Chapter 798
"woo woo woo woo……"

"Dong dong dong dong..."

On this day, outside the city of Xianyang, the whole country celebrated with joy, civil and military officials, and countless people gathered outside the city of Xianyang under the heavy snow, looking into the distance.

Accompanied by the sound of trumpets and the beating of drums, a mighty team of more than [-] people was seen on the far horizon, heading towards Xianyang City.

Those who came were the kings of the Southwest, as well as some noble royal families.

Of the 3 people, [-] of them were the [-] guards mobilized by the Great Qin envoy Gongsun Tan from General Yuwen.

The rest, either descendants of the royal families of various countries, or nobles, or soldiers of various families, or guards, etc., all gathered, totaling more than 3 people.

"Here we come, look..."

"All the dynasties worship, I am the Great Qin Dynasty!"

"Today the kings of the Southwest gathered in Xianyang. From now on, the land of the Southwest will completely belong to the Great Qin!"


Countless discussions sounded one after another, and the moment they saw this team, all the people were boiling.

What about the prosperity of an era?
What is the prosperity of a country?
It is nothing more than the world coming to court, all nations coming to court!
During the Warring States Period, Wei State was the first overlord of the Warring States Period. With one order, all countries came to court and respected Wei State as the leader of the alliance. What an honor it was?

The first emperor swept the world back then, and it wasn't just the six kingdoms that he destroyed. Although the vassal states left by the Shang Dynasty were the most powerful, there were only the six kingdoms that could rival Qin, but there were also many other small countries.

But in the end, these countries were all swept away by the First Emperor. That was the time when Great Qin was the most powerful and most glorious, and it can be called the prosperous age of Great Qin.

But at the beginning, I don't know how many people harbored hatred and secretly refused to accept it.

Therefore, it cannot be said to be a prosperous age.

But it's different now. The countries in the southwest all came to the court and integrated into the Great Qin without a single soldier.

This is the prosperous age that everyone longs for. Facing this scene, how can it not be exciting?
Amidst countless discussions, the Great Qin Emperor Yingshou was wearing a dragon robe, a crown on his head, and a black dragon cloak.

The cloak fluttered wantonly in the heavy snow and cold wind, revealing Ying Shou's tall and straight body, as if he was alone in this world.

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, accompanied by his officials.

Seeing that the team was getting closer and closer, the sound of drums and horns resounded more and more non-stop.

When the team came to the front thirty steps away, they finally stopped.

Countless princes and nobles from various countries in the southwest stepped onto the snow, forming a mighty long dragon, and under the leadership of the kings, they hurried towards the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I will see you, Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live!"

Headed by King Dian and King Yelang, all the kings kowtowed at the same time, calling themselves ministers, shouting loudly.

Behind them, those princes and nobles who dared not hesitate at all, also kowtowed and shouted loudly.

Today, the land in the southwest has all belonged to Daqin.

In the southwest, there has been no king since.

These people may still be called kings on the road, but most of them dare not use the title of king.Now when I come to Xianyang and walk in front of the emperor, no one dares to be king anymore.

Their title, from now on, will be erased in the long river of history.

"Hahaha, brothers... all descendants, you really kept me waiting, hahaha!"

Seeing everyone kneeling on the ground, Ying Shou opened his arms and greeted them with a big laugh.

"Stand flat, flat body, flatten your body quickly!"

Ying Shou came up to him, one hand in each hand, helped up King Dian who was kneeling on the ground, and King Yelang who was clasped fists in a wheelchair to pay homage.

After all, King Yelang's legs were disabled, and he was unable to fight, let alone kneel down. The so-called salute can only be bowed in a wheelchair.

"Hahaha, Brother Dian, you already said earlier that you would come to Daqin as a guest. Look, I have been waiting for you for a long time, but you just came now. You really kept me waiting!"

"And you, my brother-in-law. You sent my little nephew to Daqin and handed everything over to me. Do you know that the child will also miss his mother, and the child will also miss his father!"

"Look, I heard that you are coming, my nephew can't wait to wait outside the city, he is freezing cold all over!"

Ying Shou first grabbed Dian King Asuda's shoulder and patted it. After laughing, he looked at Yelang King kindly, as if this was really his brother-in-law. His previous grievances were never seen in his eyes.

This is not contrived, this is really let go completely.

He won't care whether King Yelang has also let go, he only knows that from today onwards, there will be no Yelang Kingdom in the world, and there will be no King Yelang in the world.

Some will be his Daqin Yelang County, and some will be his Daqin Yelang County King.

As the saying goes, those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish.

Zeng Jin, King Yelang was against him, so he naturally didn't mind how to deal with it.

But now, King Yelang has surrendered, Yelang Kingdom has surrendered, this is his person, not to mention, this is the husband of his righteous sister, and naturally his brother-in-law.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern!"

Facing Ying Shou's enthusiasm, King Dian smiled unnaturally and cupped his hands.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

King Yelang felt even more bitter. Looking at the bright smile on Ying Shou's face now, and thinking of the fact that he sent someone to break his legs without hesitation at the time, he was really completely different from Ying Shou who humiliated him in the grand ceremony of worshiping the prosperous age. people.

But what made him even more bitter was that he felt that his state was not low now, and his strength might not be as good as Ying Shou, but in terms of state, he was by no means inferior to Ying Shou.

But when they met for the first time, he realized that he was wrong, and the gap between him and Ying Shou was simply heaven and earth.

Today's Ying Shou has reached the point where his mind can accommodate everything in the world and purify all grievances and hatreds.

This point is not comparable to his mere achievements at all.

If it were someone else, at this moment, facing the royal families of various countries coming to surrender, even if they were not so happy and arrogant that they laughed and looked arrogant, they would definitely not be able to be so amiable.

What is a person who does great things?This is the man who does great things.

At this moment, King Yelang sighed in his heart, he lost to Ying Shou, and he was not wronged.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for taking care of the dog for months!"

King Yelang used the official Qin dialect he learned from Li Jiang to thank him very politely, and gave him a dog.

Then, he looked up and saw a petite figure standing there quietly in the crowd not far away.

This is a child, dressed in a Confucian uniform, looking excitedly at his father, King Yelang.

This child is none other than the crown prince of Yelang Kingdom, Shan Ying.

The moment he saw the mountain eagle, King Yelang trembled all over.

He once thought that he might never see this child again in his life.

Goodbye now, what reverberated in his mind was the Central Plains etiquette and filial piety that this child learned from his mother Li Jiang.

The scenes of that experience made his eyes flush instantly.


Not far behind, Li Jiang also raised his head to see his child, his voice was choked up, and he called in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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