Chapter 800

"Following the fate of the heavens, the emperor summoned and said, Yanhuang Chiyou originated from the ancestor Huaxu, originally born from the same root, and the blood is a family!"

"The descendants of Jiuli's lineage don't remember the grievances of their ancestors and return to China. This is the great fortune of heaven. I am very pleased!"

"Although the 23 countries are all in the embrace of the Great Qin, the territory of the Great Qin is not divided into each other."

"I regard the kings as brothers. From now on, the titles of the kings will not change, and they will still be called kings, and they will be the nobles of my Daqin princes!"

"Asuda, the great king of the Dian Kingdom, was appointed the king of the Dian County of the Great Qin Dynasty, and he is worthy of my brothers, regardless of each other!"

"Munan, the king of Yelang, was named the king of Yelang County, and he is worthy of my brothers, regardless of each other!"


The sound of dancing and music stopped, and an imperial decree resounded throughout the entire imperial city, enshrining eight kings in succession, followed by the descendants of those kings who perished.

These people did not get the title of prince, but most of them were granted the title of marquis or earl.

After a while of canonization, the only thing left to do is to play the dance music again.

On the general's stage in front of him, Yingsongyanyan danced, so beautiful.

"Hahaha, brothers and sisters, you also know that my Daqin has canceled the fiefdom since the first emperor."

"Even the sons of the royal family don't have any fiefs. I can give you the throne today, but I can't give you fiefs. You won't blame me, will you?"

Amidst the sound of dancing and music, the representatives of the kings and their descendants fell into silence. Ying Shouze laughed, sitting on the dragon chair, looking at the crowd and said with a smile.

"Don't dare, dare, the Great Qin system, I still understand, how can I be dissatisfied with it!"

King Dian was the first to react, stood up quickly, cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"That's right, how many people in the world can receive such treatment for the king of subjugation, and His Majesty has such great grace, it is enough!"

King Yelang came to his senses, clasped his hands together and said with a smile.

The rest of the kings also echoed, but what they said in their mouths, what they thought in their hearts is unknown.

After all, he used to be the king of a country with real power. Now he came to Daqin. Although he is also crowned king, he is just a king. He has no real power and no fiefdom. Whoever he is, he will feel uncomfortable.

Ying Shou can naturally see this, but he doesn't care.

In this Great Qin, he is the sky.If these people are unwilling to vote, he will not move them for the time being.But since they are here, they have to follow their own rules.

It's okay to be polite, but whoever wants to violate the rules of Daqin can only blame his subordinates for being merciless.

Furthermore, the laws of the Great Qin did not punish their hearts, but only their virtues. No matter how unwilling these people were, as long as they did not commit any crimes or violate the laws of the Great Qin, Ying Shou didn't have to hold them.

"Okay, since the princes don't blame me, I will be very grateful. Of course, there are only eight kings today, so don't think I'm stingy."

"After all, today's knighthood is not hereditary. I don't have eternal nobles in Daqin. If you want to get a hereditary knighthood, only those who have made great achievements can have this honor."

"So, even you brothers, please train more talents for Daqin in the future!"

"As for those whose father and king died in battle, brothers and sisters, according to the rules of the Great Qin Dynasty, I cannot give you the throne if there is no hereditary title, but after you become a marquis, don't feel inferior to anyone else!"

"As long as you have enough ability, I, Daqin, have a higher title, and I will open my arms to you at any time!"

"Similarly, your descendants, as long as you work hard enough, I, the high-ranking official Houlu of Daqin, will also open my arms for you!"

"In my Great Qin Dynasty, there has never been a clear distinction between nobles and commoners, only the difference between useful people and useless waste."

"Useless waste is naturally a pariah. But useful people, whether you manage the world from politics or enlist in the army to fight in the wilderness, as long as you have meritorious service, I will definitely reward you."

"This is the official career path that I gave you, and it is also the official career path that Daqin gave to the world!"

"Of course, you can be promoted to a noble by fighting, and you can also be promoted to a noble by cultivating the land. In my Great Qin, as long as you are useful, no matter what you do, you have the opportunity to be promoted to a noble."

"Only those useless wastes who have nothing to do all day and don't know good and evil, in my Great Qin, are the truly useless pariahs!"

"If you want to be kings from generation to generation, then give me enough strength. One generation is stronger than the previous generation. Daqin is willing to wait for you to be a marquis and a general at any time. In this way, you juniors should have no objections?"

While speaking, Ying Shou changed the topic from the kings to those juniors who didn't get the title.

"I have always heard that the Great Qin Dynasty only promotes talents and uses talents only. When I saw it today, it is as expected. Your Majesty's great grace is the blessing of the world. How can the people of the world dare to have opinions when they treat the people of the world so favorably?"

King Dian got up and said with a big smile.

"Your Majesty the Emperor is right. The state owns the laws of the country, and the family has its own rules. A useful person must be matched with ability and virtue. Otherwise, what's the use of leaving a high-ranking official with a rich salary to a bunch of trash?"

King Yelang clapped his hands together, and all the kings quickly echoed as they spoke.

It doesn't matter whether everyone understands it or not, but everyone will have a translator by their side, and everyone will follow suit for a while.

At this point, Ying Shou's matter of stabilizing the kings has been initially concluded, and Ying Shou didn't bother about it too much. He raised his wine bar and said with a smile:
"Since you have no objections, today I will clean up the dust for you brothers, and put the rest of the matter aside first. After drinking the wine, the banquet will begin. After the banquet is over, I will personally send someone to see you off. Brother, go back to your home in Xianyang City!"

"The kings have the mansions of the kings, and the princes have the mansions of the lords. In the future, when you live in Xianyang, don't make a difference. This place will always be the home of your brothers!"

As he said that, everyone quickly raised their wine cups, touched Ying Shou Yaokong, and drank it all in one gulp.

The sound of music and dance is even louder, Yan Ge and Zhao Wu are so sweet and beautiful.

A banquet, which lasted from the early morning until it was getting dark, was finally withdrawn.

Ying Shou summoned the guards, butlers and servants who had already been arranged for each mansion, and led his new master back to the mansion.

From this moment on, the Southwest Land will be considered as a complete end.

The royal families of the Southwest were called to live in Xianyang, and they were enshrined as kings, but in fact, they will be imprisoned in Xianyang City forever, and they will not be able to return to the Southwest until the Great Qin completely controls all the power in the Southwest.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Late at night, in Jingquan Palace, in the imperial study room, Yinyue stood behind Ying Shou and gently rubbed Ying Shou's shoulder.I saw Ying Shou holding a book in his hand and looking at it seriously. Suddenly, behind him, Hawkeye slowly appeared, and knelt down to pay respects.

Yinyue turned her head and glanced behind her. Originally, Ying Shou had already made her a concubine, but she was new here and couldn't get used to it for a while. In addition, she hadn't had time to be named, so she still regarded herself as the emperor's servant , waiting by Ying Shou's side day and night.

This seems to have become a habit of hers, a habit that is filled with bone marrow again as the memory wakes up.

(End of this chapter)

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