Chapter 822
"Okay, Toki obeys the order, do your best, and at all costs, take this man's head and hang it in front of the army, it is your great achievement!"

Nehman saw Toki clearly, and immediately ordered loudly.


Tochi responded, turned around, and said with disdain on his face, "Don't worry, Grand Marshal, you don't need to go all out to deal with this person, just watch me take his head within three rounds!"

After finishing speaking, Tochi galloped on his horse and headed straight for Lieyang.

Ahead, the [-] cavalry and archers who were less than a hundred steps away from Lieyang retreated one after another, making way for Tochi to jump out on his horse.

Because the language is different, the two did not have any clamor in front of the battle. This Tuoqi held two scimitars and directly slashed out. The blades were sharp. .

Lie Yang stared at this person indifferently. Seeing this person's two sabers approaching him, he made a sudden movement and flew off his horse.

Although Na Tuoqi flew up from the horse under his crotch, but the horse still galloped wildly.

After missing a single hit, he flew out quickly, and then got on his horse and galloped away three feet away.


Over there, the great general was forced to fall off his horse just as soon as the [-] elite soldiers of the Great Qin fought, and all of them changed their faces in an instant.

On the other side, Donghu's 20 army suddenly roared when they saw this.


Like a wolf howling, his voice was full of excitement, as if he was excited because he had driven the enemy off the horse in the first round.

In an instant, the morale of Donghu's side rose.

The benefits of the confrontation between the two armies in front of the formation are fully reflected at this moment.

It can be said that in such a battle, it is not important to kill the enemy or not, the key is to improve morale.Killing is also a means to boost morale.

The stronger the general, the stronger his morale, and the smoother the next battle, he will be brave and invincible.

Of course, if you can take the opportunity to kill the opponent's general, that is the best, and it will pave the way for the next battle.

Generally, few people would do this kind of thing, because it was like gambling, entrusting morale to one person.But once this kind of thing is done, it will be out of control.

For example, at this moment, Daqin's morale is declining instantly, and it is one after another. This battle must be won no matter what.

On the other hand, Donghu must also win and must maintain his morale. This made Toki happy after one round, and then showed a dignified expression.

Regardless of whether he took advantage of the first round or not, he must be ready for the next round, otherwise, once the opponent takes the opportunity to win, the morale of the army will immediately have a huge impact.

"Very good, with a bit of ability, you can even escape my reconciliation attack. It's a pity that you are still very useless. Next, you will definitely die!"

Tuoqi pointed at Lie Yang with both knives, and said proudly.

"what did he say?"

Lie Yang hadn't made a move from the beginning to the end. Seeing this guy rushing in front of him, he didn't even bother to fight immediately. Seeing that he had just rolled off the horse and was about to fight with bare hands, but he heard the other party chatting a lot, he was suddenly very strange He looked towards the barbarians.

In the barbarian army, a general next to Generalissimo Nihaman said coldly: "He said, you can avoid a round in his hands, which is considered a little bit capable, but that's all, you are very useless , in the next round, he will definitely take your head off!"

This person speaks the Central Plains dialect, which Lie Yang can understand.

Hearing this, his complexion suddenly brightened.

He didn't even bother to use the horse and the iron rod in his hand against this guy. Who gave him the courage to speak to himself like that?

"Ha ha!"

Lie Yang laughed, he knew that he couldn't communicate with Na Tuoqi, so he didn't bother to communicate immediately.

He threw the iron rod in his hand to the ground, and immediately plunged into the ground a foot deep, standing there firmly.

Immediately afterwards, he put the reins of the horse on the iron rod, walked towards Tochi step by step, raised his right hand, beckoned to Toqi, then raised his little finger, and poked down fiercely.

This gesture, like the middle finger of later generations, seems to be an international ironic gesture.

When Na Toqi saw this, his eyes sharpened suddenly, and he flashed a look of coldness.


Toqi yelled, and the horse under his crotch galloped around in a circle, and went straight to kill Lie Yang.

At this moment, the speed of the war horse has already started to run, the powerful impact, coupled with the sharpness of the two knives in his hands, no matter how iron the neck is, he can guarantee that he can cut it in two.

In an instant, Toki had reached Lie Yang, but at this moment, Lie Yang's body shook, and the next moment, he moved.


His footsteps raised dust on the ground, and his whole body jumped up instantly. When Tochi was about to rush in front of him, he rushed to Toki first.

Although he is big and strong, this does not affect his speed at all. On the contrary, his speed is like a gust of wind.

Tuoqi raised his swords just now, but before he could react, he saw a figure volleying over his head.

There was a sharp pain in his hands and wrists, and he was kicked by Lie Yang in the air. He lost all consciousness in an instant, and the two knives flew out backwards.

He turned pale with fright, turned around suddenly, only to find that Lie Yang had just landed, then quickly turned around, and walked towards him, chasing him directly.

"What is he going to do?"

Toqi's face changed drastically, and this question suddenly appeared in his mind, and an inexplicable sense of crisis filled his heart.

He felt that this person suddenly became very scary, like a Shura who wanted his life.

"How is this going?"

At the same time, on the side of Donghu's army, the 20 troops whose morale was high a moment ago frowned instantly, and each of them looked solemn.

On the other side, Daqin's one hundred thousand warriors also took a deep breath. It's unbelievable to fight the enemy general with bare hands, isn't it?

At this moment, everyone focused on the battlefield, wishing to slow down the speed on the battlefield so that they could see clearly.

However, it is obvious that if Lie Yang does not make a move, it will be as fast as a gust of wind when he makes a move, and he will not give others a chance to slowly appreciate it.

It was too late to say it, but it was so fast at that time, I saw that he had just landed, and he turned around suddenly, and the whole person was galloping like lightning, chasing after Toqi and his horse that rushed out.

"Bang bang..."

Accompanied by two sounds, Lie Yang grabbed the galloping horse with one hand.

The war horse was still rushing forward, with unimaginable huge power, but this huge power couldn't help Lie Yang at all, and was abruptly stopped by Lie Yang.

Perhaps because the front hooves couldn't bear the sudden huge inertia, the horse's front legs broke instantly, and the entire body of the horse fell directly to the ground.


Lie Yang's eyes widened, and he exerted force with his hands, grabbing the hooves of the horse abruptly, swung the horse in a circle, and smashed the three thousand Donghu cavalry at a distance of a hundred paces.

(End of this chapter)

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