Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 785 Final Decision

Chapter 785 Final Decision

In today's Great Qin Dynasty, there are no more than 20 titles in the former Qin Dynasty. Instead, Yingshou has changed it according to the system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but it is quite different from the system of the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the titles were male of Jianguo County, son of County Jianguo, uncle of County Jianguo, marquis of County Jianguo, Duke of County Jianguo, king of Jianguo County, prince and so on.

This is actually similar to the title system of the Zhou Dynasty. From the Xia Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty, the title system was actually baron, viscount, earl, marquis, duke, and finally a prince.

It's just that the kings of the Zhou Dynasty were completely different from those of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the Zhou Dynasty, the kings could only be the emperor.

For example, the ancestors of the Qin State, Qin Xiaogong, Qin Xiangong, etc., are dukes.

Another example is Luhou, Qihou, etc., which are Marquises.

Besides, the founding monarch of the Zhou Dynasty, Xibohou of the Shang Dynasty, etc., in fact, there is a wait in the name, in fact, he is the earl.

Today, the title system formulated by Ying Shou can be said to be a combination of all dynasties and generations, gathering the essence and discarding the dross.

For example, whether the rights in this title are retained or eliminated.This right should be planned according to which dynasty's formulation and so on.

Finally, it is determined as six titles, namely Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis (Prince), Duke (Duke), and Wangjue (County King, Prince)
Among them, in addition to the princes included in the royal title, each title is divided into three ranks, the third rank is the lowest, and the first rank is the highest.

Such as the third-class baron, second-class baron, first-class baron, third-class viscount, second-class viscount, and first-class viscount, and so on, and finally, they are the third-class county king, second-class county king, and first-class county king.

Of course, before deciding on this system, Ying Shou also thought a lot about it. Ordinary people, general titles are promoted, and when they reach the Duke, they are basically capped.

As long as there are no accidents, it will be even more difficult to produce a county king.So this county king or something is actually set for the monarchs of all countries.

Ying Shou's ambition has never been hidden.What he wants is not just a Qin country.

The future Great Qin will surely sweep the world. In order to let the monarchs of the world gain some hope and countries come to court, he deliberately left the system of county kings.

Of course, when it comes to the title of king, unless Ying Shou believes in it very much, it is basically impossible to have real power.

Otherwise, once real power is gained, the once-destroyed country may revive, which Ying Shou will never allow.

Now that countries in the southwest are coming to vote, Ying Shou's title of county king, which has been carefully prepared for a long time, just happened to come in handy.

Following Ying Shou's opinion, the officials fell silent for a moment, and after a long time, they suddenly understood something.

The emperor of emotion said it nicely, and thought about it all night.In fact, he had this idea a long time ago.This is purely a layout first, and then a start.

One trick is to wait for the rabbit, and each returns to his position.So deliberate here, what else can the officials say?

"My dear friends, now you want to hear my opinion, and I have said it, but you can tell me, what is my idea?"

Ying Shou watched and pondered for a long time, then suddenly, he raised his head one by one, and couldn't help laughing at the officials who looked at him with admiration.

From the eyes of the ministers, he saw admiration, as if to say that the emperor is worthy of being the emperor, and he is really cunning and cunning.

This ending has already been set long ago, obviously it is to prepare for today, and it has to be very embarrassing.

With such eyes, Ying Shou felt a little sense of accomplishment.

It is said that if you are prepared, opportunities will always be reserved for those who are prepared.

He Yingshou has already made preparations, not only for the positions of the countries in the southwest, but also for the titles of the Xiongnu Shanyu and Donghu Khan.

Of course, it's one thing to be ready, but it's another thing whether these people can sit on it.

The kings of the countries in the southwestern countries who have invested so much effort and effort, Ying Shou is naturally happy to see their success, and let them be the king of Daqin.

But if the Xiongnu and Donghu didn't know what to do and swore to fight to the death, they would be beaten by Daqin so that there would be no quid pro quo, and it would not be their turn to enjoy the title.

If you want to enjoy it, you need to exchange conditions.And the power in their hands is the condition of exchange.

As the saying goes, the prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

Wouldn't it be a joke if any king of a subjugated country would come to Daqin to ask for a title at any time?

Moreover, this time the southwestern countries, nicknamed the 23 countries, actually, there are at most eight of them who can really be crowned kings.It is the king of Dian, the king of Yelang, and the kings of the other six countries who led the whole country to vote.

For example, Zhao State, although their people were sent to Qin State, but in the final analysis, the country was still destroyed.Even the country is gone, so naturally he is not qualified to negotiate terms.Ying Shou can at most be a marquis of King Zhao's descendants, which is considered heavenly.

As for the rest of those who either surrendered to Han Xin, or were destroyed by Han Xin, they never thought of submitting to Great Qin and seeking protection.

Of course Ying Shou would not treat them badly, but it's a godsend. It's enough to give their descendants a viscount or earl, and none of them are hereditary.

If you want to be hereditary, see how the descendants work hard, and see how the descendants make achievements.

Only the titles obtained through meritorious service will have the opportunity to be hereditary.

"I report to you, Your Majesty, it's so wonderful. In this way, apart from raising a few idle kings, Daqin will have no complaints and no disasters of enfeoffment. This is the best solution, Your Majesty is wise!"

Finally, Di Renjie walked out first, cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"That's right, Your Majesty. This approach not only calms the hearts of the nations, but also makes the world peaceful. This is the supreme strategy and it is feasible!"

Xiao He stepped forward and said solemnly.

While speaking, all the ministers spoke one after another, and they all agreed with Ying Shou's decision.

In fact, it's okay not to agree with this kind of thing. For one thing, they really can't think of a better way.

Furthermore, many examples from the previous dynasty are still there.

I remember that the first emperor of the previous dynasty abolished the enfeoffment system. At that time, the admonishers of the Manchu dynasty knelt outside the palace gate day and night, persuading the first emperor not to abolish the enfeoffment system.

Among them, the sons of the Ying family and the founding fathers were the most supportive, because once they were entrusted, they would get a lot of benefits, at least everyone was a monarch.

Therefore, the handling of the affairs of the world that time can be said to have caused unrest in the world.In the end, the first emperor said that he would not change it if he didn't change it. He also set up a cauldron in front of the palace gate and told those admonishing ministers that whoever dared to come would throw it directly into the cauldron, which was actually cooking in a big cauldron.

As a result, dozens of admonishing officials jumped into the cauldron one after another, making a gesture of deadly admonishment, wanting to leave their names in history.

The end result is that death is in vain.Not to mention death in vain, but also being convicted, it's okay not to leave a name through the ages, but once a name is left through the ages, it is infamy.

From this incident, everyone has learned a truth, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu dynasty decide small things, and the emperor has to decide the big things.

If you say something wrong, say something wrong, but never try to force the emperor, otherwise you will end up making up your own mind.

So all kinds of things, plus the fact that the officials felt that the emperor's actions were beneficial, naturally they would not be foolish to refute the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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