Chapter 789
Time is slowly passing by, and before you know it, the sky is already bright.

At noon, some sunlight appeared in the sky, reflecting on the white snow wrapped in the earth, it looked very dazzling.

The sun didn't show up for long, and it disappeared into the clouds again in about a quarter of an hour.

"What kind of person is she?"

Yinyue lay down for almost three hours, and her body functions gradually returned.

In her mind, she kept thinking about what the queen of Daqin was like, but after thinking about it for several hours, she still didn't have a clue.

She gently stretched out her hand, covered her head, and finally sat up slowly.

She shook her head, threw all the chaotic thoughts out of her mind, and her expression became calm again, with a pair of dark eyes with a quiet light.

Right now, she shouldn't be thinking about these things. There are many things she can't figure out, but she can figure them out.

At this moment, she wants to know what's going on with him!

At this moment, voices suddenly came from outside the door.

"Meet the empress!"

Yinyue suddenly raised her head and looked at the closed door, only to hear a gentle voice from outside.

"Free gift!"

"Has His Majesty not come here today?"

That voice is really gentle, giving people a feeling of inexplicable relaxation.

"Is it the queen's voice?" Yinyue thought to herself.

In this voice, she has an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but she doesn't know where she heard it.

But from this gentle voice, she could feel that the other party must be a gentle and virtuous woman.

Come to think of it, the courtiers didn't even look down on him.My life experience has always made Manchu civil and military fearful, so that everyone is suppressing me, so I have to leave for a while.

But as soon as he left, the news of the emperor's empress came from behind.

If this woman hadn't been a well-educated and well-educated woman in Daqin, how could she have entered the eyes of civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty?

Thinking like this in her heart, Yinyue only heard the voices of a group of guards outside, and said: "Return to Your Majesty, Your Majesty has not visited Your Majesty Yinyue since yesterday!"

After the guard's voice fell, another female voice sounded, saying: "Your Majesty, have you forgotten, this morning, His Majesty the Emperor has already gone to court."

"The empress also told the market that the world is in turmoil recently, and the court is full of civil and military affairs. No one can relax, including Your Majesty."

"With a little carelessness, Daqin may face the danger of subjugation. At this time, how can His Majesty care about the personal relationship of his children?"

Then, another female voice sounded, saying: "Yes, empress, although His Majesty the Emperor loves Empress Yinyue very much, and is willing to take risks for Empress Yinyue, but in the face of such important matters related to the safety of the family and the country, His Majesty the Emperor still How can I care about the Yinyue Empress!"

"Even the Empress herself said that she should take good care of Your Majesty these days, and not let His Majesty get exhausted!"

Outside the door, Nan Yan listened quietly to the words of the two maidservants behind her, Mei Er and Yu Er, shook her head, and said with a wry smile: "Hey, look at my mind, it's been a little bit out of control recently. Your Majesty will go to court today Well, how could you finish discussing state affairs and return to the palace so quickly!"

"Okay, let's stop talking, give the food box to Ben Gong, you wait outside, Ben Gong will go and diagnose Yinyue Empress first, and eat for her."

"Your Majesty always likes Empress Yinyue to serve you. If Empress Yinyue can wake up earlier, she will be able to relieve His Majesty's worries!"

While speaking, Nan Yan took the food box from Mei Er and Yu Er, and walked straight in after the guard opened the door.

She was dressed in a dark green dress and a black bearskin cloak embroidered with a phoenix taking off. She had just crossed the threshold when she looked up and saw a figure sitting quietly on the dragon bed in the bedroom.

"Silver Moon..."

Nan Yan's delicate body trembled suddenly, her voice was almost stuck in her throat, she stared blankly at Yinyue sitting on the dragon step.

Under her gaze, I saw Yinyue's star-bright eyes also looking her up and down.

"My sister is awake, great!"

After a long time, Nan Yan finally came to her senses and hurriedly shouted: "Come here, come here!"

Outside the door, two maidservants and a group of guards rushed into the bedroom, knelt down and said, "Your Majesty!"

"Quick... Hurry up and report to Your Majesty, tell Your Majesty, Empress Yinyue is awake, go!"

Nan Yan said quickly, and at the same time put the food box on the ground.

Everyone looked up and looked suddenly, and saw that Yinyue had woken up.

In this palace, there are many rules and regulations. When entering the master's room, no one is allowed to look around. When standing beside the master, everyone has to keep their heads down, even walk.

Therefore, when they came in just now, everyone lowered their heads and didn't notice Yinyue. Now when they looked up, they saw Yinyue who had woken up, and after hearing the Queen's order, the guards immediately agreed and got up and left one after another.

In the end, the fastest one headed towards Xianyang Palace, while the rest walked halfway and retreated.

"Sister, how do you feel? Are you feeling unwell?"

After sending people to leave, Nan Yan hurriedly walked towards Yinyue, and said happily while walking.

"You call me sister?"

"Are you the Empress Empress who just married His Majesty the Emperor?"

Before Nanyan came forward, Yinyue spoke suddenly.

Because she had been in a coma for a long time and hadn't spoken, her voice was hoarse and dry at the moment, as if her entire throat was about to split.

Nan Yan shuddered all over, a little astonished.

Doesn't Yinyue know her?Why did you say such a thing suddenly?
Although Yinyue lost her memory, she spent several months with Yinyue anyway.During those few months, she was the one who took care of Yinyue.

Yinyue is not familiar with anyone, but it is impossible to be unfamiliar with herself.

Could it be that she lost her memory again?
A thought crossed Nanyan's mind, which made it difficult for her to accept it for a while.

If so, wouldn't His Majesty feel even more uncomfortable?

But thinking about Yinyue's question just now, it seems that something is not quite right.

If Yinyue lost her memory again, how could she still speak?And as soon as she opened her mouth, she asked herself if she was the queen who just married the emperor. What does this mean?
Could it be that she remembered what happened before she lost her memory?

"Well, that's right, this palace is the Great Qin Empress!"

Thinking about it, Nan Yan nodded slightly, and looked at Yinyue carefully, wanting to see how Yinyue would react.

But when Yinyue heard the words, she turned over and got off the bed suddenly, put her hands on her waist, squatted down and said: "Slave Yinyue, pay homage to the empress!"

Seeing this, Nanyan trembled all over, staring at Yinyue in disbelief.

What did she just say, slave girl Yinyue?

Doesn't she know that she is the Great Qin Concubine?

That's right, the concubine has to salute when she sees the queen, but it's definitely not this set of etiquette.

After all, in the final analysis, the etiquette between different classes is actually different.And how could she call herself a slave?

(End of this chapter)

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