Chapter 817

"Hey, you have been arrogant in the court for a long time, and finally you hit my attention on the head. You want me to let you go!"

Ying Shou was a little funny, thinking that this guy was omnipotent, and he still hid his feelings.

"Of course, the grassroots expect His Majesty to release water, and His Majesty must also release water. Otherwise, let's not talk about it. If you want to talk about the destruction of the country, the layout of the world, and the layout of the chessboard, Zhang Liang must play with the dead Caomin."

"Furthermore, the grassroots know that the young general of the Great Qin, Wang Lin, is Wei Liaozi's most valued successor. It can be said that he is better than the blue, and he is the future marshal of the Great Qin."

"You want him to play with the Caomin sand table, and the Caomin just let go and don't play!"

"Finally, in the battle of the Great Wall frontier, don't look at Wei Liaozi's old age. As the saying goes, even though Lian Po is old, he can still make a living."

"Your Majesty really wants Wei Liaozi to join the battle. With one hundred thousand elite Qin troops and the Invincible Marshal, Donghu will definitely be defeated. Your Majesty said, how can the grass-roots fight? So please give the grass-people some space!"

Jun Wuyou was not polite, he spoke out his words clearly, expressing his powerlessness clearly, and at the same time, he was shameless, licking his face to let others put him in trouble.

It's as if you've finished being arrogant on other people's territory, and you still ask them to give you more face. That's what the so-called shameless is talking about.

Faced with this shameless request, Ying Shou couldn't disagree.

Because it seemed that he was at a disadvantage, but in fact he was the only one who benefited. Only by losing this contest can he have an excuse to find a way to cause chaos in the world without making everything too abrupt.

And only in this way can he achieve his goal and go through the law of dynasty change again.

Seeing that Ying Shou was silent, Jun Wuyou suddenly felt a little uncertain.

Although he knew he was doing this, the emperor was the only beneficiary.But this emperor is not an ordinary person. Ordinary people may agree, but who knows if this emperor will have a whim and find another way?
Although he also knew that there were no shortcuts, it still did not prevent him from worrying. After all, as he said, in his opinion, this is a god-like figure who can often go beyond the limit that ordinary people can imagine.

In order to prevent such things from happening, the longer Ying Shou remained silent, the more Jun Wuyou couldn't help it, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you will not disagree, right? In this way, Caomin still has a gift for His Majesty. Your Majesty can accept it." willing?"

Ying Shou looked at Jun Wuyou, and said with a smile, "Oh, tell me, and give me another reason why I must release the water!"

Hearing this, Jun Wuyou breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ying Shou with a wicked smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Does your majesty think that this Great Qin Palace is too deserted? The grassroots have a mind, this Great Qin Palace, should add some people."

"There are two peerless beauties in this land of Donghu, each of which is good at their specialties, and neither of them is a mortal. I feel that no one can match such a beautiful lady except my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor!"

"How about this, the grass-roots are matchmakers, and His Majesty's releasing the water this time is like giving the grass-people a red envelope for the matchmaker. This trip to Donghu, it's like going to give a betrothal gift and welcome the bride, how about it?"

Behind Ying Shou, Yinyue, who had been listening to the conversation between the two, suddenly narrowed her eyes and stared at Jun Wuyou coldly.

Ying Shou's eyes lit up, this statement seems to be okay.

It doesn't matter whether she is beautiful or not. The key is that this is another step for him. It seems that everything is not so abrupt. Even if he loses, he can still save some face.

After all, in the eyes of the people in the world, once Da Qin loses, Ying Shou will be defeated, and when the time comes to go to Donghu, he will be coerced. Who will lose Da Qin's face.

From Ying Shou's point of view, if he can't let go, Donghu has no chance of winning. Therefore, if he loses by letting go, it may embarrass the whole Daqin, but he won't feel ashamed.

But even so, he seems to have nothing to praise.After all, losing is losing, and there is no benefit at all. It seems that there are still some disadvantages no matter how you look at it.

But once Jun Wuyou said this, it was different.

It's not worthwhile for me to lose, but I don't suffer a loss either.But now, getting two peerless beauties for no reason is a huge profit.

Although Ying Shou doesn't care about these things, but looking at it from the eyes of the people of the world, isn't it for the territory, money and beautiful women to fight for hegemony?

Since it is what people in the world want most, getting it is earning it.Why not do such a thing?
It's as if many people in later generations obviously don't understand antiques, and don't like antiques, but they just love to collect antiques.

This beauty, without feelings, treats Ying Shou like a nouveau riche who looks at antiques and collects them.

"Okay, Jun Wuyou, I've remembered what you said today, and if you can't give me two beauties, I'll see if I won't destroy you. Don't worry, you will win this competition!"

"It's hard to say about Zhang Liang, but in the frontier battle, without Wei Liaozi in command, Lie Yang alone would never be able to win against Nehaman, the God of War of Donghu. Again, as long as there is a tie, I will count you as the winner!"

Ying Shou and Jun Wuyou hit it off and said with a smile.

"Caomin thank you His Majesty the Emperor. Now that His Majesty has made a decision, Caomin can send a message to Nehman to start the war!"

Jun Wuyou hurriedly got up, bowed to Ying Shou, and said, "Farewell, grass people!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said, "Go, I should start preparing for the battle!"

Jun Wuyou got up and left quickly.

On the same day, two letters came out from Xianyang at the same time.

One of them was summoned by the Great Qin Emperor, who was quickly sent to the Northeast Great Wall through the Black Ice Terrace.

The second is Jun Wuyou's letter, which passed through Tianmen Guantiantai and was quickly sent outside the Great Wall to the hands of Nehaman, the god of war in Donghu.

A gambling fight that is about to shock the world, involving tens of thousands of people, and involving the future of the Three Kingdoms, is completely on track at this moment.


"Fortunately, the emperor summoned and said that Donghu's 80 troops are stationed outside the Great Wall, threatening our Great Qin at all times. Today, I have made a bet with Donghu. The Great Qin's 20 elite soldiers will fight against [-] Eastern Jackal soldiers. The outcome depends on our Great Qin." Glory, don't let up."

"Today, I canonize Deputy General Liu Huan as the commanding general for this battle, and General Lie Yang as the general of the town army. He is at the disposal of Liu Huan at any time. If he is a little slack, he will mess up our Daqin warfare and kill without mercy!"

Three days later, the emperor's imperial decree finally spread to the Northeast Great Wall, and the iron eagle swordsman read the imperial decree in public.

"The last general takes orders!"

All the generals kneeling below kowtowed to take orders.

Lie Yang is the general who now sits on the Northeast Great Wall, and beside him is the deputy general Liu Huan.

Although Liu Huan is not well-known, he is a master of military strategy. His ability to march and form formations cannot be said to be very strong, but it is also quite satisfactory, enough to display the strength that any team of about [-] people should have.

Therefore, in this battle, Ying Shou could only entrust Wei Liaozi to command without mobilizing Wei Liaozi.

(End of this chapter)

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