Chapter 821
"What are you, dare to talk to General Ben like that?"

"Since you know that this general is Lie Yang, do you know that when this general held Zhao Tuo in his hand, he was overwhelmed by his 60 troops."

"Standing on the countries of Baiyue, they dared not fight back. Even the Emperor of Qin, Ying Shou, was assassinated when I said assassination. Now tell me, you want my life? Are you worthy?"

Lie Yang looked at Nehman with disdain and said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, Nehman's face under that mask became more exciting.

As a general, the fact that he once assassinated his own emperor came out to show off, what was he trying to prove?
At this moment, not only Nehaman's complexion became brilliant, but even Liu Huan's complexion in front of the Qin army's phalanx became extremely exciting, and the one hundred thousand Qin army immediately went into an uproar, looking at each other with suspicion on their faces. .

The General of Emotions is so powerful?Even His Majesty the Emperor dared to move?
Who is His Majesty the Emperor? He is a person like the Great Qin God. He judges the world in one month and governs the world in one year. He is the god in everyone's mind. He has supreme power.

The general even dared to assassinate such a god, and survived to this day, how powerful is he?
With such a great general, why worry about being invincible in battle?
For a moment, an inexplicable morale rose in the Qin army, and it became stronger in an instant.

For these soldiers, the emperor is a god, and the person who assassinates the god may be powerful, but no matter how hard he beats him, he deserves to die.

But now, even the gods don't care about this assassin, so what do they care about?Since the emperor, who is like a god, assigned this person to them as a general, it meant that his rudeness was forgiven, and it also meant that he was powerful.

People who even believe in God, why do they not believe?

Because of this, the morale of the army is high at this moment, and it is still rising.

Of course, Liu Huan at this moment has a different idea from these soldiers.

He understood that Lie Yang was trying to establish his prestige, but using the assassination of the emperor to make a name for himself was purely courting death. For a while, he regretted letting Lie Yang go up and declare war.

But the matter has come to this point, obviously regretting is useless, he can only wait and see what happens.

"What do you want to explain? I'll give you three counts. If you can't finish talking, you can go to hell!"

Nihaman was too lazy to listen to Lie Yang's wrangling here. After his face changed for a while, he waved his hand. From left to right beside him, three rows of cavalry rushed out in an instant. Nocking arrows, all bows and arrows are directed at Lieyang.

There were 1000 people in this row, and 3000 people in the third row. With [-] arrows aimed at them, no matter who they were, they would be inexplicably terrified, but in Lie Yang's eyes, it only made him frown.

Looking up, Nihaman raised his hand in a moment, without any doubt, as long as he waved his big hand again, all arrows would be fired in an instant, taking Lie Yang's life directly.

"Hahaha, wolf cubs, it seems that you still don't understand what this general means. If that's the case, don't blame this general for not giving you face today. Back then, this general didn't pay attention to the million-dollar army, let alone you These are just 20 wolf cubs!"

"I have always heard that you wolf cubs fight on the battlefield, are not afraid of life and death, and are as strong as wild wolves. Today, the Japanese general also wants to see it."

"Come on, this general is here, you wolf cubs, do you have someone to guide you? Come straight up, I really want to see if you are as desperate as the rumors say!"

Looking at the situation in front of him, Lie Yang laughed loudly, then changed the topic and returned to the topic.

He was sent by Liu Huan to provoke. Once the provocation is successful, you can fight. If the provocation is not successful, it doesn't matter.

From Lie Yang's point of view, this is a good opportunity to fight, but from Liu Huan's point of view, it is a temptation, a way to get rid of one's power.

How strong Lie Yang is, Liu Huan knows very well.He had never seen how powerful His Majesty the Emperor and Li Yuanba, who was known as the number one warrior of the Great Qin Dynasty, were.

Therefore, in his eyes, Lie Yang is the number one general in the world, just like Xiang Yu who shocked the world and was regarded as invincible.

He believed that if Lie Yang went out to provoke, if the enemy dared to fight, he would surely bring shame on himself, which would only disrupt the morale of the enemy.

As long as Lie Yang wins a few generals one after another, he will definitely bring endless morale to his army.

Of course, if the enemy is afraid to fight, that's okay, the momentum has already been displayed. With an army of 20, they dare not even fight a single person. What is Daqin afraid of?
One hundred thousand soldiers would only despise them, and then they fought desperately without any fear.

It can be said that at this moment, Lie Yang is a tool recruited by Liu Huan to boost morale.

Sure enough, as the scorching sun called out for challenge and provocation, the blood in the Daqin phalanx suddenly boiled with excitement.

"What, the general challenged an army of 20 by himself?"

"It's so powerful. Although it's impossible for the enemy army to charge and kill all of them for one person, if the general despises them so much, if they can remain indifferent, the Eastern Jackal Army will be in vain!"

"The general is mighty, fight!"

"The general is mighty, fight!"



All of a sudden, earth-shattering roars sounded in the Qin army's phalanx, and the army shouted to fight, forcing Donghu's army.

"How dare you challenge my 20 troops by yourself. Very well, I will help you. I also want to see how capable you, the Great General of the Northeast Great Wall, are, how dare you come to die!"

Facing the clamor of Lie Yang and Qin Jun, Nihaman's eyes were cold.

She really didn't expect that Qin Jun would start the war in such a way.

Although this method of development has existed since ancient times, few people would use it, because it is not only boring, but also more likely to cause greater losses.

But now, Qin Jun has used such an opening. Under Qin Jun's clamor, the army behind him does not mean that no one can understand Qin Yu.

At this time, if you avoid fighting instead of fighting, you will inevitably lose your reputation and lead to low morale.

What's more, he has seen the strength of this famous general of the Great Qin Dynasty, and he has seen it thousands of times, and this Lieyang is definitely in the top three.

Today, he also wants to take this opportunity to meet Lie Yang for a while, and use this to predict the strength of Daqin.

Thinking of this, Nihaman didn't talk nonsense, and gave an order, shouting: "Who dares to go up and fight this thief?"

What he said was in the language of the barbarians. With one sentence, the 20 troops behind immediately understood that Lie Yang was here to provoke, and at this moment, the marshal was fighting.

As soon as he figured it out, a general jumped out of the crowd, stepped forward on his horse, and shouted: "Generalissimo, the last general invites you to fight!"

Nehman glanced at this person. His name was Tochi, and he was a very powerful warrior in the army. Although he was not the strongest, he was always known for his bravery and was never afraid of battle.

At this moment, he is ready to start the next big battle with the battle with Lie Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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