Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 791 Normal Personality

Chapter 791 Normal Personality
"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

Outside Tianchi Palace, the eunuch's sharp voice sounded.

In the sleeping hall of Tianchi Palace, Nanyan, Yinyue and a group of maids and guards came to their senses one after another, and hurriedly greeted them outside.

"My concubine sees Your Majesty!"

"Slave to meet your majesty!"

Nanyan and Yinyue saw the emperor walking quickly outside the sleeping hall, and immediately kowtowed to the ground.


Ying Shou's face was full of red, just like the so-called happy event, he waved his sleeves, and after everyone stood up, he immediately looked at Yinyue and said with a smile, "Yue'er, are you awake?"

Yinyue lowered her head, with a delicate appearance, and said softly: "Go back to His Majesty the Emperor, the servant has woken up, Your Majesty is worried!"

Ying Shou was taken aback, what did she just say?slave?

This tone is so familiar, it is exactly the same as the former Yinyue, but it is very different from the Yinyue after amnesia!
"What's going on, she recovered her memory?"

Thinking of something, Ying Shou was overjoyed, and asked Nan Yan.

"Returning to Your Majesty, Sister Yinyue has indeed recovered her previous memories, but the memories of the previous time seem to have completely disappeared!"

Nan Yan smiled wryly. She was also surprised by Yinyue's change just now, but because Yinyue's big eyes looked at her small eyes for a long time, she also figured out the key to this.

After all, normal people can only have one subjective consciousness forever. If there is another consciousness suddenly, who can bear it?
It's as if a person suddenly possesses two souls, two masters, as long as no normal person can have them, if they have them, then they are not normal people.

Before Yinyue lost her memory and after she lost her memory, two different consciousnesses were actually leading.

As long as the consciousness regenerated after her amnesia persists, the memories before the amnesia will not come back.

Now that he has regained his memory, the other consciousness that was created after losing his memory can only disappear naturally.

"The memory of the past is restored, but the memory of the later is lost? What's going on?"

Ying Shou was a little puzzled. He was not a doctor after all, and he couldn't be polite about many things without using the system.

You must know that Nanyan has been researching mainly on human psychology in recent years, and perhaps only Nanyan can answer one or two of this.

Nan Yan didn't hesitate, and told all the thoughts in her heart. After Ying Shou listened, she suddenly realized.

To put it more clearly, Yinyue is the problem of dual personality.

Everyone will gradually form a personality from birth to subsequent various experiences. This kind of personality generation experience is called growth.

But Yinyue had her own personality before losing her memory, and after losing her memory, she gave birth to another personality, so her personality was completely different from before, which led to the birth of a dual personality.

But it is not easy for dual personalities to coexist.

After all, Yinyue is a normal person, so it is impossible for her to have a dual personality. After she restores her original memory and her former personality, she can only abandon the fragile personality that was born later.

As a result, she lost the memory behind her, and once again became the submissive, obedient and well-behaved little court lady Yinyue in front of Yingshou, who was always thinking of others, instead of the so-called Empress Yinyue.

"Oh, that's it, it doesn't matter, it's fine, it's fine!"

"Since you have forgotten it, then forget it forever. From now on, no one is allowed to mention this memory again."

"Queen, Yinyue has just woken up, and there must be a lot of discomfort, so how about you take care of Yinyue for two days for me, and make up for her body?"

Ying Shou nodded, looking suddenly enlightened.Immediately afterwards, he changed the topic, looked at Nan Yan and asked.

"The concubine doesn't like to listen to His Majesty's words. It's as if the concubine doesn't care about things. Didn't the concubine always take care of Sister Yinyue in the past?"

Nan Yan rolled her eyes, dissatisfied with the emperor's sudden politeness.

"Hahaha, you're right, it's my slip of the tongue, it's my slip of the tongue, if that's the case, then please trouble the queen!"

Ying Shou laughed out loud and said in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this concubine will definitely take good care of Elder Sister Yinyue. Your Majesty is already extremely busy with the affairs of the court, so I will give full authority to this concubine for the affairs of the harem!"

Nan Yan bowed and said with a smile.

"Well, with the Queen's words, I feel relieved!"

Ying Shou nodded, he looked at Yinyue, stepped forward, and rubbed Yinyue's little head.

Yinyue shrank her little head, and couldn't help but took half a step back, but then walked back.

Regarding the feelings for the emperor in her heart, because of their identities, she has never dared to try to get anything, let alone prove anything.

Firstly, she was afraid that the emperor would be difficult to do, and secondly, she was afraid of destroying the mutual trust that had been built so hard.

Therefore, she has always regarded herself as a servant girl, and she just wants to serve the emperor with peace of mind.

If the emperor encounters any difficulty, she can try her best to solve it for the emperor at all costs.

Or, if there is any benefit in front of her, she will do whatever it takes, no matter whether the emperor expresses her desire or not, she will try her best to win it for the emperor.

For example, when she was sent to the Southwest before, she turned into a military adviser and commanded the battle, completely disrupting the situation in the Southwest. These are all her silent contributions.

She doesn't ask for anything in return, she just wants to be closer to the emperor.

She is willing to wait for the emperor to bathe and change clothes, because this is the most appropriate time for them.She is willing to serve the emperor to review the memorials, and is busy every day, because this is the time for her to integrate into the emperor's life.

Often, the emperor would regard her as the most appropriate partner, and the unintentional doting on her made her feel a sense of unexpected joy, such as at this moment.

She let the emperor's big hand caress her hair, and her heart couldn't help but a deer bumped, her pretty face flushed suddenly.

At this moment, she saw the queen beside her, her active heart stopped beating for half a beat, and then, her little face, which was extremely red with excitement, suddenly froze.

She quickly took a step back, bowed and said, "Your Majesty!"

Because of her willingness to lower her head, Ying Shou didn't notice the change in her face.

Ying Shou smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, Yue'er, I can rest assured that you can wake up and restore your memory."

"In this way, you stay with the queen first, and I don't need you to serve on my side for the time being. I just came back from court, and there are still things to deal with. After a while, when you get used to it, I will hold a banquet for you!"

"Remember, get along with the Queen and Concubine Xue first, and I'll get busy first!"

With that said, Ying Shou gave another solemn explanation before leaving.

Next, he needs to make another layout for the southwest land.Although the harvest in the Southwest was earlier than he imagined, it was not in his plan before that.But he knew very well that his original layout was still too dangerous.Now that there is one more place in the Southwest, if it is used, the danger will be greatly reduced, and the loss will also be reduced a lot, so he has to make another layout.

(End of this chapter)

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