Chapter 834
"General, have you seen it?"

Under Qin Jun's commanding platform, the generals rushed out again, pointing in the direction of Donghu's army and shouting.

"General, the entire army of support soldiers has been wiped out!"

"General, order the attack!"

"General, now is the time when morale is at its peak, order to attack!"

"General, General Lie Yang is dangerous, give the order!"



All of a sudden, voices rang out, and dozens of generals in the army came out one after another, kneeling on one knee under the commander's platform to ask for a fight.

Liu Huan looked gloomy and clenched his fists.

At this moment, the situation has not only exceeded the expectations of Donghu Army coach Nihaman, but also has already exceeded his expectations.

Although it brought surprises, after the surprises, there were endless crises.

Whether it's Nehaman or him, after all, they are too worried about Lie Yang's fighting spirit.

This is not at all the fighting spirit that an ordinary person, or even an ordinary warrior, should have. He is a God of War, a well-deserved God of War.

If he doesn't fight, he wants to fight, and if he fights, he doesn't want to retreat.

But how can there be invincible people in this world?
How can there be an undefeated god of war in this world?

No matter how powerful you are, you can fight a hundred with one, a thousand with one, or even ten thousand with one, but what can you do with a hundred thousand or a million?

How dangerous is the war between the two armies?This is by no means a person strong enough to be fearless.

Back then, even Ying Shou, facing hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, almost died in battle, let alone Lie Yang?

Don't look at Lie Yang fighting more and more at this moment, more and more fierce.

But the more he was like this, the more worried Liu Huan was.

When manpower is limited, the harder Lie Yang fights, the faster he will be consumed. Once he is exhausted to the point where he has no strength to escape, even a hundred thousand troops will not be able to save him.

And once Lie Yang died, needless to say what the military spirit would be, first of all he would not be able to explain to that person.

If you want to say who is suffering the most at the moment, it is Liu Huan.

This is facing one's own generals surrounded by groups, it is not worth saving, and it is not worth not saving.

It is undeniable that he can barely exert the power that the [-] army phalanx should have, but he still cannot fully control it.Once an urgent attack to save people, there is a danger of disrupting the formation at any time.

A battle of 20 against [-] is to fight more with less. If even the formation is messed up, there is no need to fight this battle, and there is no doubt that they will lose.

You know, looking at the enemy's formation now, it is obvious that they are waiting for him to charge up. If they really want to charge up, then they are jumping into the pit.

But if he doesn't attack or save people, what should he do?
However, at this moment Lie Yang was still playing happily, no matter how he blew the horn, no matter how deafening the sound of his drum beating, no matter how he waved his banner.

Lie Yang couldn't even see his big banner. Hearing the sound of the horn and the beating of the drum, it was like cheering.

In this scene, Liu Huan was so angry that he almost lost his temper.

Now, even if Lie Yang just responds, it will give them a good chance to respond, and at the same time, it is also the best chance for the enemy to dig a hole.

"Get out!"

"Retire all to this general. Without this general's order, whoever dares to act recklessly will be killed without mercy!"

At this moment, Liu Huan's heart was already in a mess, and he was caught in endless struggle, and then listening to the countless chattering voices in his ears, he finally couldn't help but burst into a rage, and shouted angrily.

But after he finished scolding, he took another deep breath, looked at the soldiers with very ugly faces below, and said in a deep voice: "Generals, I know that the general who commanded the army has always been General Lieyang for this year. , you also obey General Lie Yang, relatively speaking, in your eyes, how can General Lie Yang be compared with this general?"

"If you can, I believe that you will spare no effort to enter the enemy army, even if you die, you will save General Lie Yang!"

"But you have to see the situation clearly. Now that the enemy army has already prepared for battle, they have opened up a huge pocket, just waiting for my [-] troops to come out. At that time, they will wait for me like they surrounded the cavalry just now. surrounded."

"At that time, can you think clearly whether to save people or die?"

"Also, have you seen it clearly? It's not the general who doesn't save me, but General Lie Yang who doesn't want to evacuate at all."

"At this moment, as long as General Fan Lieyang responds, even if I ask the general to lead the troops to meet him, the general will not hesitate!"

"This battle is about the glory of my Great Qin, and this battle is about the future safety of my Great Qin. Even if you don't think about this general, you have to think about yourself!"

"Even if you don't think about it for yourself, you should think about it for His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor. Even if you don't think about it for my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, you should think about it for the tens of millions of people in Great Qin, as well as your fellow villagers! "

"In this battle, I, Daqin, cannot be defeated, and I, Daqin, will win. This is our responsibility, this is our mission, this is our glory, do you understand?"

"Never do anything dangerous, everything, how about asking all generals to obey my orders? Liu Huan thanked you all!"

With that said, Liu Huan clasped his fists together from the handsome platform, bowed deeply to the crowd, and saluted.

The hearts of the generals trembled, and hesitation appeared on their faces.

Immediately afterwards, the generals hurriedly shouted: "General, please forgive me for being rude!"

"General, I offended you. I was the one waiting to save people. I was in a daze. Please ask the general to make amends!"

"Let's dispatch the general, I will definitely obey the general's order, prepare for battle at any time, and never act rashly!"

While speaking, all the generals knelt down on the ground one after another, not to force Liu Huan any more.

"Okay, if all the generals are so united, why should I, Daqin, be so worried?"

Seeing this, Liu Huan finally showed a rare smile.

He took a deep breath, and said: "Generals, wait a moment, and let this general think of a way!"

As he said that, Liu Huan waved back the generals, raised his head and frowned, and looked at the chaotic battlefield, the battlefield where Lie Yang was.

On the battlefield, Lie Yang was still criss-crossing, unmatched.

This battle has been fought for nearly half an hour.

Most people are already exhausted after exercising vigorously for ten minutes.

This half an hour, in future generations, would be an hour, six 10 minutes.

It seems that the time is not long, but in this time, it is easy for two or three people to die from exhaustion.

However, not only did Lie Yang show no signs of fatigue, but he became more and more courageous as he fought. In nearly half an hour, more than a thousand people had died under his hands.

The killing is still going on, the blood is still dispersing, the corpses are still accumulating, and the blood is still gathering.

During the battle, roars, roars, screams, and the sound of golden horses and iron horses formed a tragic and wonderful heroic battle song.

What is tragic is the Donghu army, which has turned into countless stepping stones.What is wonderful is Lie Yang, the general of the Great Qin Dynasty, who is brilliant and bloody, composing brilliant and wonderful moments.

(End of this chapter)

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