Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 836 Daqin also has a temper

Chapter 836 Daqin also has a temper
"Brother Zhang Hui..."

Among the chaotic army, Lie Yang was furious, looking at Zhang Hui who was slowly closing his eyes, dying of breath, he roared angrily.

With his angry appearance, he was instantly shocked in all directions, and all the surrounding enemies were frightened. For a while, no one dared to step forward and attack.

After a long time, someone finally plucked up the courage and slashed at his back with a knife.



There was only the sound of a knife clanging and tearing, and the soldier tried his best, but he only tore a hole in his tailor-made armor, which could barely scratch a layer of skin.

Lie Yang trembled all over, turned his head suddenly, his eyes were red, and he looked behind him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, slowly put down Zhang Hui's corpse in his hand, and said coldly, "Looking for death!"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly lifted the iron rod, flew up, fell from the sky, and smashed down with an iron rod.


There was a violent sound, blood and brains splattered, and the Donghu cavalryman's neck was forced into his chest by him.

There wasn't even a decent scream, and the Donghu cavalry was already dead and couldn't die anymore.

"If you dare to kill my brother, you will all die, die..."

Lie Yang roared angrily, and fell to the ground with the iron rod in his hand, he was about to go berserk again and kill all directions, without even remembering the last sentence Zhang Hui yelled just now.

However, at this moment, suddenly, an earth-shattering sound came from afar, completely covering the sound of horses' hooves and shouts of killing in the chaos.

"The general has an order, General Lie Yang retreats!"

"The general has an order, General Lie Yang retreats!"

"The general has an order, General Lie Yang retreats!"

The sound followed one after another, forming a situation of one wave after another, and each wave was higher than the last wave, which can be described as deafening, like thunder from the sky.

Lie Yang turned his head sharply, and saw that among the Qin army, one hundred thousand troops roared to the sky, and the general Liu Huan personally held a big banner, waved it in the air, and issued an order to retreat the flag.

Looking at Liu Huan's appearance, he was already anxious and helpless, and almost jumped up.


Lie Yang's eyes were red, he was unwilling to withdraw like this, if just now, he would return disappointed, but now, he is already dead, his generals died in battle, as the real general of this army, how can he Can you leave like this?

He is not reconciled, he is roaring.

But just when he was about to continue killing the enemy regardless of everything, he saw Liu Huan roaring up to the sky on the handsome stage, with an anxious expression on his face.

Seeing this, Lie Yang snapped back the iron rod that was about to be swung out.

In the final analysis, he is now the Great Qin General after all, and he can't do anything recklessly.

Since the emperor ordered him to obey Liu Huan's orders, he has no right to resist.

This is not to say that he can't beat the emperor, but he is afraid of the emperor and dare not disobey the emperor's orders.

If he is really upset, no matter how powerful the emperor is, he can still not take it to heart.

But his younger sister is still by the emperor's side now, and he has become the emperor's concubine, the emperor's woman.

If due to his own reasons, his sister would not have a good life, that was what he was most worried about.

He and his sister have been dependent on each other for more than ten years in his life, and deep down in his heart, he always cares about his sister the most.For the sake of my sister, what can I do if I suffer some grievances?
At this moment, he felt aggrieved and extremely dissatisfied.But as long as he thought of his sister, he finally gritted his teeth and decided to follow Liu Huan's order to retreat.


Made up his mind, Lie Yang roared to the sky, turned around and ran towards Qin Jun.

In front of him, a three-layer encirclement has already been surrounded. In this situation, let alone a person, even a fly cannot get out.

It's a pity that this army is facing Lie Yang at the moment, and Lie Yang is waving an iron rod in his hand. Even though he has lost his mount, this does not hinder his speed and power in the slightest.

Anyone who stood in front of him saw the shadows of sticks approaching one after another, as if a great river and waves were rushing by. Everyone who stood in front of him was immediately swept away by his iron bars.

Lie Yang's speed is getting faster and faster, and he keeps rushing towards the outside of the encirclement, and no one can stop him.

"No, this Lieyang wants to break through! Send an order to bring another [-] troops and block all his paths for me. He must not be allowed to go back!"

Seeing this scene, Nihaman, the coach of Donghu army, immediately hissed and roared.

This Lieyang swept back and forth in the army, killing corpses all over the place, blood flowed into rivers, now he wants to leave after fighting, how can there be such a good thing in the world?
Today, if Lie Yang succeeds in breaking through the siege, the Qin army's morale will be boosted. The Qin army, which is itself very difficult to deal with, and the Qin army's phalanx, if the morale is boosted, they will be invincible.

This is something he cannot allow, so today, Lie Yang must die no matter what.


Behind Nihaman, a warrior held his fists to accept the order, and immediately led an army of [-] to fight wildly, and circled behind Lie Yang again, forming another encirclement.

At this moment, the battle on this battlefield is getting bigger and bigger. The field with a radius of one kilometer in front was originally a blank area, but at this moment, almost all of it is occupied by the encircling army of Donghu.

Among them, thousands of Eastern Hu cavalry soldiers rushed directly to the front of the Qin army's phalanx, less than [-] steps away, just to form a siege and prevent Lie Yang from abdicating.

"Okay, General Lie Yang has begun to break through the siege, pass down the order and prepare to respond!"

Seeing Lie Yang breaking through, Liu Huan was overjoyed and shouted hastily.


The generals below promised to wait for Liu Huan to order troops at any time.

However, Liu Huan is still waiting and watching. Seeing Qin Jun rushing to within [-] steps of his army, he immediately laughed.

Seeing that he has been standing here and the phalanx is not moving, the Donghu army really doesn't take himself and the [-] army seriously. It's really unreasonable.

Liu Huan sneered, and shouted: "Did you see that the Donghu wolf soldiers are provoking me and other Daqin warriors! Don't these wolf cubs know the taboos of my Daqin warriors?"

"In front of our Daqin phalanx, five hundred paces is a restricted area, and three hundred paces is a deadly place. Now, these jackal soldiers are completely disregarding my Daqin's rules. Since they dare to come, tell me what to do?"

As soon as Liu Huan finished speaking, a general shouted: "General, order to kill!"

"That's right, General, kill!"

While speaking, voices rang out one after another, and the generals seemed to ask for a fight again.

"Okay, since the Donghu cavalry are so provocative, how can I, Daqin, lose my temper? Order the former army's crossbowmen and three thousand halberd soldiers to advance three hundred steps forward. Kill without mercy!"

Seeing this, Liu Huan no longer stopped the crowd this time, and gave an order, and a general named Dong Kui clasped his fists as he promised, rushed away in front of the other generals, and ordered three thousand crossbowmen in front of him, three thousand commanders The halberd soldiers stepped forward step by step, advancing towards the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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