Chapter 818
"Two generals, this battle is about the safety of our Great Qin. You two must do your best. The enemy commander this time is Nehman, who is known as the East Lake God of War. He is not easy to deal with."

"Besides, the enemy army is 20, and my Daqin is even worse, but His Majesty still believes in the two, and the two must not disappoint His Majesty the Emperor!"

Iron Eagle Swordsman handed over the imperial decree to Liu Huan and Lie Yang, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I haven't started fighting for such a long time, and I can't wait for a big fight with the iron stick in my hand. Tomorrow's battle, I, Lie Yang, will definitely win the enemy's commander, and I will win this battle!"

Lie Yang got up, his eyes filled with endless fighting intent, and his voice was powerful.

In this battle, he couldn't be the main general, so he wasn't discouraged.Compared with sitting in the back and directing the battle, he enjoys the feeling of criss-crossing the battlefield and killing countless enemies.

Only this feeling can stimulate his blood.

This is just like Xiang Yu in the past. Xiang Yu always fights in person, invincible and sweeping the world.

Therefore, Lie Yang and He Xiangyu are the same kind of people.They have the same strength, the same character.

The only difference is that Xiang Yu doesn't have a master who can suppress him, but Lie Yang does, and it's Ying Shou.Therefore, it is destined that Lie Yang's future life will be more exciting and richer than that of Xiang Yu.

Each performs its duties, each seeks its own government, and each has its own use.

Lie Yang led the order as the general of the town army, and Liu Huan was the commander of the [-] army. At this moment, Lie Yang found his position, and Liu Huan also found his position.

"Okay, since that's the case, let the two generals start to form the formation. Remember, within three days, the winner must be determined and sent back to Xianyang!"

The iron eagle swordsman didn't say much, gave orders and left directly.

"Pass down the order, all officers above the commander in chief in the army unite and form formation!"

As soon as Iron Eagle Swordsman left, Liu Huan gave the order without hesitation.

On Daqin's side, the defense immediately changed to the main battle.

On the other side, Nehaman, the God of War in the East Lake, also received a letter from Jun Wuyou. After reading it, he put on a mask of a demon god, went to the camp of the Chinese army, and directly held a meeting of generals.

Immediately afterwards, troops were dispatched, 20 elite soldiers were selected, and preparations for tomorrow's battle began.

That night, the fighting soldiers on both sides ate and drank well. In the early morning of the next day, Daqin's side caught fire at three o'clock, got ready at four o'clock, and set off at five o'clock.

The morning sun rises, its brilliance is like fire, and the purple air in the sky is coming from the east.

The weather on this day was unprecedentedly good.

Countless snow in Saibei began to melt slowly, but looking around, it was still white in all directions.

The snow here is so thick.

The mighty army came out of the Great Wall, line by line, line by line, forming a majestic and magnificent team, with a total of [-] troops.

Among the [-] troops, there are light infantry, heavy infantry, warriors, light cavalry, heavy cavalry, crossbowmen, halberd soldiers, heavy equipment soldiers and so on.

Among them, there are [-] infantry, [-] heavy armored infantry, and [-] light armored infantry, including all crossbowmen.Then came [-] cavalry, [-] light cavalry, and [-] heavy cavalry.

In the last [-] troops, [-] of them mastered the large Qin crossbows, catapults, etc.The other [-] were in chariots, also known as chariot soldiers.

This complex collection of countless arms is the Great Qin Phalanx.

Comparing the Great Qin Phalanx to a complete machine, each of these arms is an indispensable part of this machine.

Once any link is missing, it will make it difficult for the phalanx to form, or the power of the phalanx will be greatly weakened.

This phalanx can be described as the crystallization of wisdom acquired by Daqin for hundreds of years of fighting, and it completely integrates the strengths of hundreds of schools.

For example, the cavalry, which contains combat experience, includes Zhao Guo's Hufu cavalry and shooting, and the combat power of the Rongdi grassland cavalry who have fought against Daqin for hundreds of years.

Another example is the heavy armored soldiers, the greatest experience of which comes from the phalanx of Wei soldiers in the former Wei State.

There are also infantry, heavy equipment troops, and so on.

These are all combined with all the wisdom of the predecessors, and finally formed a new Great Qin phalanx.

One hundred thousand troops, to many people, seems to be a number concept.

Many people even know that an army that is prohibited by orders can be mobilized as it wants.

But in fact, once this number is spread out, it is enough to make people completely lost in it. Let alone command, it is already considered powerful.

But to form an army of 10 people and form a battle formation, at least a master-level command ability is required.

This is also the reason why since ancient times, others have said that it is easy to get a thousand soldiers, but hard to find a general, and although it is hard to find a general, handsome is even more extinct.

It is not difficult to obtain this thousand army, as long as there is enough money and food, anyone can form it.But a powerful general is very rare.

And although this general is rare, if you choose one in a thousand, one in a thousand, or even one in a hundred thousand, there will always be a powerful person who deliberately becomes a brave general who is worthless.

But when it comes to the marshal, it is difficult.The general is just a more powerful soldier, but the marshal is the real master of this army, and it is the soul of an army.

Only a soul that is strong enough can exert the power that an army should have.Therefore, there is another sentence to describe those supreme marshals who are strategizing and winning thousands of miles away.

Ordinary people, let alone commanding a [-] army, if you give him dozens of people, he can command crookedly, if you give him a few hundred people, he can't form a formation at all.Don't talk about deploying formations to fight, you can't even march.

In the Great Wall, as the [-] troops rushed out, they quickly chose a vast plain beyond the strength of the Great Wall, spread out their formation, set up a command platform as quickly as possible, built a flat ground, and placed huge Heavy crossbows, catapults and more.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Huan climbed up to Shuai Tai, waved his big hand, and ordered: "Set up the formation!"

"Dong dong dong dong..."

There was a burst of earth-shattering drum beating.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The sound of the trumpet echoed between heaven and earth.


Countless footsteps echoed in succession, resounding non-stop.

Within a radius of ten miles, it was completely transformed into a huge position. On the commander's platform, Liu Huan kept giving orders, and the flag bearers around him kept sending orders, beating drums, and constantly urging, and soldiers from all walks of life ran back and forth.

The [-] army that formed a long line at the beginning was thrown into chaos in a short while.

The disrupted team began to quickly reorganize.

Thousands of people form a team, and soon, more than 50 teams are formed, and each team is arranged together in a square shape.

Before, after, and around each formation, there are passages with a width of more than four feet, which makes it difficult for a huge square formation.

Traveling through a huge maze, unless the army is already familiar with the formation, otherwise, if you enter it, you will definitely get lost. In addition, all parties will be strangled, and there will be no place to die.

(End of this chapter)

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