Chapter 799

"Son, what are you doing there in a daze? Hurry up and pay your respects to your father, queen mother!"

Ying Shou turned his head and smiled, and shouted at Shanying.



As soon as Ying Shou finished speaking, Shan Ying, who hadn't seen his parents for a long time, suddenly called out, and ran towards them.


Among the team, Li Jiangyue trotted out, wrapped Shan Ying in his arms, tears filled his eyes, his whole body was like iron, and hugged his son tightly!

God knows how reluctant she was when she decided to send her child to Qin.

During these few months, how terrified she was when she was immersed in the power struggle.

Only heaven knows that during these times, I miss my child all the time, and think all the time, if King Yelang loses, will I never have any chance to see my child again in my life.

At this moment, when the family was reunited, he only felt that he was in the heart, surging.

"Xiang'er, are you still used to staying in Daqin during this time?"

King Yelang walked forward slowly in his wheelchair, and came to the side of Li Jiang's mother and son. Looking at the mother and son hugging each other, his eyes were red, and he smiled softly.

He, King Yelang, has 40 to [-] concubines and more than [-] heirs, but it is no one else who can share the joys and sorrows with him, only the mother and son in front of him.

People have feelings!
People are selfish!
Whoever treats himself well is more filial, everyone can feel it.

As a parent, who wouldn't like a filial child?
As a husband, who can not love a woman who can accompany him through thick and thin, life and death.

I don't know where to start, King Yelang's heart has completely turned to the mother and son in front of him.

Back then, he gave Xiang'er the only chance to survive. Now, he is even more excited when the family is reunited.

If he could stand up at this moment, he would definitely wrap the mother and child in his arms.

"The child pays respects to the father!"

"Returning to the father, the child is doing very well in Daqin. Daqin has etiquette, a thousand-year-old culture, and hundreds of schools. Everyone treats the child very well, but the father and queen are worried about it. The child can't bear it!"

Shanying struggled out of her mother's arms, knelt down on the ground quickly, performed Daqin's salute, and spoke Daqin's official dialect, very respectful.

That appearance, as if a native of Qin.

"Okay... as long as you live well! Hahaha, child, as long as Daqin didn't treat you badly."

"Great Qin has etiquette, thousands of years of culture, hundreds of schools of thought, you like this place, let's live in Xianyang as a family from now on!"

King Yelang nodded. As a parent, there is no one who does not worry about their children, let alone their most beloved children.

Now that the child likes Daqin so much, how can he not feel at ease?
On the side, everyone was looking at the family of three.

King Yelang's family and all the concubines and heirs of King Yelang saw this scene with envious expressions on their faces, but they dared not do anything.

"Is this the Great Qin Emperor? Why doesn't he look so vicious!"

Behind the King of Dian, Princess Ayao came to the side of the great general of the Dian Kingdom, A Guda, pushed A Guda, and said in a low voice: "However, from what you said, he seems very cruel!"

A Gu rolled his eyes, looked at his younger sister slightly, and said in a low voice: "You don't think he is a good man just because he is weak and weak. This Emperor Qin is purely a demon who kills without blinking an eye."

"Back when there were hundreds of thousands of troops, he led a few thousand people and killed them. Even I dare not be careless in front of him, you better be careful!"

"Also, let me tell you, keep your head down. I heard that the emperors in the Central Plains are not good people. They are always in the Sangong and Six Courtyards. There are hundreds of concubines and women. They are all lustful masters!"

"The first emperor of their previous dynasty did not have a queen in his life, but he did not know how many beauties in the world were captured."

"There are also many princesses from other countries. You'd better be careful, don't let this Ying Shou fall in love with you. Now your brother and I are unarmed, but I can't protect you!"

While speaking, Aguda's voice couldn't stop showing a kind of fear of Ying Shou.

Along with fear, there is also indignation and even slander.

Anyway, in a word, in his eyes, the emperor of Qin is not a good thing.

In the past, it was possible to rob other people's lands, but now, they might also rob women.

His younger sister was born so beautiful, so Ying Shou couldn't be in trouble.

"Is it so scary?"

Princess A Yao stuck out her fragrant tongue, lowered her head instinctively, and walked behind A Gu Da to hide.

This really corresponds to that sentence, what people say is awesome.

Ying Shou, the emperor, was so extravagant today, just to welcome everyone back, but it turned out that he was despised as soon as he opened his mouth, and his good impression was changed.

Of course, this has only been changed in the hearts of a few people, but most people dare not speak at this moment.

As the saying goes, the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Now that they are under the roof, how can they not bow their heads?
"Okay, brothers and sisters, since the sisters-in-law are here, let's go into the city with me!"

"Today, I have already set up a banquet in the imperial city, and I will wait for the brothers, or the descendants of the brothers, to enter the city together. I will not rest until I get drunk, please!"

When everyone was watching Yelangwang's family of three, or looking up at Yingshou, seeing that the atmosphere was almost the same, Yingshou waved his sleeves and said with a big smile.

"Please, Your Majesty!"

Everyone hurried forward, and with a promise, they embraced Ying Shou in front.


Ying Shou was also polite, with his hands behind his back, he headed towards the city of Xianyang first.

Immediately afterwards, civil and military officials followed closely behind.

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Boom boom boom boom..."

The sound of the horn and the beating of the drum resounded through the sky and the earth again, and all the people retreated towards both sides of the city wall, exposing the city gate and the main street in front.

At this moment, the kings of the Southwest, the lands of the royal families and nobles looked around, and just now saw two rows of soldiers forming a long team, three steps in a pair, each pair facing each other, with a wide walkway of three meters in between. arrive.

This team continued from Xianyang city gate to thousands of meters away, in front of the huge imperial city gate.

Seeing the emperor, all the ministers stepped into the corridor one after another, followed by the kings, leading their own royal children and a group of nobles into the city.

Come to the imperial city, the 23 kingdoms in the southwest, including the king of Yelang, the king of Dian and the kings of the other six kingdoms, a total of eight kings.

There were also 23 representatives of the royal family selected by the rest of the royal family, a total of [-] people, came to the imperial city together with the emperor, and sat on the huge array stage.

At the same time, Empress Nanyan and Concubine Xue Ning also brought Daqin and Princess An Zhao Qian, together with the ladies and ladies from the families of civil and military officials in Xianyang City, brought the queens, concubines, etc. Go to another array station.

A grand reception banquet was held inside and outside the imperial city.

Those children of the royal family who could not enter the imperial city, the nobles and the children of the nobles were arranged separately and came to the various restaurants in Xianyang City to treat them with delicious food and drinks.

(End of this chapter)

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