Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 859 The Scorching Sun Crisis

Chapter 859 The Scorching Sun Crisis

"Clang clang..."

Back in time, when Lie Yang entered the Great Wall, Lie Yang had just entered the Great Wall when he heard bursts of clattering sounds. In front of him, three thousand shirtless men drew out the Daqin Zhanjian at the same time and pointed at it. he!
An invisible murderous aura swept over, approaching Lie Yang!

Lie Yang frowned, couldn't help but doubt in his heart, and looked at the three thousand brave warriors in front of him!

The so-called brave warriors are also called dead warriors.

But this is by no means ordinary dead men. Ordinary dead men are used for assassination, sneak attack, and various conspiracies and tricks.

Dare warriors are different, dare warriors are also dead warriors, in the words of later generations, they are daredevil squads, dare warriors who rush to kill on the battlefield.

Such people, they are heroes, heroes on the battlefield, heroes who shed their blood for the sake of their families and countries, and heroes who are above board!

They are the strongest fighters on the battlefield, they only care about fighting, and saving their lives is completely out of their consideration.

According to Daqin's tactics, usually such death squads are basically arranged at the forefront of the team.

In order to alleviate all obstacles and prevent slow shots, they usually don't even wear clothes, let alone armor. Almost all of them are shirtless and only wear a pair of underpants.

Such brave fighters die quickly on the battlefield, but also kill the enemy the most fiercely, and have the greatest chance of making meritorious deeds.

Therefore, many people know that being a warrior is basically a dead end, but for the sake of glory, for the sake of future generations or family brothers, they still enter the camp of warriors without hesitation.

"Okay, it seems that you are very clear about your mission. Since you draw your sword, you must see blood!"

"Three thousand brave warriors obey the order and prepare for battle at any time. When the flag is ordered, they will immediately follow the general and kill the enemy's commander!"

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Lie Yang didn't think much about it.

After all, now is the time when the two armies are at war. As a brave fighter, the stronger the murderous aura, the better. Only with such a murderous aura can one display sufficient strength.


However, at the moment when Lie Yang's voice fell, only a cold voice sounded, and the next moment, three thousand brave warriors rushed towards Lie Yang at the same time!

For a moment, only one after another roars were heard, and three thousand brave warriors had already rushed to Lie Yang.

I saw countless sword lights coming from all directions, and the sharp aura made the hair on my body stand up uncontrollably, and goosebumps protruded instantly.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"

Lie Yang was startled, shouted loudly, waved the long stick in his hand, instantly turned into an afterimage, and swept out.

"Clang clang..."

In an instant, there was only a clanging sound, and if Lie Yang didn't make a move, he could be said to be so powerful. Where the iron rod passed, more than a dozen war swords burst instantly.

At the same time, he stepped forward, waving the sword in his hand.


Just hearing the sound of the wind, the iron rods hit four or five people one after another, and four or five people flew upside down, vomiting blood and falling to the ground.


Lie Yang frowned, no matter how naive he was, at this moment, he couldn't tell that this army was preparing to rebel.

After all, even if you want to challenge him, you don't need to be at the time when the two armies are at war!
Immediately, he couldn't help looking towards the direction where the order sounded, and saw a man in a cloak and a demon mask standing there quietly five hundred paces away. The lower eyes are staring at him!
This glance made Lie Yang more certain of his thoughts. The army in front of him, this army of brave warriors with souls that should have belonged to the one hundred thousand army, really rebelled.


The moment Lie Yang looked at the black-robed man, shouts of killing continued to ring out from all directions.

There seemed to be no other words in the mouths of the three thousand brave warriors except for the word 'kill'.

Amidst the shouts of killing, three thousand brave warriors had completely surrounded Lie Yang, and the moment Lie Yang looked at the black-robed man, they swarmed up, completely crowding Lie Yang in the middle.

When Lie Yang came to his senses, there were already crowds of people around him, and at the same time, countless sword lights swept across his body, greeting Ah from every corner, both openly and secretly.

The head, arms, shoulders, neck, chest, back, waist, legs, and all ground seams, without exception, are all within the attack range of the three thousand warriors.

Lie Yang's heart was shocked. For a while, he didn't even have room to move around, let alone swing a two-meter-long iron rod.

Obviously, this is what the three thousand warriors have already thought up, and it is used to fight Lie Yang.

This kind of tactics is not very practical on the battlefield. At least, if it is used in a confrontation between thousands of troops, it is courting death, and there is no way to exert any power at all.

But if it is only used to deal with one person, or a few people, no matter how powerful the opponent is, this kind of tactics is the most effective.

After all, no matter how strong a person is, he still needs space to display his abilities. Even if there is no space, strong abilities are empty talk.

It's like a person who can't float and falls into the sea. Even if you have the mighty power, you can only be submerged obediently, and any struggle will be useless.

What is human sea tactics?

This is the crowd tactics!
When the two armies confront each other, the so-called crowd tactics are at best an advantage in numbers, but if they have an advantage again, a certain distance is still maintained between the teams.After all, without this distance, there is no room for display.

This is also the reason why the Great Qin's [-] troops insisted on occupying a radius of more than ten miles when they deployed their formations.

It is also because of this reason that Lie Yang can come and go freely under the heavy siege of the enemy army.

He only needs to kill all the enemies around him, and in an instant, a huge space will be freed up for him to use his strength.

But now, when the three thousand brave warriors are crowded in front and back, like sea water, they are all-pervasive, so crowded that he can hardly do anything, even if he kills all the enemies around him, the rest of them will be crowded up in an instant , squeezed him to death.

In this case, he was powerless to resist.


Faced with countless sword attacks, Lie Yang yelled, and lifted his iron rod with all his strength, but found that the moment the iron rod was lifted, there were more than a dozen people at the same time.

These people clasped his long stick one by one. Although they couldn't do anything to his astonishing power, they also made his iron stick powerless.

Seeing this scene, Lie Yang's heart trembled again.

He has no time to sweep these people off the iron rod, the countless sword edges have already killed him at this moment.

He could only use all his strength in time, and pulled the iron rod to protect his vitals.

But the key is protected, and other places are in crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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