Chapter 796

"Hey... That's right, even if you want to withdraw your troops, you can't do it in a short while. The tone is a waste of time. It's better to talk about the establishment of diplomatic relations first. The establishment of diplomatic relations will be done in a few months at most."

"If my family has to contribute, not to mention whether it can be done, even if it can be done, every three to five years, it is impossible for everyone to agree to withdraw their troops!"

Seeing that Lie Yang seemed to understand something, Jun Wuyou hurriedly nodded and said with a smile: "Of course, general, don't worry, the general wants an explanation."

"In this way, relying on the power in my hand, I tried my best to make the army retreat a certain distance. How about stationing troops eighty miles away?"

"In this way, the general is watching day and night, even if my Donghu army wants to do something, won't it be impossible to escape the general's eyes?"

While speaking, Jun Wuyou pretended to be in trouble and took a big step back.

Everyone wants face, Lie Yang is the same.

Although the army retreated eighty miles back, it would not give much protection, but Jun Wuyou was able to make a retreat, which was to give enough face.

People and countries have given you face, and they also have difficulties. As the saying goes, do not hit people with smiling faces, so it is not good for them to continue to be arrogant.

Just as he was about to speak, he also took a step back. At this moment, suddenly, a soldier of the Qin Army trotted over and said, "See General, the messenger who went to Xianyang is back!"

Lie Yang's eyes lit up, and he shouted: "Quick pass!"

When the messenger returns to the court, and then rushes back to the Great Wall, he must carry the emperor's decision with him.

If the emperor did not agree to the establishment of diplomatic relations today, and thus refused to give the customs clearance document, it was just in his mind.

He has been here as a general for more than half a year, and every time he gets a chance to stretch his hands and feet, he has to use the 80 troops to practice his skills today.

Of course, if the emperor agreed to establish diplomatic relations and gave a customs clearance document, he could only obey.

Soon, the messenger came in, knelt down on one knee, with a bamboo tube on the lower part, and said: "I have seen the general, His Majesty the Emperor has an order to tell the envoys of Donghu to rush to Xianyang on a certain day. At this time, His Majesty will pass the customs document!"

When Lie Yang heard this, his face was full of disappointment.

Sure enough, this Da Qin is a group of people who bully the weak and fear the hard.

Back then when they fought Baiyue, it was so brutal.

Now that it's good, facing the Huns' Donghu army of one million, they immediately admit that they are cowardly.

At this moment, Lie Yang unceremoniously labeled Qin Guo as a bully.

In his view, if the Eastern Hu Huns were as weak as the Baiyue countries, each country's army would be almost 30 to [-], which would be [-] million.

It is impossible for Daqin to agree to the establishment of diplomatic relations and peace talks today.

I'm afraid that the messenger hasn't come back yet, His Majesty's expedition order has already been issued.

But he didn't know that Daqin wanted to say that he was bullying the weak and afraid of being tough, but in Daqin and in Yingshou's hands, the Huns and Donghu were indeed not as important as Baiyue.

After all, the Allied forces of Baiyue and the other countries had no more than 100 million troops at the beginning, but today, once the Allied forces of Donghu launched a general attack, they would have 300 million soldiers.

But at the beginning, the armies of the Baiyue countries were actually defeated by the Qin army, and the momentum on the battlefield was already at a disadvantage.As for the 60 Qin army, although they have begun to become veterans and are not as powerful as before, they are solid Qin warriors.

To put it bluntly, in today's Great Qin, even if there are 100 million new recruits, they may not be able to compare with the original 60 army, and it would be good to even be able to compete with the 30 army.

In addition, it was only after the founding of the Qin Dynasty that the country was established, and the world was united, and no one could stop it.

Coupled with Ying Shou's own ability, sweeping the world is not a problem at all.

With all these things, the original Baiyue was not even a whetstone or a stumbling block in front of Ying Shou.

But it's different now, Daqin has settled down, and everyone has their own ideas.

In particular, the etiquette of the various schools of thought almost eliminated the possibility of Daqin launching a war on its own initiative, which caused Yingshou's dissatisfaction.

As a result, a court conflict gradually sprouted.

In addition, Ying Shou gradually abolished his martial arts, and was ready to reuse the power of the court.

Now, if Ying Shou really wants to make a move on his own, not to mention the Xiongnu East Hu coalition army is two to three million, even if it is tens of millions, he will fight as soon as he says it.

But he is not going to do it himself, but is going to forcibly use the Xiongnu and Donghu as a whetstone to sharpen Daqin's precious sword that has gradually been dusted by benevolence and righteousness.

Therefore, Ying Shou is not going to continue to impose his will in this war, he even wants to completely withdraw his will and let Daqin face the coming crisis alone.

In this way, without Ying Shou controlling the overall situation, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty hoped to deal with this matter in a political way, of course Ying Shou was happy to see it succeed.

He even wanted to see a passive war triggered by the so-called political failure in the end.

Ying Shou came from later generations, he never insisted that anyone who is not my race must have a different heart.

But he must also wake up all Qin people. The so-called peace talks and establishment of diplomatic relations are nothing more than bullshit. This is just a ceremony before the war.

There is only one way to truly put an end to war, and that is to fight with no opponent in the world.

Everything that can be seen in dialects, even an inch of land between heaven and earth, should be under the control of Daqin.Only in this way, the opponent will completely disappear.

At that time, such a great Qin can become his weapon to dominate the world.It's not the kind that in the end, to rule the world, you have to rely on him alone.

As a result, almost no one could understand Ying Shou's thoughts.When he came to Lie Yang, he directly became a coward who bullies the weak and fears the hard.

This is Lie Yang. If it were someone else, how would they dare to despise the emperor like this.

"Nuo... I see, this is the customs clearance document given to you by the emperor, take it and go quickly. Remember, get those people outside for me as soon as possible, otherwise General Ben will be wiped out on a whim that day, don't blame Ben The general didn't warn you!"

Suddenly it was impossible to fight, Lie Yang looked disappointed, opened the customs clearance disk sent by the courier, took a look, and handed it to Jun Wuyou.

"Don't worry, general, I will go and come back quickly!"

Jun Wuyou grinned, now that he had the Emperor Daqin's customs clearance document, he finally didn't have to entangle with this reckless man anymore.

As the saying goes, the king of Hades is easy to provoke, but the little ghost is difficult to deal with.When he sees the Great Qin Emperor, he will have plenty of ways to resolve the matter here.At that time, all plans will go smoothly.

The next battle will definitely be earth-shattering, with ghosts crying and gods crying, far from being able to compare with the seven countries in the Central Plains fighting for hegemony.

According to his budget, the minimum casualties in this battle will be tens of millions.This is definitely the highest record in history, in any war, before the start of the budget.

After receiving the customs clearance disk, Jun Wuyou didn't bother to pay attention to Lie Yang, turned around and left.

After tidying up, they set off directly the next morning. A mission with as many as 2000 people headed for the Great Qin Xianyang City.

(End of this chapter)

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