Chapter 790 Happy
"Sister, don't you remember me?"

Nan Yan looked at Yinyue incredulously. You must know that she and Yinyue had been together for a while.

During that period, she has always called Yinyue her elder sister, and although Yinyue couldn't accept the emperor for a while, she has accepted her own identity and never regarded herself as a slave.

Today's opening really surprised Nan Yan.

Another point is also related to the fact that she calls Yinyue her elder sister.

Originally, the Great Qin had strict rules, and the etiquette in the palace was even more complicated. Let alone the maids, eunuchs and guards, the concubines, queens, etc. basically called them by their titles when they met each other.

For example, when Yinyue and Xue Ning saw Nanyan, they should call her Empress Empress and pay respects.

And when Nan Yan saw Xue Ning, she should call her Concubine Xue.

Of course, Yinyue doesn't have a title for the time being, but it should be named.

This is a rule, but it is this kind of rule that makes people feel strange.

Nan Yan knew very well that although the emperor seldom intervened in the affairs of the harem, he did not like the chaos of the harem, which became a field of competition for fame and fortune.

Therefore, Nan Yan never thought about fighting for anything, and he didn't need to fight for anything.

With the trust and love of His Majesty the Emperor, and the full support of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, she is a queen herself, and she has reached the peak that countless people can't reach in her life.Even if she wants to fight, she has nothing to fight for.

And she doesn't fight, what should belong to her, no one can take it away.

Therefore, in order to keep the emperor from worrying about the affairs of the harem, she can choose to retreat in the face of anything.In order to make the harem harmonious, she never allowed anyone to talk about Xue Ning and the Huns, and Xue Ning and Yinyue have always been called sisters.

Because Yinyue is the oldest among the girls, both she and Xue Ning will call her sister Yinyue.As for Xue Ning, she called her younger sister.

This is not in compliance with the rules, but the emperor is happy, so what can some small rules on addressing be considered?
The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty did not care about so many important matters, who would dare to take the risk of making the emperor unhappy, but care about these trivial matters?
In this way, all this will be a matter of course.She accepted it, Yinyue accepted it, Xue Ning accepted it, the emperor accepted it, and Manchu Wen Wudou accepted it.

But today, Yinyue refused to accept it!

"Empress Empress, this servant is just an ordinary court lady, how can I allow Empress to call me elder sister and ask Empress Empress to leave a message!"

Facing Nanyan calling her sister, Yinyue quickly knelt down on the ground and stopped her.

"You really don't know me?"

Nan Yan stared at Yinyue, Yinyue was too abnormal, she felt strange and repulsed by her behavior in this scene.

"Report to Empress Empress, Yinyue has never met Empress before, and talk about knowing each other?"

Yinyue looked up, a little puzzled.

This queen did give her a very familiar feeling, but after thinking about it, she realized that she had never seen this person before.

However, she kept calling her sister one after another, and asked herself if she didn't know her anymore, isn't that weird?

Yinyue didn't understand what it meant, for a while, she fell into a daze like Nan Yan, the two women just looked at each other, their minds full of question marks.


"See Your Majesty!"

In Xianyang Palace, Ying Shou had just left the palace, and was about to pass through Xianyang Palace and return to the Imperial Study Room of Jingquan Palace to deal with matters in the southwest, but here, a guard hurried over, knelt down in front of him, and paid homage to him. .

"What's the matter?"

Ying Shou looked at the guard strangely, and asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting to His Majesty the Emperor, the empress is in the Tianchi Palace, and in the Tianchi Palace, the Empress Yinyue has woken up!"

The guard said quickly.

"What, Yinyue is awake?"

When Ying Shou heard the words, he felt a burst of inexplicable joy welling up in his heart.

"Okay... I understand, you can get back on your feet!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, dropped a word, turned around and walked quickly towards Tianchi Palace.

At this moment, that inexplicable joy completely filled his heart.

He knew that where there is a will, there is a way.In this world, nothing is missing, only the word "believe" is missing.

The joy that filled his heart was not only because Yinyue woke up, but more because Yinyue really woke up, and woke up without his help.

This statement may be somewhat contradictory, but another way of saying it is clear.

The news of Yinyue waking up certainly made her happy and excited.But if he just wanted Yinyue to wake up, or in other words, just wanted Yinyue to recover his memory, he could have done it a long time ago.

You know, his system experience value has already accumulated tens of millions, almost hundreds of millions, in the continuous layout and expansion of the world.

Now with the addition of unifying the Southwest, he has reason to believe that the points in the system have definitely exceeded hundreds of millions.

Although this is just a guess, he can verify it at any time.

But I don't know when it started, maybe it started when he chose to leave the system, and he would only use the system a little bit when he was forced to do so.

Therefore, on weekdays, he didn't even bother to check the system points.

It can be said that as long as he is willing, with so many points, not to mention restoring a person's memory or waking up immediately, even if he is a dead person, he is sure to exchange enough life-saving miraculous medicine in the mall.

However, he has not exchanged, why?
Because he wants to break away from the system, he wants to give this era, this world more trust.

That's right, the system can almost let him complete all goals as quickly as possible, but he doesn't want to be Genghis Khan, let alone Alexander.

What he wants to do is to be Qin Shihuang, or even someone stronger than Qin Shihuang.

His country and everything about him can end up like Qin Shihuang, but they must not end up like Genghis Khan or Alexander.

And this point, the system can't help him, only this era, only the current situation created by himself can help him.So, he cannot rely on the system.He wants to break away from the system and create his own universe.

In the end, although he thought about using the power of the system many times regarding Yinyue, he finally rejected this idea.

He wants Yinyue to wake up in this world, he wants to give this era trust, and he wants to give the queen enough trust.

The queen is a person of this era. If the queen can cure Yinyue, it will represent his victory in breaking away from the system.

But as time passed, there was no result, and Ying Shou's expectations gradually weakened.

But today, Yinyue woke up, Nan Yan didn't lie to him, Yinyue was really fine, she woke up.

Therefore, Ying Shou was happy, not only because Yinyue had woken up, but also because Nanyan had lived up to his expectations and this era had lived up to his trust.

Perhaps even if Yinyue wakes up now, she may not be able to restore her memory.But the predicament is overcome step by step. With the first step, is the second step still far away?

(End of this chapter)

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