Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 787 Planning the World

Chapter 787 Planning the World
"Well, you're right. Today's Great Qin really can't waste its national power in the southwest."

"Besides, the land in the southwest belongs to our Great Qin. As long as it is governed, there will be no serious problems. You can rest assured about this."

"So I agree with you, but how does this complement the Southwest combat power?"

"Zhang Aiqing, keep talking!"

Seeing Zhang Liang's exaggerated talk, Ying Shou nodded slightly. He had to admit that Daqin's national power had to be preserved by all means, and it really couldn't be wasted.

Otherwise, Daqin will face more crises if the war comes together.

The war itself is a huge crisis. Once the national treasury is empty, financial crisis, food crisis and other problems follow one after another, it will be extremely difficult for Daqin to successfully break through and then stand up. There is even no chance.

There is only one result waiting for Daqin, Nirvana fails, and disappears in ashes.

This was definitely not the result Ying Shou wanted, and it was also a result he could not accept, so Zhang Liang's words had reached his heart.

At the same time, the ministers had no objection to this statement.

Recently, in order to prepare for the war in the north, the Ministry of Industry is crazily consuming national power and making full preparations for the war.

The Ministry of Households is frantically taking back all the tax revenues of Daqin, and Prime Minister Xiao He is checking the accounts day by day, almost gathering all the power that the whole Daqin can gather.

This can be said to be fully prepared for war and the whole country is united.

The reason for this is that everyone understands a truth very well.

Daqin is not afraid of war. In other words, in terms of population, Daqin can consume the Xiongnu and Donghu alive.

Don't look at the Donghu and the Xiongnu are also superpowers in the surrounding area, comparable to the Great Qin.But in fact, this is only based on the military strength of the two countries.

But among the superpowers, the real strength does not only come from the military, but more based on the population.

Although the two countries are large, they are not as rich in real estate as the Central Plains, so that it is difficult for the population to increase.

The food in every country is very scarce when it can support tens of millions of people.In other words, the two countries add up to only 2000 million people.

Even if dozens of surrounding countries are wiped out, with those effects, a country can only have a population of a dozen or 20, and there are many people with a population of 40 or [-], and there are very few countries with a population of one million.

Just like the Southwest, a big country with a population of one million is nothing more than the Dian Kingdom and the Southwest.

Even Zhao Kingdom can barely be considered a big country, but its total population is only 60 million. All the 23 countries combined have a population of just over 1000 million.

Based on this calculation, even if the Xiongnu and Donghu annexed the entire northern part of Serbia, the combined total population of the two countries would be 3000 million.

But Daqin is different.Compared with the territory of the Great Qin, of course it is not as big as the union of the two countries, but because of the rich real estate of the Great Qin, the population of the Great Qin, even though it was consumed by hundreds of years of war, still remained at about 4000 million when Ying Shou ascended the throne.

Then Yingshou conquered Baiyue in the south, harvested a large area of ​​land, and added another 2000 million.

Now, we have the Southwest again. Not to mention the large population, there are still two or three million people.

Homesick before and after, the population of Daqin is more than 7000 million, twice that of the Xiongnu Donghu United.

Therefore, in terms of population, Daqin can completely compete with the two countries.Of course, the premise is that everyone in Daqin can play bloody, go forward bravely, and constantly substitute.

Otherwise, no matter how many people there are, they can only be reduced to lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

As for this point, it will depend on how the civil and military officials are mobilized.As the saying goes, if a soldier loves one, he will love a nest.

One general is incompetent, exhausting thousands of troops.If the rulers and leaders have sufficient capabilities, they can completely change this.

In this way, Daqin took advantage of the population.Then there is the issue of national strength.

This issue of national strength is sometimes even more important than population.

For example, a large army, no matter how strong it is, if it is a country that can't even produce a decent weapon and armor, and can't even have a full bowl of food, then it's a fart.He trembled all over when he walked, and was so hungry that he couldn't run away when he saw the enemy army coming.It doesn't hurt if you cut someone with a knife, but it will kill you if someone cuts you with a knife.

Who can fight such a battle?
Not to mention that your population is twice that of that family, even if you are ten times that of that family, such a battle cannot be won!
Therefore, national power is more important than ever at this time, and it must not be wasted.This is also the reason why the court officials are very busy recently.

Seeing that his first step was approved by the emperor, Zhang Liang did not hold back, and continued: "Your Majesty, since this first step has been decided, the main purpose is to preserve the national strength and suspend immigration. The next step is the first step." Two steps away!"

"If you want to say what my Great Qin lacks most now, of course it is cavalry. Almost all of my Great Qin's troops are dominated by the phalanx army. When this army goes to the battlefield, once it forms a phalanx, it will naturally be able to display unprecedented capabilities."

"But to a certain extent, it also greatly reduced its mobility. The reason why the former Qin prevented the Xiongnu from setting foot in the Great Qin was because among the 30 Mengjia troops on the Great Wall, there were [-] Daqin Qingqi who came and went freely. It can always beat the Huns powerless!"

"However, following the defeat of General Yuwen before, none of the 20 cavalry returned, and we only have the [-] phalanx army left in Daqin. These troops can defend the city well, and it is no problem to go out of the city to fight tough battles."

"But the Xiongnu army will take advantage of the victory and pursue it, making our army unable to escape. Once defeated, the Huns will turn around and leave, and our army can't even catch up with the shadow. This is why the generals of the Manchu Dynasty went to the border of the Great Wall before. There is a reason for daring to go to war with the Huns!"

"It's not that I'm timid to fight. It's really useless to start a war. A victory is a small victory, and a loss is a big defeat!"

Ying Shou thought secretly, and had to say, this is indeed the truth.

People come and go without a trace, even if you can't beat you, you can't help others.Besides, just because they are fast enough, they can attack back and forth, disturbing your mind.A day or two is fine, but once the war starts for a month or two, everyone will be tortured and go crazy.

So such a battle is really not easy to fight.

"That makes sense, go ahead!"

Ying Shou nodded and said in a deep voice.


Zhang Liang cupped his hands and said: "Because of all the above, our army specially selected more than [-] war horses from the Longxi area to prepare for the battle, and originally planned to send them to the Lantian camp, but I feel that these horses should be sent without delay. Go southwest."

"At the same time, the southwest is located on a plain. Although the countries are farming, they are also grazing at the same time."

"Although all countries are poor now, there are at least 20 cavalrymen gathered here. Whether these cavalry are elite or not, as long as they are cavalry, they are what our Great Qin needs!"

"Furthermore, as long as war horses are recruited from the southwest, I believe it will not be difficult to gather another 20 war horses."

"At that time, my Great Qin will be able to train a cavalry team of at least 60 at the fastest speed in the southwest!"

(End of this chapter)

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