the past are in front of us."

"The Zhou Dynasty enfeoffed princes from all walks of life, but it lasted only a hundred years, and the world was in constant disputes. So far, the situation of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States has been opened, so that for hundreds of years, the people of the world have no means of living, and their lives are miserable!"

"Learning from the lessons of the Zhou Dynasty, my Great Qin will never follow the path of the Zhou Dynasty. Of course, at the end of the former Qin Dynasty, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang rose up and caused chaos in the world. This is also a trouble!"

"But in general, nothing in this world is absolute. Everything has two sides, good and bad. It is absolutely impossible to cut off troubles. The most important thing is to see how the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty treat the world's major events. "

"Thus, even if it is my idea, it does not mean that there will be no future troubles. But even if there are future troubles, even if my Qin Dynasty falls into the hands of others after a hundred years, but remember, I want this world to be a piece of jade forever, and I will not do it. The Zhou Dynasty was so torn apart!"

"Because of the above, I decided to destroy the enfeoffment. But what the Taifu said is right, killing is unkind, letting go is unwise, so I can't kill the kings, let alone let the kings do nothing!"

"Therefore, I have decided that the kings will return to the court, continue to regard themselves as kings, canonize the titles of kings, and will not add hereditary system. What do you think?"

After Ying Shou finished speaking, the officials were shocked.

More than 20 kings, all canonized as princes?

Originally, Daqin didn't have a single king, which is equivalent to suddenly having more than 20 more kings in Daqin.

Of course, the king Ying Shou talked about was not the same as the king in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

In the Zhou Dynasty, only the Son of Heaven could be king.But as time passed, the world was divided, and the princes followed suit.

Zhou Tianzi was powerless to stop him, so he could only pretend to be Tianzi, with a slightly nicer name, like the leader of the alliance. In fact, the kings had already escaped their control and could be kings.

After all, in the final analysis, during the Zhou Dynasty, whether it was the period of the princes, or the period of the kings, these people all had their own kingdoms.

This country is their fiefdom. In their own fiefdom, no matter whether they are kings, marquises, or dukes, they are actually kings. The only difference is whether they are crowned or not.

But Ying Shou's so-called king is different. If you really want to say the same thing, there is only one thing that is the same, that is, this king was a title in the Zhou Dynasty. wait.In Yingshou's case, the king is also a title.

It's just that between the two, the Zhou Dynasty was the king with crowns and the king with fiefdoms.

But in Yingshou's place, the king is just a title, not even the rights of ordinary ninth-rank officials.

They don't have crowns, and they don't have fiefdoms. They are just a king, and at most they get what they deserve. This is the difference between the two.

To be more precise, this is the difference between a feudal society and a feudal society.

In the feudal society, as long as he is a king, he has his own country.But in feudal society, no matter what kind of king you are, whether you are a county king or a prince, if you dare to establish a country, you are a rebel.

Even if you are given rights and fiefs, you are still just a prince, not a so-called king.

All these changes, speaking of it, stemmed from Ying Shou's former Daqin title change system.

In the former Qin Dynasty, various official titles such as Sangong Jiuqing, 72 doctors, etc. were established. Not to mention more, there were more than 20 titles, which were not divided into first-class and second-class.

However, after Yingshou changed all the systems, the imperial court changed from the original Sangong Jiuqing to Sangong and Six Departments. Officials at all levels were divided into nine ranks, which were formed by the chaos of Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties in later generations. This is the officialdom system.

In officialdom, there are people who have real power to manage various things.

In addition to the officialdom system, it is the title system.The title system is different from the officialdom. Those who win the title may or may not have rights in the officialdom, but no matter whether they have rights or not, the title is a symbol of nobility.

Those who are officials do not necessarily have titles, and those who have titles do not necessarily become officials.Those who are officials currently have real power, and may have nothing in the future, so they can only retire and get subsistence allowances.

But the title does not necessarily have real power, but as long as the title is not lost, you can always eat salary, this is the difference between the two.

(End of this chapter)

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