Chapter 835

"Pu Chi Pu Chi..."

There were shouts of killing everywhere, and all the thousand archers and crossbow cavalry had been wiped out. However, Zhang Hui, the general who led the troops, was the first to charge into the enemy army.

Although the gap opened by them was closing quickly, he finally broke in.

Countless enemies rushed from all directions, Zhang Hui held a long spear, and killed them bloodily.

Swinging the spear, he kept harvesting all the Donghu cavalry standing in front of him.

He is a real first-class general among the defenders of the Great Qin Northeast Great Wall, unstoppable by thousands of troops.

At this moment, he has only one mission, to kill General Lie Yang and recall General Lie Yang, even if General Lie Yang is playing happily at this moment, he doesn't notice him at all.

He is so desperate, not only because this is the order assigned to him by the general who commanded the battle, but also because he is the general of Daqin, and he is his brother in the army. He lives for his brothers, dies for his brothers, and fights to the end for his brothers. .

At the same time, he admired General Lie Yang even more.

Although General Lie Yang has been doing nothing in the army for the past year and seldom intervenes in the management of the army, he is a heroic man and never distinguishes between superiors and inferiors in the army.

From the generals in the army to the soldiers in the army, almost all of them ate meat, drank wine with him, and were beaten violently by him.

He is willing to be a target for everyone to practice. The key is that you are not afraid of pain. As long as you can bear the pain, you can go to him to practice.

He has a very good relationship with every soldier in the battalion, like a family. Therefore, every one of the [-] troops is willing to shed their blood for him, including Du Zhang Hui at this time.

For Zhang Hui, Lieyang is the representative of invincibility, Lieyang is the legend of invincibility, and Lieyang is the soul of the [-] army.

Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, as long as he is still alive, the [-] army will have endless fighting spirit.

Once he falls, the [-] troops will surely grieve.In their eyes, if an invincible general can be defeated, how can they win?
So at this moment, Zhang Hui had to rescue General Lie Yang, both public and private.

After a fierce fight, Zhang Hui was not as good as Lie Yang after all, and no one could get close to him.

By Lie Yang's side, whether it's a person or a horse, as long as you get close, you can shoot him to death or fly away, without leaving any obstacles around him, and without leaving any danger to approach.

But Zhang Hui couldn't do it. First of all, his strength was not enough to support him to fly everything, and his speed could not support him to move around among thousands of troops and sweep everything quickly.

With all these things, he will inevitably be overwhelmed and crushed by the army.

Although he was also charging all the way, but soon, the horse under his crotch was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, the armor all over his body was continuously torn, and his back was dripping with blood.

He was almost bearing countless injuries, crazily charged, and finally killed Lie Yang.


However, just as he approached the blank area around Lie Yang, he felt a gust of wind blowing towards him.

Lie Yang's iron rod fell from the sky, and the quick swing caused the air to vibrate, and it hit his forehead directly.

Under the gust of wind, the skin and flesh on his face were constantly bulging, as if the power of the strong wind alone could blow his head off.

The power brought by the iron rod made Zhang Hui stunned for an instant, and he was dumbfounded. Under the power, he couldn't even turn his mind, and his mind was blank. There was only one thought in his mind, that he would definitely die.

"Zhang Hui!"

However, at this moment, Lie Yang turned his head abruptly, and when he saw the armor of the Qin Army general on Zhang Hui's body, his expression changed suddenly, and he finally realized that the iron rod that fell could not be recovered, so he could only do his best Turning around with the stick, he swept out obliquely, and finally at the last moment, he opened Zhang Hui's forehead and smashed it to a horse that was killing Zhang Hui aside.


There was a crackling sound, and the chest and legs of the war horse were directly blown apart.

At this time, behind Zhang Hui, five Donghu knights also came over. At Zhang Hui's stunned moment, a knight swung a scimitar and slashed down powerfully, directly cutting through Zhang Hui's armor. Three points into the bone, although Zhang Hui's arm was not severed, blood spattered, very bloody.

There were also two Donghu knights, their scimitars slashed directly at Zhang Hui's back, bringing up long blood grooves and splashing a lot of blood.

The last two Donghu cavalrymen stabbed Zhang Hui's back with their machetes at the end.


Suffering severe injuries in a row, Zhang Hui finally spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body rushed to his face. He no longer had any strength to fight, or even stand up.

"Bastard, you dare to hurt my brother!"

Seeing this, Lie Yang's eyes turned red immediately, and he rushed forward, his bones and muscles seemed to be surging wildly, and his strength increased by three points.

"Bang bang bang..."

He was all speed, faster and fiercer again.

There were bursts of cracking sounds, and dozens of people, including horses and men, were either thrown into the air or knocked to the ground, unable to get up again!

Just when Lie Yang was about to go crazy and was about to kill all directions to avenge his brother, he suddenly felt his feet tighten, and Zhang Hui, who was dying, grabbed his ankle.

Lie Yang lowered his head abruptly, quickly grabbed Zhang Hui's arm, and shouted: "Brother!"

Zhang Hui shook his head, exhausted his last strength, and roared: "General, the general has an order, don't love to fight, retreat immediately!"

Zhang Hui did roar these words. Although his voice became very small in the end, he exhausted all his strength after all.

"Brother Zhang Hui!"

Lie Yang's eyes were about to split open, and he gritted his teeth.

At this moment, on the other side, Liu Huan thought of something, and immediately sent an order: "Send the order, the whole army shouts, the general has an order, and General Lie Yang retreats!"

The generals below were ordered, and their eyes lit up.

Because in the army, almost all orders are sent by soldiers and horses, or by big banners, drums, horns, and gold to withdraw troops, etc. Everyone has long been used to it.

But for a while, no one thought of shouting this trick at the top of their lungs.

At the moment when Liu Huan mentioned it, they didn't realize that General Lie Yang was beating himself so much now that he could even use the drum and horn to remind him that he could use it as a cheer.

If a hundred thousand troops shouted in unison, it would definitely shake the heavens and earth. Even if General Lie Yang forgets himself again, the sound would be enough to wake him up.

Immediately, all the generals galloped on their horses, jumped in the aisle of the army square, and gave orders continuously, shouting: "The whole army listens to the order, shouting in unison, the general has an order, and General Lie Yang retreats!"

After dozens of generals personally acted as messengers and ran around repeatedly, the order had been issued in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, before these dozens of generals gathered on the commander's platform, they looked up to Tianshan Mountain and shouted: "The general has an order, General Lie Yang retreats!"

The voices of these generals fell, and the [-] troops behind immediately followed suit.For a moment, I only heard the sound wave soaring to the sky, piercing the sky, deafening, as if the sound had turned into substance, and the impact went away!
(End of this chapter)

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