Chapter 795

"Very good, your name is Jun Wuyou, right? I have listened to what you said today."

"Since you, Donghu, have no intention of going to war, you should immediately send a letter telling your King Khan to withdraw his troops immediately before the customs clearance disc from His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor arrives."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that this general is not from the Central Plains, but he also knows a saying from the Central Plains, how can you allow others to snore next to the couch."

"You 80 troops are alive and kicking in front of this general. The general looks uncomfortable and can't sleep."

"Don't say that in the middle of the night, the general finally closed his eyes, and in a blink of an eye, he gave the general a pot, the general can't bear it!"

"In order to avoid misunderstanding, the army should be withdrawn first, otherwise, if this general decides to clean the bed on a whim, it will be difficult to deal with this matter!"

Lie Yang was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked at the envoy of Donghu, and said unceremoniously.

The Donghu envoy named Huan Jun Wuyou, upon hearing this, he was immediately persecuted.Then he looked at Lie Yang with a strange expression on his face.

What did this guy just say?
Let yourself think of a way to withdraw the army first?

And if he can't think of a way, he will have a whim?

Is this guy no brains, or no brains at all?
You have only 80 troops under your command, why do you tell me that if you are upset, you will destroy my [-] troops?

Are you a worthless thing when my 80 army is standing there and letting others trample on it?
Not to mention too many, the 80 army, if you stand still and let them be killed, you can kill you softly, who are you scaring?
In this world, there is never a lack of existence of one against ten, and there are also battles between the two armies.

But this kind of thing, you can talk about it in front of the 80 army. If the 80 army is really so easy to kill, the Donghu Huns would have been conquered by Qin State long ago.

It's the turn of the Eastern Hu and the Xiongnu, now that the army is overwhelming, and they are eyeing the Qin State?

"The general is threatening me?"

Thinking about it, seeing that he has said everything so clearly, Lie Yang is still not on the right track, and for a while, Jun Wuyou's expression is also ugly.

"Is it threatening you, you can decide for yourself!"

"Don't think that this general is a person who can be manipulated by others. If there is a sword hanging above the general's head, which makes the general feel restless, even if the general is desperate to die, he will not hesitate to take this sword. Let the sword be turned into scrap iron!"

Lie Yang smiled. For him, he can be polite to the difficulties of the Donghu people, but this does not mean that the Donghu people can shit and pee on his head.

As he said, he is not from the Central Plains.

People from the Central Plains, even those who are military strategists, will inevitably care about the so-called etiquette of Daqin, and if no one offends me, I will not offend others.

But he is different, he doesn't know what etiquette is, he only knows that you make me feel dangerous, so I have to find a way to kill you, or kick you away.

I won't say I'm in danger, at most I'm just getting ready, wait for you to slap me, and I'll slap you back.

This is the thinking of the Central Plains people, not his Baiyue people's thinking.

As for Lie Yang's character, it's not just a joke.

Back then in the southern region, knowing that Ying Shou had already controlled the 60 Qin army in the southern region, he still made a move as soon as he said he would.

Not for anything else, just because Ying Shou threatened his existence.

Even staring at the possibility of being hunted down by an army of 60, he still humiliated Yingshou without hesitation, and even prepared to assassinate Yingshou.

At that time, even Ying Shou's general Tu Li was almost defeated by him, and it was not until Li Yuanba finally came out that he was able to bring him under control.Who can have this courage?

The so-called Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his color, he was talking about a big fool like him who didn't know what life and death were.When in danger, just destroy it.

"I said general, I know you are brave and not afraid of death, but can you understand a little bit of politics! Hey, you say it nicely, you can fight if you want, have you asked your marshal? Have you asked your family Is His Majesty the Emperor?"

"To put it simply, it seems that this war is a matter of one person and one family. If you say you will fight, you will fight, and if you say you will not fight, you will not fight. This army will move if you say it, and you will accept it if you say it."

"To put it bluntly, even your emperor may not be able to do this. There are civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty watching. The general asks himself, do you have such great power?"

Facing Lie Yang's tough attitude, Donghu envoy Jun Wuyou was speechless.

He knew this guy quite well, after all, he had been with him for more than a month, and he knew that this guy was purely a reckless man, and he definitely had the courage to fight as soon as he said it.

If it's not a big deal, if he really makes him mess up, the plan can't continue to be implemented.

Therefore, in the face of the tough Lie Yang, he can only choose to give in temporarily and stabilize him first.At least it must be supported until Qin's order is issued.

"Are you mocking me for not being able to control myself? Believe it or not, this general will send troops now to compete with your 80 army first?"

Lie Yang frowned, he really didn't understand politics, when he was with his sister before, this kind of thing was always worrying about his sister, he just took action and didn't care about other things.

In this way, what he heard at this moment was that Jun Wuyou was mocking him, mocking him for his lack of knowledge and lack of power.

"Oh, I said general, how can you understand it? The war in this country cannot be decided by just one or two people. The civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty and the whole country are the factors that determine the war."

"It's like your emperor. If he rashly launches a war in the east, he will definitely violate the etiquette of the officials and the interests of the whole country. When the world disagrees, he can't just fight!"

"Similarly, if you can fight, even if your emperor disagrees, but the general trend, your emperor can only nod!"

"This is true in Qin State, and it is also true in Donghu. Today the general said to withdraw troops, even if my Khan agrees, can the whole country agree?"

"Once the troops are withdrawn, the next thing they will face is the Xiongnu iron cavalry!"

"So this is not something you can decide, and it's not something I can decide. It's also not something that my King Khan can withdraw if he says to withdraw. In the end, we have to rely on you and my two families to establish diplomatic relations and negotiate with each other."

"Your Majesty the Emperor is willing, and my Khan is also willing. Whether it's the subjects of the Great Qin Dynasty, or all the people of Donghu, we must get an answer before we can retreat!"

"What is negotiation? This is negotiation. Isn't it for this matter that Donghu established diplomatic relations this time?"

Jun Wuyou felt helpless for a while, and he spoke earnestly, and taught him again.

"Oh, so I can understand a little bit. That is to say, even if you want to withdraw your troops now, you can't do it for a while, right? But even so, you have to give me an explanation, right?"

After Lie Yang heard this, he probably understood a little bit.

In short, this matter cannot be done in a short time, or in other words, it cannot be done at all.In the end, the only way is to reach an agreement between Qin State and Donghu Khanate, so that they can retreat smoothly!
(End of this chapter)

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