Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 788 Silver Moon Awakens

Chapter 788 Silver Moon Awakens
Zhang Liang continued to speak, boasting and planning the world, saying: "In this way, we have the Daqin cavalry and the phalanx army."

"Once the Xiongnu and the Donghu jointly attack our Great Qin, there will be an army of 30 in the Lantian camp in the east, plus more than [-] guards on the Great Wall, and the former Tiger and Ben army, enough to contend!"

"In the northwest, 60 cavalry march from the southwest, and they will be able to rush to the battlefield quickly. By then, our Great Qin will be invincible!"

"it is good……"

Ying Shou slapped his palms together, and said, "It's a good idea to take care of both head and tail, turn the southwest grassland into a training ground, and let the soldiers get used to the grassland battlefield first."

"This is the advantage of the Southwest soldiers. Take advantage of it and make use of it. In this way, what fear do you have when facing the Huns?"

"In this way, the Huns have enough opponents, and the Donghu is more suitable for fighting in the mountains. The two armies will collide. My Daqin phalanx is the least afraid of the two armies colliding. At that time, no matter how strong the Donghu is, how can it stand against my Daqin? So good, so good!"

While speaking, Ying Shou looked happy. In this way, even if the initial deployment of Daqin's big net is completed, as long as the Xiongnu and Donghu dare to set foot in Qin, what awaits them will not be easy burning, killing and looting, but Da Qin fought back frantically and powerfully.

Of course, this is easy to say, but it is by no means easy to be completely ignorant.

Ordinary people can't do it at all, they must cooperate with the civil and military forces of the court, and the great talents in the world will help each other, otherwise, who can move the overall situation of the world?
"Zhang Liang is worthy of being my Daqin's military advisor. He is indeed so resourceful that no one can match him. If he can do that, our Daqin can breathe a sigh of relief!"

"That's right, as long as the layout is right, it doesn't take three years, at most one year, and I, Daqin, can stand alone against the Xiongnu and Donghu. At that time, why not be afraid of the two countries joining forces to attack me!"

"Master Zhang is really a wise man. Since today's matter is certain, the court will be dispersed later, and the officials and I will go immediately to find out. We must not place our hopes on the kindness of the enemy country. As the saying goes, you need to be hard on yourself, and everything has to be arranged. That's right!"

All of a sudden, the officials discussed and nodded, agreeing with Zhang Liang's point of view.

"Your Majesty, if this matter is settled, there is still a problem that must be resolved. This matter is the most important thing. Otherwise, even if it sounds nice, it will be nothing but a joke!"

At this moment, Zhang Liang suddenly opened his mouth and cupped his hands.

"Oh, tell me about Zhang Aiqing!"

As soon as Zhang Liang finished speaking, the officials stopped talking and looked over one by one.

Ying Shou also looked at Zhang Liang and said in a deep voice.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, there is always a gully between the Southwest and the Great Qin, but the language barrier. It is obviously impossible to use the Qin people from the Central Plains to lead the army. The only way is to let the people from the Southwest lead the army!"

"However, if this happens, another trouble will arise. The southwest region has only been conquered, and no one can guarantee that the people in the southwest will have any evil intentions."

"Once this large army is not properly controlled, it will definitely tire its master. Therefore, this matter should be considered carefully and carefully considered!"

Zhang Liang bowed his hand, just now he opened his mouth to plan the world, which made everyone's hearts warm, as if they saw hope.

But at this moment, when he opened his mouth again, a basin of cold water was poured down, which completely extinguished the fire of everyone and let it germinate.

"Well, that's right, this is a troublesome matter. After all, on the battlefield, commanding a large army to fight, you can't always carry an interpreter with you. With that interpreter's time, I don't know how many opportunities will be missed!"

"If this matter is not handled properly, not only will it not be able to help Daqin, but it will make Daqin worse. This must be taken seriously. Aiqing, I wonder if you have any solution now?"

Ying Shou nodded. Even he almost didn't pay attention to this point. Once he ignored it, it would be a big trouble for the overall situation.

"Your Majesty, in the view of my subordinates, there is no good solution to this matter. The only solution is to use the Southwest people to control the Southwest army."

"As for the selection of generals, it is not only about talent alone, but the most important thing is to gain His Majesty's trust. As the saying goes, don't be suspicious of people, but don't be suspicious of people. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the army to exert its power, and it will be a trouble!"

Zhang Liang replied.

"Well, that's right. You don't doubt the people you use, and you don't use the people you suspect. It's the best way to use the Southwest people to rule the Southwest people. If it can't be done, this army would rather stay in dust forever than use it!"

"Well, leave this matter to me and let me solve it!"

Ying Shou pondered for a moment, then made up his mind.

In the next decisive battle with Saibei, the decision is actually not in the hands of the countries in Saibei, but in his hands.

Now that the plan has been launched, the decisive battle is not long away. It may be half a year at most, or two or three months at least.

For many layouts, he will not take the initiative to propose, he will let the ministers figure out a way.As long as the ministers brought it up and could help solve it, he didn't mind taking action.After all, it is about the success or failure of Daqin, and he can't just do nothing.

Next, the DPRK and the Central Committee continued to discuss matters. This discussion took more than three ministers to discuss, and it took six hours to convert.

This was also the only troublesome thing for Ying Shou after he set the rules for the meeting in the second half of the month.Usually, there are no discussions, but there are four or five hours for discussions.

After all, the world is too big, and there are a lot of troublesome things. Even if the officials solve it, the result and efficiency of the solution must be reported.Just listening to it is enough to make you drowsy.

When it first came to court, the sky was still pitch black, and no one noticed that in the Tianchi Palace, on top of the huge dormitory, Yinyue, the Sleeping Beauty who had been in a coma for nearly two months, suddenly, her eyes flicked open.

In her eyes, a bright light flashed past, the pupils continued to shrink, and the eyes quickly gathered together, finally forming a pair of eyes that were as bright as stars.

"Where is this?"


"What exactly happened?"

She muttered to herself, and the next moment, she felt countless memories flooding her mind crazily, causing her to let out a low cry of pain.

Maybe it was because she had slept for so long that she was so numb all over that she couldn't even move.Bodily functions do not listen to the mobilization of will at all.

Waiting to accept all the memories, she suddenly had deep hope in her eyes.

She looked at the ceiling above her head and carefully looked at the surrounding environment, knowing that this is the building of the Imperial Palace, and she is now in the Qinhuang Palace.

She didn't know how long she had lost her memory, but an inexplicable impulse in her heart drove her to get up immediately.

She wanted to find that man, and before she was washed away by the flood, the last news about that man was that he was getting married.

I don't know how he is doing now, how I should face him, and the empress who is married to him.

Vaguely, she felt that she seemed to have seen the legendary empress, but when she thought about it carefully, she didn't have the slightest impression.

(End of this chapter)

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